Author Topic: Successes  (Read 1661 times)

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Offline vvigil

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« on: November 17, 2004, 06:21:00 PM »
I'm not a druggie, never was. Actually never even touched ilicit drugs. Just a kid with some pretty bad problems. If they use any of my posts (limited though they are) to say that the former students against cedu are druggies or just bad, ill people, then they've got another thing coming. I'm actually rather successful, despite my non-high school education (as I've come to call it). Thank goodness for one hell of a junior high that I went to prior to cedu.

Maybe it would be helpful for this purpose, as well as those parents who might be looking at this site to help them determine if they should send their kids to cedu if we were to talk about our successes in spite of cedu. As sick as this is- our stories post-cedu. How we went from being completely programmed in a cult to our own downward spirals or falls, then back to success.

This may give legitimacy to our cause.

Of course, that's just my two cents.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2004, 07:20:00 PM »
Hey v-----, if you want you can visit my shop.  We're very succesful, and its impressive looking.  I've already posted my story.

But hey I'm a druggie, because I smoke pot all day.  Marijuana is no more a drug then lettuce.  Oh yeah, I forgot - because of it, I don't have to take Lithium, Haldol, Mellaril, Depakote, or Klonopin.  I sleep very well at night, have better concentration, and have a good appetite.  Its a friendly social activity, too.  My business, social, financial affairs are the best they've ever been.  I was on the Dean's list in college stoned 24/7.  And I quit my 8 year I.V. Heroin habit.

Yeah, according to most people I'm a drug addict.  They think I should quit, and take processed drugs dished out by pharmaceutical companies who DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO GET WELL BECAUSE THEN THEY WOULD BE OUT OF BUSINESS!!

I think I'll just let people assume I'm a crazed,  hallucintating, delusional, all consumed druggie.  It keeps all the brainwashed fuckwads as far as possible from me.  Right where I want them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline godspeed!

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« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2004, 11:29:00 AM »
I think I'll just let people assume I'm a crazed, hallucintating, delusional, all consumed druggie. It keeps all the brainwashed fuckwads as far as possible from me. Right where I want them.

hey bryan-- first off, nice job convincing us that you are a crazed druggie...  perhaps i should be too... i hear the happiness is contagious. i don't know about the IV part though... sounds a little too glamourous-- allgood might not appreciate it if we all started that one-- probably best you kicked it. i hope others who are there can kick it too before they get kicked back.
as for pot, i thought we were talking about DRUGS, but if it's just pot, then what's the point here in arguing?
i graduated from the program. before it i had never done any drugs shy of alcohol and smoking fags. at cascade, i was introduced to cigars via a counselor! left and started smoking fags again. got to college, still a look-good, and the (first?) night of school, my hawaiian roommate says "hey brah, i kin puff yer lotus stoopid cuz i smuggled da kine... when ya pao wit papers, come get me".    smoked me so stupid i didn't touch it again for years.
but, just for the naysayers here:: pot does have some magical qualities to it, which, once you're over the fear end of it, it introduces itself to you on a personal, spiritual level and presents its magic before you... (if you're not strong enough emotionally, then yes-- you can get all fucked up and thick and angry and such. but chances are, if this happens, you're either the wrong mind or in the wrong mindspace for the values which cannabis would impart to your morality while in communion with its majesty.
try, if you can, to think of your next bowl as a teacher... as a bookmark in yr noggin to the chapter in which you last saw god (not necessarily "GOD the vengeful", unless that's yr game).

people think i am nuts.
and perhaps they're right....
but who's the real monster these days?
A.  kids stoned in the wilderness, hoping and praying for and discussing the rationality of a universal paradigm shift leading to a complete revaluation of morals, occasionally smiling and genuinely laughing with joy (instead of at
someone)?  OR

B.   half of a country drunk and on one or more prescribed mental-mutilation pills sanctioned by [so-called "professionals" with agendas usually either warped by greed and MONEY or by corporate interests...(although presenting their cause as HELPING YOU, they are usually no more attached to a positive outcome for their patients than they are to a passerby on the street.] oh, and by the way, the people who don't want us to be happy are also the ones who voted for the TEXAS BRAINSAW MASSACRE 2004-- the same ones who perpetuate the myths of
marijuana being evil....
but what isn't evil to these people aside from church and state? oh yeah... money and killing.

bryan, if i may quote you here, but presented as my own words...: "Yeah, according to most people I'm a drug addict. They think I should quit, and take processed drugs dished out by pharmaceutical companies who DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO GET WELL BECAUSE THEN THEY WOULD BE OUT OF BUSINESS!! I think I'll just let people assume I'm a crazed, hallucintating, delusional, all consumed druggie."

jesus built my car.  it's a love affair-- namely jesus and my hotrod. (yeah, fuck it.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f there\'s anything that you know how to do, do it well cause it may come in handy some day...


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« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2004, 12:20:00 PM »
Godspeed- great post.  You expressed how I feel about it beautifully.  I agree 100% with you, and I also feel that marijuana is DEFINITELY not right for everyone.  I do believe however that if the whole world simultaneously smoked a joint- for that 1 hour or so no one would die.  Something that's never happened for 1 minute on Earth.  Maybe we're the sane ones.  I can't think of a sane justification for all the killing and hurting that's going on these days.  My feelings about God are probably very similar to yours.  Thanks for your post- made my morning.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »