Author Topic: 911  (Read 1194 times)

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Offline Christy

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« on: September 11, 2002, 03:44:00 AM »
We have all endured so much  - yet this day is so much bigger than anything we ever saw.  I am thinking - today - of our blessings in this life - to be alive and healthy  - we lived thru such abuse - but we LIVED THRU it.  Best wished to all and God Bless.
Christy J
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline John Olsakovsky

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« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2002, 09:10:00 AM »
You knew someone was going to bring it up...

But today is my last day of work before a well-needed vacation.  My girlfriend & I are set to go to Ohio and meet my daughter.  I'm also driving to Charlotte to spend some time with my Dad, whom I haven't seen in a few years.  

So as I am driving to work listening to Bob & Tom, as I always do, the station (or maybe the show...  Not certain which) plays this montage of soundbytes from that day, including newscasters, political wonks, families of survivors, firefighters, police, etc.
Driving down this two-lane piss-poor road that I use as a shortcut to the office, I was behind a guy listening to this.  As we made the turn to the main street, he pulled over.  And I cried during the entire silence.

Why am I the lucky one?  I was, at one time, a pathetic human.  Hell, even after Kids, I had WORSE times and lower bottoms.  
But now I get the PRIVILEDGE of flying to see my daughter and hold her in my arms tomorrow.  
For whatever force guides me or human(s) that pulled strings for me or just chose to teach me something that has aided me...  Who/whatever you are, I am truly grateful to you.

Sometimes I don't feel deserving of some of the quality times I'm experiencing right now.  And on days like today when we remember recent tragedy and extreme amounts of loss, I feel undeserving since so many people FAR BETTER in character, morality or whatever lost their lives...

Fortunately, there's a rock station that's playing music this morning, because I need to occupy my brain with things other than other people's pain.  Today is a day of personal joy, and I want to stay focused on that.

Thanks for not sitting me down.  :smile:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
   - Bill the Cat