Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Vision Quest
But NOONE wants to talk ..
Hi Lisa,
Happy to make your acquaintance. I just went back and read some of your other posts. Sorry I missed them originally, but better late than never, eh?
I set up a forum on VQ sometime back. The one guy who said he'd been there turned out to be a real clown, but don't let that bother you. Is it OK w/ you if I move or copy some of your posts to
Please do encourage anyone who's willing to share their story here. Also, if those court documents are public record, I've got plenty of room under for them.
When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands, flying through space with all other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty.
-- John Muir
--- End quote ---
Hi ! Please feel free to move or copy my post to anywhere you feel the word may get out . I have posted in the Vq forum sometime back early in my lawsuit against them . Not really any replies but alot of people viewed. I read in earlier repsonse here that Vq had some 14 deaths.. When researching the death rate with VQ if I remember correctly it hit well over 20 since the 80's .
This is from their wilderness programs and bootcamps . I will go back and recheck it make sure that number is correct. However I do know that the cases of abuse are overwhelming.
Just in the year 2003 .. VQ here has had roughly 18 abuse cases reported to DCF (that is at one facility ran by VQ not all!).. These cases are full of total neglect .. sexual abuse .. along with the mental and verbal and physical abuse. Although DCF has the outlook this is NOT public information and they will not provide this information.. VQ keeps a log and one is designated to make the reports, that is herendous! I have 3 file folders of Court documents.. are they public information??? How do I find this out ?? if so I am more then willing to send to you .
Let's compare lists of deaths. Here's what I have.
Eric Schibley
Bernard Reefer
Robert Zimmerman
Charles Lucas
James Lamb
Robert Erwin
Lyle Foodrov
Tammy Edmiston
Leon Anger
Mario Cano
Danny Lewis
John Vincent Garrison
Shinaul McGraw
Carlos Ruiz
Dawnne Takeuchi
Wow! I was a youth in the west coast program for a year and 6 months around 1986. I had been on my own since 14 because life on the street was safer than home, I was arrested 7 times before I hit 16, placed in a group home and made a ward of the court. Went to VQ shortly after. And I loved it! It changed my life! I did see a couple of staff get a little rough but nothing major, I heard a kid died a couple years ahead of me from a heart problem. I know I had to go thru an extensive physical before they would release me to the program. I am not saying all the kids that died were from Physiological unforeseeable's, but I would guess that would be the bulk of them. VQ was tough! Physically and mentally. All the staff I knew were good people with good intentions.
Since leaving VQ I have gone to college, started my own business and am raising two beautiful, smart, well rounded children. Not to say all the grass has been green, but without VQ I would not have achieved any of this.
--- Quote from: "Deborah" ---Let's compare lists of deaths. Here's what I have.
Eric Schibley
Bernard Reefer
Robert Zimmerman
Charles Lucas
James Lamb
Robert Erwin
Lyle Foodrov
Tammy Edmiston
Leon Anger
Mario Cano
Danny Lewis
John Vincent Garrison
Shinaul McGraw
Carlos Ruiz
Dawnne Takeuchi
--- End quote ---
The "today a child died" blog is a work in progress. I don't know how far they are but here is some of the articles they have made:
* Robert Doyle Erwin - 1980
* Tammy Edmiston - 1982
* Leon Anger - 1984
* Danny Lewis - 1989
* John Vincent Garrison - 1990
* Carlos Ruiz - 1994
More will follow as they get through the records.
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