Author Topic: Tampa Screw-Up / Storm Damage  (Read 1277 times)

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Offline 85 Day Jerk

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Tampa Screw-Up / Storm Damage
« on: September 10, 2002, 03:11:00 AM »
There were a lot of changes that went on once
everything had come out in the open.  A lot of atrocities went on in the foster homes of the outer fringes.  Younger sibling sisters were a part of the drug use in some of these homes and sex was involved in some with girls as young as 11 years old.  These were the people who 'vanished' from the program.
I doubt that charges were ever filed, but the girls involved were most likely damaged psychologically for years to come.  Executive Staff tried hanging on the the ones who were more or less 'Animal House' material out of simple greed and fear of losing any more of them almighty Tampa dollars, but in the end less than a dozen out of nearly 40 kids remained in the program
and I gotta give them a lot of credit for that for they were truly hated by most.  It was hard enough to trust and believe in any of the horseshit that went on in there on a day to day basis, but when people that you were supposed to trust love and look up to are doing the very things that put your ass on front row........jesus!  I dealt with it by withdrawing into myself as fast as I could
like a submarine doing a fast dive.  No one trusted anybody anymore.  We went probably 2 solid months without a "Love Rap" and there was no longer any of that bullshit grand-standing that used to go on all the time where you could only get a few sentences out while relating before some asshole gets called on and starts laying into you about nothing just to look good.  The program had finally gotten to the point where it was for real, at least in group during the day.  The older phasers for the first time were scared shitless of coming back into group after school everyday.  Even though I was no longer being a Jerk, if one of the phasers pissed me off in a rap trying to grand stand or something, I would wait a couple of days, tell a fifth phaser that someone smells like pot after they sat down behind me, when they came in from school, and watch with glee as their permission for that weekend was denied!
I would be lit up like a Christmas tree when I could pull off shit like that, because staff really took stuff like that seriously
after all the shit that went down!  Night time and open meetings were a whole nother story though.  This was a period when Executive Staff was really up shit creek and without a clue.  Scotty and Jean Cassidy withdrew their severely needed support out of burn-out and disgust, leaving the Parent Group part of the program as helpless as a teething baby chewing on razor blades after a good rubbing of NUMZIT.  Open Meetings would drone on and on with absolutely no direction and for once, I seriously began considering splitting the damn program.  I think that this is around the time that Dr, George Ross joined the program and things started to get a little better.  By the grace of God we had Halloween coming and it helped take everyones mind off the crap.  I think I can remember that we actually had Halloween type decorations and it continued in the Morgan Yacht building through all the holdiays.  Once the lessons were learned we all went through a period where the program really started helping people, or maybe I had finally became brainwashed.  I can't decide which.  All I know is that I was home and every single one of my newcomers made it through the program.  They were treated the way that I should have been treated, their MI's were not a bunch of mindless ramblings written down just so they could go to sleep and when they were in group they did not sit and rot on first phase like I did.  As I progressed more and more through my program, and became more and more a part of the group, I slowly became aware that I was no longer a part of my own family.  But that is another story with it's own nightmares.   The End of the saga of the Tampa Screw-Up...... Coming soon -  School Daze
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?

Offline MommaDebi

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Tampa Screw-Up / Storm Damage
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2002, 07:59:00 AM »
Thanks for continuing the story.
I am not sure if you had finally "got the program" or "became brainwashed" either.
I am however happy to hear that this made the rest of your time easier and more humane.

Can't wait for "School Daze"  LOL  :smile:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...every five years I look back on my life and have a good laugh...\" {Indigo Girls~~ \"The Watershed\"}