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funny seed stories

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Ginger said:
My dad was hard to figgure. He was a WWI Navy vet w/ permanently short hair and extreme right wing leanings. Never in a million years would he ever admit that rock-n-roll was anything but a bad influence, brainwashing, etc.

However, he did used to call Art a "professional alcoholic" and compared him to the Bible thumpers who used to breeze through town leaving pregnant teenagers behind.

Thom said:
Why would the thumpers drop off pregnant teenagers? (a Mom-type question)

Dad was WWII, his dad was WWI infantry. they both came home damaged, so we decided to skip a generation or two.

I think it fits Dad's conservative mindset to distrust recovery types. He was a will power, pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of guy who didn't do well with the powerlessness concept. The 'professional drunk' thinking probably developed out of his bad relationship with his Father-in-Law, an early AA member, and arrogant know-it-all type snob who belittled Dad because he came from 'the wrong side of the tracks'. Based on his feelings for Grandpa, he saw AA as some kind of elitest country club. Dad didn't care for people who use their addiction, race, gender, etc. as an excuse for not acheiving. I think that made it hard for him to sit through those open meetings at The Seed and Straight. One time when his car wasn't doing well, he had to suffer the indignity of borrowing my Toyota to make his weekly trip from Pompano to Sarasota for an open meeting. (He fought the Japanese in the Pacific Theatre during the war, and hated anything Japanese or German). When he got back from Straight, I asked him how he liked the car, he said, "Oh, it rides's just that when I was getting out of it, I wasn't sure if I was climbing out, or it was giving birth to me" (Dad's way of saying it was a bit cramped) :roll:

My Dad was WWII Navy too...  He  retired after  27 yrs of service.  A very conservative man.  He loved all types of music and dancing.
I got ahold recently with someone who went to the Seed with my sister and I, she mentioned how my dad was.  How he could sit around the kitchen table with us kids and tell some stories.  He would sit there for hours and talk with us about anything and everthing.  
Dad would bring home different people known around town as not as fortunate as most and feed them.  
Two months before he died, during the 2000 election we were waiting for hospice to arrive.   They were coming to educate us on what hospice was all about and how it was the last resort.  
The TV was on with news of the election, this was in January, the nation didn't know yet who was president.  He started to cry
He said "What's happening to my country, I'm so worried about my country".

I think Dad was right about a few things, including Haines and Art.

He really did have an abiding grudge against anything Japanese, though. When he first bought that house in Pompano, I was really tickled that it has a good loquat tree. One of Vicki's friends had one and they just loved to pick the fruit. Dad was going on about cutting it down. But I reminded him that it was just a tree that gives fruit and didn't have any political preference one way or the other. He let it stand. In the end, it was the avacado that betrayed that one good orange tree by starving it of sunlight.

Fear believes--courage doubts. Fear falls up the earth and prays--- courage stands erect and thinks. Fear is barbarism---courage is civilization. Fear believes in witchcraft, devils and ghosts. Fear is religion, courage is science.
--Robert G. Ingersoll, American politician and lecturer
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Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Seed sibling `71 - `80
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.

Tony Stark:
He got it for being drunk all of the time. I saw him die of Parkinson's disease, just this last Easter morning. I teach him like a lesson to my younger brother, but he doesn't care, He's on the same path. I just stick to the stimulants and the medications and anti-oxidents like learned from my girlfriend Plus theVA taught mehow to live off of fruit and grain and protien. But "The Seed" was just an indoctrination to the world that I never cared for. Mom's a witch and so is sis',matter of fact the whole fam damily if fucked because of not the Seed but their own religious preferances. I just avoid them all and do my work. They're all very stupid though.They can't even learn from other's mistakes. They call it tradition or excuse it with genetics. They're all dying. Christ,they even make me sick thinking about them much less putting up with them. They're stupid. "The Seed" was a place for them to drop me off so they could continue their own counter-culture lifestyle. When they saw I had reformed......................I was viewed as the enemy. Until I got away from them...............Then I was a threat. Popularity shook them with my music.Woundup in straight. I escaped. Joined the Navy and got into real dope. I mean world famous real authentic impoted exotic dope...Just to forget their lame asses. I moved up the ranks with speed and got a job with NATO at shore duty. I had quit everything but drinking by then. I wound up in a alcohol unit. taking anti-buse, and distrupting their book learners. I couldn't forget"The Seed". So I just went to a doctor and said I "wanted out" and  a medical under"honorable" conditions. I got awarded a "A pension",then sent back to college with pay for everything including my work. I dropped out.Music Major"The teacher couldn't teach me anything. I just read my text books and gave them private tutored updates on my formulas with theoretic application to my instruments. I got hooked up with other bands but soon dropped out because it was a bunch of bullshit. Now I got my own studio with lots of instruments. Also a media research center and work for DHS. Newly built studio at that. So I'm still at the same place I was back in "The Seed". Outcast from the world but monitoring where I go and doing my work at home. I saved up all my VA checks for close to 25 years and invested and sad to see it all come to a market crash. So buy gold or oil. But I'm not even from Florida, and I don't belong in my hometown of Jamestown. N.Y., so I guess it's sort of a lonely type of limbo in this physical world I grew acustomed too. Been to middle earth before. Tried suicide a few times. But God isn't through with me yet. I just won't die, even when they try to kill me. I don't understand?Is it because I kept the words of God? I don't know. I think He's been fairly "Merciful" to me. I know a lot of dead people. Even in purgatory I seen enough to last a lifetime. Yeah, Dad got kicked out of open meetings for being a big mouth drunk. That's his legacy. I'm not going to folow his example. I witnessed the senility and lewy-bodies towards the last stages and the coninuous porno on his vision or the tube. FGace it Parkinson's comes from non-repentence. It's not only disease but the deeds that had to be turned away. But I learned about all that too. I'm alive. Thank God. :smokin:
Give me the youth, and Germany will rule the world.
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__You ought to know Greg I've seen you on Nazi sites before. You're war is with the treasury Department._______________
"This is a Republic"-Miguel Reese, My VA Man.


--- Quote ---On 2005-02-24 18:03:00, Antigen wrote:

"I think Dad was right about a few things, including Haines and Art.

He really did have an abiding grudge against anything Japanese, though. When he first bought that house in Pompano, I was really tickled that it has a good loquat tree. One of Vicki's friends had one and they just loved to pick the fruit. Dad was going on about cutting it down. But I reminded him that it was just a tree that gives fruit and didn't have any political preference one way or the other. He let it stand. In the end, it was the avacado that betrayed that one good orange tree by starving it of sunlight.

Fear believes--courage doubts. Fear falls up the earth and prays--- courage stands erect and thinks. Fear is barbarism---courage is civilization. Fear believes in witchcraft, devils and ghosts. Fear is religion, courage is science.

--Robert G. Ingersoll, American politician, lecturer, and Secular Humanist BS Artist
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I wonder if that avacado tree even had a valid green card.
I think Guacamole is vegetarian for monkey shit.


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