Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore

When is it the right time for an honest man to lie????- the

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Chris, I appreciate that you are apparently grateful to this program for your "turn around". I know it must have been alot of hard work on your part so I hope you do not discredit your own self worth in the process.

My question is what is the nature of your being with the program now. I am assuming by your posts that you have completed the program? Are you still with them as an employee now or are you still in the program?

Never mind Chris, I read the other list and figured it out. You are going back for a month then going to school.

Just for your information Mark Sudweeks was a CO-Owner of the wwasp. so before you start talkin s++t know ur facts


--- Quote ---On 2005-01-28 18:33:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Just for your information Mark Sudweeks was a CO-Owner of the wwasp. so before you start talkin s++t know ur facts"

--- End quote ---

Tell me more, please. How can I verify this?
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.
Tacitus, Roman senator and historian (A.D. c.56- c.115)
--- End quote ---


search for mark sudweeks, he co-owned New Hope Academy


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