Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore

Anyone know of GOOD places for kids??

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I'm seeing a lot of these places with problems, but are there any places that seem to get it right?

Yes. Home. Or the home of a good friend or relative. Or a simple vacation. Or a job. Or a new school. Time to grow up and sort things out. All those things seem to work better than anything.
When a well-packaged web of lies
has been sold gradually to the masses
over generations, the truth will seem
utterly preposterous and its speaker
a raving lunatic.      

--Dresden James
--- End quote ---

Antigen, your post is almost identical to the mission statement of the program i'm in right now. We know that HOME is the best place. This place IS home to 37 kids, and they're tearing are HOME apart. See, we've been blessed with 2 HOMES. I love them just the same. I've been trying to figure you out, and in a way I feel that I have. I know that you support drug use, particularly marijuana and hash. I also know that you believe in free choice. This is exactly what Mark and Cheryl believe in. Don't you get it? We can choose to do whatever we want! I can choose to walk out the front door right now. NO ONE will stop me. I can choose to call whoever I want, NO ONE will stop me. I can choose to go to the 7-11 accross the street and buy cigarettes, again, I am free to make my own mistakes.

I, myself, ran away from this program and was gone for 3 weeks. I went across the country to Boston and stayed with a group of my friends. I later made my way up to Portland Maine to visit other friends in the area. I realized what I had done, and I willingly flew back to Utah. When I came back it was as if nothing had happened. They accepted the mistake I had made, and we all moved on together. I can now say that I am a much a stronger person.


--- Quote ---On 2004-12-03 11:26:00, chrisgentile wrote:

"Antigen, your post is almost identical to the mission statement of the program i'm in right now. We know that HOME is the best place. This place IS home to 37 kids, and they're tearing are HOME apart. See, we've been blessed with 2 HOMES. I love them just the same. I've been trying to figure you out, and in a way I feel that I have. I know that you support drug use, particularly marijuana and hash. I also know that you believe in free choice. This is exactly what Mark and Cheryl believe in. Don't you get it? We can choose to do whatever we want! I can choose to walk out the front door right now. NO ONE will stop me. I can choose to call whoever I want, NO ONE will stop me. I can choose to go to the 7-11 accross the street and buy cigarettes, again, I am free to make my own mistakes.

I, myself, ran away from this program and was gone for 3 weeks. I went across the country to Boston and stayed with a group of my friends. I later made my way up to Portland Maine to visit other friends in the area. I realized what I had done, and I willingly flew back to Utah. When I came back it was as if nothing had happened. They accepted the mistake I had made, and we all moved on together. I can now say that I am a much a stronger person."

--- End quote ---

I don't believe you. As a programmed person, you have very little credibility. You will anything yo preserve the image of your program and lure in new prisoners.

The more BORING a child is, the more the parents,
when showing off the child, receive adulation for
being GOOD PARENTS -- because they have a TAME
CHILD-CREATURE in their house.

Frank Zappa


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