Author Topic: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter  (Read 10997 times)

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #30 on: December 29, 2004, 05:38:00 PM »
Its sad how small-minded some people are, and how hard it is for some to let go of the cult.

We're so fortunate, to have been able to live freely- in spite of.  Maybe it just requires a stronger mind.

To the Mormon and the Mormon's lawyer- Go stroke eachother's cocks in a disclosure circle.  The mormon can bring his inbred family.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #31 on: December 29, 2004, 08:18:00 PM »
These two posts came from the same location.

On 2004-12-28 08:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Good to hear something that isn't a delusion of the drug infested, self-justifying cult at this site---you'll see what I mean pretty fast,if you haven't already: these guys-- bottom line--are just trying to sanitize their drug obsession and other perverse behavior-- by bashing schools that help kids who've had their lives swamped by negativity---including substance abuse in a lot of cases.

Why do I care? because i've seen two friends who were really helped by a CEDU program---and if I even had a kid or sibling who needed one I want them to exist...not be driven out of existence by money grubbing lawyers. Like you I think the suits will amount to nothing but you never know when you go to court---I wish this country had "loser pay" court rules--that would shut down some of these ambulance chasers.

But watch yourself here Mormon poster some of these site-flies act real psychotics--they threaten, stalk, they rave--- who knows what they're capable of---someone I know sent copies of some of the vilest posts to the psycho posters local police departments in cases where they give enough identifying info---and on to web authorities when their raving just contains their fornits posting names."

Quote ... m=11#70275
Unregistered User

Subtopic: More proof that CEDU is not going out of existence
Posted: 2004-12-09 18:07:00  
 This kind of shit is why I warn you all not to think these recent law suits are going to end RMA or CEDU or anything else in the teen help department I know for a fact that RMA and CEDU are each planning huge parent reunions for next spring---doesn't exactly sound like they're thinking "game over"--of course not---they're not broke either like some posters say---you can get their bottom line finance data.

CEDU is cultivating friends in high places as the previous posts show and the country's mood is "make those kids obey"...either CEDU will settle with these two dozen families out of court for nuisance value or they'll drag out the records of kids, families and maybe even witnesses until no juror is going to blame the schools when they have to deal with such extreme fuck-ups. All the scolding at this site about some counsellor was disrespectful or over disclosing or kids had to do a propheet and not sleep for a while is going to mean nothing--the jury will just think it's some kind of reality check or high intensity program for some really messed up adolescents who had it coming

So good luck on your victory dreams and a big "I told you so" when it's over, the suits that is, cuz CEDU isn't going anywhere any time soon

Wow, thanks for tipping your hand there, CHUCK. See, when we try and explain to people just how you "people" (and I use the term loosely) go about calling in favors and intimidating and humiliating wittnesses, they usually think we must be paranoid or something. But here you are corroborating our testimony of your own free will. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help. Please, keep posting. I promise not to tell your sysadmin what you're doing w/ your access, provided no one actually files a criminal or civil demand for that info.

The problem with the "teen help" industry is that it's a bad "solution" in search of a problem.

Anonymity Anonymous
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #32 on: December 29, 2004, 09:47:00 PM »
Well...well...well...what a very small world this is.  Look what I found doing research for my dissertation on "Abuses in the Emotional Growth Boarding School Industry."  Let me tell you about my little encounter with the CEDU system and Chuckie baby.  I didn't have a kid in the program.  I wasn't an employee.  I was an innocent victim who happened to fall in love with a CEDU employee who was getting a divorce from his wife, another CEDU employee.  One day, my love and I drove out to Kootenai Falls.  We happened to notice a family milling around where we were sitting.  The man had a camera.  The woman with him, I assume his wife :smile:, and his child (nice use of a cover CHUCKIE...use a kid...comes with practice, doesn't it?) positioned themselves between us and the man taking pictures.  Turns out...this man was Chuckie baby, an employee of CEDU.  We all know his last name, don't we? Confused. gets better.

I make a trip to my previous hometown.  While there, I am packing belongings into a truck, from storage at my old home.  As I am packing I notice a pile of documents left on my desk.  I picked them up.  On the top was a FAX from a private investigation company, GT Investigations.  I notice a name at the top of the FAX...yep...CHUCKIE baby'name.  Seems CHUCKIE took a contract to spy on me and my new love by my ex-husband.  The email states that CHUCKIE had accessed my husband's email account at work and new enough about me to make statements about my employment.  Where did he get this information?  Who was he collaborating with within the CEDU system?  Somebody had to give him access to my husband's email.  Thing husband was a therapist at BCA and he kept confidential client and family records on his computer.  What else
did CHUCKIE look at when he was accessing my husband's computer?  OH...laying next to the FAX of CHUCKIE's activities spying on a fellow CEDU employee, my future husband the BCA of my future husband going into work at BCA.  AH...CEDU employee taking pictures of another CEDU employee while at work and then SOLD private information to a third party. Naughty...naughty!  Guess what?  Human Resources refused to do anything about this.  When my husband asked CEDU Human Resources if they used CHUCKIE to spy on other CEDU employees, her answer was, "I am not at liberty to discuss that with you."  ???? You can spy on him and then tell him you are not at liberty?  Sounds mighty ethical to me???  HMMMMMM.....When my husband asked for his employement records he was denied them, even though schools who receive Federal funding for schooling the children in their "sic" care, must disclose employment records.  That is Federal Employment Law...but...does CEDU honor the law? Another violation of the law.  But who the hell cares about ethics?  How about civil rights?  Heck...we are on a roll...human rights?  Don't expect them for yourself or your kids.  You won't get them. So, if CEDU employees will do this to other CEDU employee...what will they do to your kids?  It is a question you must ask if you release your children to these monsters.

Addendum: Chuckie's reasoning is evidence of the ridiculously insulated mindset of this cult.  They believe they are beyond reproach and lay all the blame at the feet of the poor children, parents, and ethical professionals who trust in them to care for and heal their children. ain't just the kids and their families who will be in court.  There will be many professionals who stand as credible witnesses to the continued torture of children and the unethical bleeding of these parent's pocketbooks.  CEDU's long record of abuse in their facilities across the United States is a matter of public record.  Do you really believe the CEDU bullshit that you will have a job a year or two from now?  This is only the beginning.  What do you think a jury will think when they get a gander at the numerous court cases settled for huge settlements?  CEDU didn't have anything better to do with their money?  The cries of the numbers of abuse victims, their therapists, their doctors, and the many lawyers defending them will count. Now...I have been having a little discussion with our Federal folks...maybe they will come to court?  I hope you can find work in Bonners Ferry, Chuckie.  Why don't you have them call me for a reference.  Better yet...I am sure you still have pictures. You know who I am CHUCKIE.  Give me a call sometime.  I would love to record your phone call. At least I will have the ethics, integrity, and law abiding fortitude to inform you that I am doing so.
"How do you like me now?" God I loved that first post in this thread.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #33 on: December 29, 2004, 09:59:00 PM »
Chuckie I'd like to ram my fist down your fucking throat and pull out your fucking tongue!  We all know who you really are, so get the fuck out of here before I come and MAKE you get the fuck out of here, you fucking piece of human SHIT!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #34 on: December 30, 2004, 01:39:00 AM »
Hey Brian . . . just sit back and watch the show man.  He is dark.  Don't go like him.  Dark on dark only makes a black hole Dude.  Speak truth.  Black holes simply can't handle the truth. Remember Dude...the black attracts the black.  Why do you think all the vamps in the school take care of hiding who they really are man?  They can't handle the truth.  Just how many people is it gonna take telling their stories before truth seekers get that all these people sharing their guts aren't a bunch of liars, loonies, druggies, and idiots who do not know what happened to them in the schools?  How many of the adults who worked at the asylums say the same things as the kids are all liars, loonies, druggies, and idiots?  They can't take your truth or dignity any more man.  Don't give it to them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #35 on: December 30, 2004, 02:28:00 AM »
Last post from CHUCK or "CHUCKIE" . I have no need or desire to banter back and forth, nor defend myself in any way past what I am now posting. I have never had nor do I continue to have anything but a childs safety and best interest involved in transporting them anywhere, to a CEDU program or any other program that is set up to work with kids. I take priide in being able to work with these children in a very low key approach. I want to treat them in every respect, as I would want someone to treat my child in a delicate situation. With safety foremost and respect and dignity. I have kids that are in contact with me to this very day that I have transported or worked with over the years. There aren't many that can say that they haven't been treated kind and fair during thier stay or contact with me. One can always find someone who feels "slighted" or "wronged" by a person, organization, or company. No one person or organization can be all things to all people nor "do right" in everyones eyes no matter how hard they try, even with the best intentions.

 (The following part of this post is to address the accusations by "Anonymous" posted 12/29/04 above)

As for being used to spy on employees and going through employees computers and records, and then having the employer cover that up... thats pure nonsense. Never happened. Never will.

I was asked by a friend at an investigations agency to see if I could gather certain information for a client of thiers that had suspicions that his wife was cheating on him with a man that lived in my county. Typical PI agencies bread and butter case. Since the agency wasn't "local" to our county and they knew me, they asked for my help.

When I was asked by the agency if I could do this, I wasn't even aware that this person actually was an employee. They thought he may be based on what they knew from thier client. I mentioned that I knew his wife was an employee at the time and that may be where they got it from, but I didn't think he was and I knew next to nothing about him. I only had to ask a few people that knew the couple in question and it all began to unfold.

Its amazing how people that act with indiscretion think. They think that nobody else see's or knows about it. They automaticaly think there is no way that this information could be gathered other than by illegaly breaking into personal employer computers and or with the aid and knowledge of the employer. I don't even want to speculate or quess what personal things employers computers were used for in this particular situation, but it obviously hit a nerve with "Anonymous" and her new husband. It is assumed that everything including the employer were involved. That is the farthest thing from the truth.

ALL INFORMATION gathered was COMMON knowledge anyone could have gathered. No breaking into computers  files, and employers needed. In fact I had calls coming to me on many of these questions. All this outside of employer's property, time, and definately on my own and legally. Allot of the information came from people that knew the person or his then current wife in some context, and were upset at what they saw was happening. I was surprised at how little was needed to get this information.

 As far as pictures go...anyone with a borrowed camera with a good telephoto lens can get them. As a matter of fact, due to the distance and the size of the lens, the pictures turned out pretty fuzzy and crappy. I wouldn't have sent them to the client myself. I am surprised they were even sent to the client by the agency. The person in the pictures could have been any male. They were pretty fuzzy and blurred. I quess if you know its yourself in them, then its a big deal.I am sure the client wouldnt have had a clue if he had run into this person on the street by those photo's. Oh and being at the falls and taking pictures, I am glad you think I was taking pics of you. My only regret at the time was that I DIDN'T have a good camera when I bounced into you BY ACCIDENT. If I had taken pictures there of the person in question, or better yet both together as a couple, then at least I may have had a good clear picture and not what was sent.  

I would do nothing different in any other situation similar to this particular case if it ever came up again. The only thing I would change is pass on gathering info on someone if I found out they were an employee... just to avoid the craziness that can follow. Makes for interesting reading though.

Well dream on everyone with your conspiracy theories and crazy ideas. :o  Heres an inside tip, the black unmarked CEDU helicopters are coming your way and they have cameras that see through walls. They can pick out information from personal computers in your home. They also can brainwash everyone and the person won't even know it.You will then just be minions in the master plan of distroying childrens lives. Thats how incidious these people are. Pass it on, we need to get this info out!!!  Sincerely,CHUCKIE
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Son Of Serbia

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2004, 08:58:00 AM »
Well it's obvious that working for cedu all of these years has taught you how to lie, and you are very accomplished at that aren't you?

Personally, I don't give a fuck about you or your pictures.  The very fact that you've made a career out of kidnapping children to be abused by mormon cultists tells me everything.

You're a fucking loser Chuck, pure and simple,
and I doubt that you've ever had a real job.
Only a very sick and perverted individual like yourself could build their life around exploiting other people's misery, and even worse, pride themselves on that!

What is it about your job that gives you such a hard on anyways chuck?  Is it the sense of power you feel when you hold a struggling adolescent down and watch them squirm? Does that make you feel like a man, chuck? To be able to control someone, anyone in such a way?   Or perhaps it's the perverted kind  of intamacy you feel when you pin these kids down, and press your body against theirs?  You like laying on top of struggling children, don't you chuck? its better when they resist, isn't it? I mean here you have the perfect excuse to grope & fondle children at your leisure, but its perfectly legal because it's all in the name of "Restraint", Right Chuck?

You like being alone with those poor kids don't you?  Oh those poor Kids!  What did they ever do to deserve being used for your own disgusting personal enjoyment Chuck?

Indeed you are a sick and depraved man chuckie,
you are a monster.  And you have absolutely no place out here among real human beings.

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-12-30 06:08 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #37 on: December 30, 2004, 11:26:00 AM »
On 2004-12-29 23:28:00, Anonymous wrote:

 I have never had nor do I continue to have anything but a childs safety and best interest involved in transporting them anywhere, to a CEDU program or any other program that is set up to work with kids.

Believe it or not, I believe you. But you know what they say about good intentions, right? Jim Jones and all his followers were likely acting on the very same kind of good intentions when they fed their children poison.

But you're wrong, Chuck. You're dead wrong. You should listen to some of these kids. You know these people. You knew them when they were in CEDU. They're telling you how they had to fake it, how they had to degrade themselves by thanking you sadistic sons of bitches for tormenting them. Now that they're free and not subject to return to the Program, now they can tell you. But it's not the flattering, ego boosting bullshit that you like to hear. And, after all, you have a steady supply of that from the kids who dare not speak otherwise for fear of being deemed out of compliance.

So go back to your fantasy land where you get to play the swaggaring hero. I never did think you folks would see the light. But, if I were you, I'd make some other plans. Looks like the game is almost up now and you'd better have a plan B.

There lives more faith, in honest doubt,
Believe me, than in half the creeds.
Anonymity Anonymous
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #38 on: December 30, 2004, 01:26:00 PM »
Funny Chuck,
You betray your own statements.
The Fax that you sent to Steve clearly stated in your own misspelled words (DEVORSE) that you were in the process of getting into the e mail.

Regarding the pictures, you again betray truth.
Read your own words, You say one thing and later you contradict yourself - My pictures are clear, guess you got bad copies, huh.

And watching you jump into the bushes as we walked by reminded me of the Keystone Cops.

Then, what really betrays you as unethical is that you took Stave's money to tell him "what everyone already knew" and then admitted that this is exactly what you did. This is both funny and pathetic.
You are correct that the "affair" was already well known . Hell, we went to BCA's graduation together and never tried to cover it up. In fact he enjoyed rubbing those phoney puratanistic peoples faces in it. Sleeping alone for two years with a CEDU wife who only screams and yells "shut up" and otherwise does not talk except to say, in typical CEDU fasion,  - "go find somebody else to fuck" tends to bring out any man's indignant and irreverant side.

Then, you CEDU escorts claim to care deeply and treat kids with dignity???? If you don't treat people with dignity, how can you clain to treat kids with dignity and care. HEY CHUCK< KIDS ARE PEOPLE. Then the article below betrays you again with "FEDERAL JURY SIDES WITH WOMAN IN RAPE LAWSUIT EMPLOYER ORDERED TO PAY $164,595; COUNTY HASN'T FILED CRIMINAL CHARGES (because the county prosecuter Denise Woodberry was married to CEDU recruiter Lon Woodberry, who was paid on comission, and probably didn't want her hubby to lose money prosecuting a mere rape). -- (words in parenthises mine). Look,

Page: B1
Author: By Susan Drumheller Staff writer
Illustration: Color Photo
Caption: Armstrong

An ``intervention specialist'' who delivers kids to private behavioral schools and camps in North Idaho was ordered by a federal jury to pay a former employee $164,595 for allegedly drugging and raping her. Twila Stephenson filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against Richard Armstrong of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, in November 1996, accusing him of slipping drugs into her drinks, then raping her.

Armstrong runs a company called Boundary Lines, which specializes in transporting teenagers from their homes to private schools, such as the Rocky Mountain Academy.

Stephenson worked for Armstrong as a counselor from 1993 until April 1996. The jury deliberated for four hours after a four day trial in Coeur d'Alene.

Jury members determined that Armstrong raped Stephenson while she was unconscious, that he caused her to be unconscious and that the conduct was outrageous.

"We were surprised by the verdict,'' said Stanton Rines, Armstrong's attorney."  (DUH)

The evidence included two taped confessions, said Craig Mosman, Stephenson's attorney.

"``Somebody who commits those acts ought to be in prison,'' Mosman said." (No prisin for this rapist)

Boundary County officials (Denise Woodberry) never charged Armstrong, despite the fact that Mosman and Stephenson filed a report with police and offered to provide evidence, Mosman said.

Mosman said he never discussed the case with Boundary County Prosecutor Denise Woodbury, who was not available for comment Friday. (Yeah, Right)

Stephenson has left the state and now lives and works in New Mexico, Mosman said. She claimed she was fired after the alleged rape when she confronted Armstrong about crushing sleeping
pills into her drink after she refused to have sex with him. (Funny, That is how CEDU handles anyone with the integrity to confront their abuses they fire them)
End Article:

(Anyeay, Lon Woodberry now owns and operates and runs a service of "educational consuntants" that make referrls, for big bucks to CEDU and other teen mind control camps. I suppose they care deeply too -- yeah,

Like you Chuckie they care about the thickness of their wallets.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #39 on: December 30, 2004, 01:50:00 PM »
All of these kids posting here went through the CEDU program and were taught American Family Values. And Chuck is a champion of family values. Just because he restrains and escorts kids to CEDU doesn't make him a rapist, although that would be a good lesson for them on what lies ahead if the stay on the path of sin. I think that Armstrong fellow, though he broke the law, only gave a fornicator what she wanted. In the same way the kids at CEDU get the dicipline that is comming to them and thank us for it later.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #40 on: December 30, 2004, 02:05:00 PM »
PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE say that this is troll bait!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #41 on: December 30, 2004, 02:11:00 PM »
BCA staff  If you are speaking from satire, you are brilliant.  Absolutely, the way they think.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #42 on: December 30, 2004, 02:16:00 PM »
On 2004-12-30 10:50:00, BCA STAFF wrote:

" though he broke the law, only gave a fornicator what she wanted.

 How can you possibly be in a position to nurture the values system of children, with a fucked up thought process like this?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #43 on: December 30, 2004, 02:19:00 PM »
I thought these were either satire or trollbait.  Turns out it was much scarier.  They actually MEANT it. ... 1&start=20

You just have to realize that the therapists and their psuedo-education are worthless and the way things WERE done before they came were correct. It is they who have ruined CEDU and all of the staff know this.

The therapists have perverted the whole CEDU system with their "ethics" and their "proper and humane therapeutic processes."

The way to get to a kid is to tear him or her down until there is nothing left but a blank slate and then build a new child on proper social values.

You people just want to do whatever your sexual and pleasure-seeking drives ask of you. We are trying to save you from hell. That hell begins with independent and self determined thinking without the sanity of a secure social system where one is accountable to others. A system like CEDU.
Mormon CEDU Staff ... 9&start=50

An accountable question? Your kid said he was in a room next to a kid that had sex with the family pet? So...was the kid having sex with your son, or with an animal when they were next to each other? Did your son think he was better than this kid because he didn't have sex with a dog, or whatever it was? In his integrity (which is the same as honesty in a way) did he acknowledge that he would never do that? Great! He learned something about his boundaries.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
« Reply #44 on: December 30, 2004, 02:24:00 PM »
Is Twila Stephenson the artist (kitchen staff) formerly known as Twila Mills at CEDU RS?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »