Author Topic: "SUCCESS" STORIES  (Read 14402 times)

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Offline Deborah

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« on: September 21, 2004, 06:45:00 PM »
Thought I'd start a thread dedicated to 'success' stories. This one is classic. ... 2;t=000813
24 June 04
Our son just graduated. The process was exciting, emotional and warm. But now he is back and while a much nicer human being, he is depressed and reverting to the old consolation of video games. The job that had been lined up for him fell through, Any thoughts?
Anyone have suggestions for a job in NYC?
13 August
I have been reluctant to respond to this question, because I felt so hopeful during my son's graduation this June. I still feel hopeful, but with more concerns.
He did really well at TBS and will be heading to college with a partial scholarship(thank you very much).
He came home with a commitment to work and be physically active.
He father had found him a job but it fell though. He was unwilling to do any brainstorming on what he might want to do. He finally owned up to wanting to have a job that would fall into his lap. He is very angry with his father that the "promised" job fell through (the company might be sold and the friend could not hire for the summer.)
So he spent the first part of the summer reverting to old habits: inactivity, playing video and computer games, reading, hiding in his room, and getting angry and depressed. He takes no ownership. He was lonely and friendless. He blames us- we did not teach how to make friends.
He woke me up one night and told me that he had been banging his head against a wall. Then after talking for a while, suggested I leave before he became suicidal.
Now he is visiting his brother out of town at graduate school. He went for a week and will be there for five, He has not told us when he is coming back but I suspect it will be the week before heading to college. He does not sound depressed now and his anger has subsided. He says he is looking forward to going to college, but resisted doing anything to prepare for it. He finally called his new roommate and bought the book he is supposed to read before arriving. It is much more peaceful when he is not home. I am still hopeful that the structure at college combined with the opporunity to be with folks his age will be positive.
I think my expectations were probably too high. I thought he would keep his commitments. His reversion brought back too many memories, for him as well as us.
20 September
We visited our son who started college on August 28th this Saturday. He was only willing to see us so that he could have access to getting supplies and games at various stores.
[What, no warm welcome?]

He seems in better physical shape (though still upset with his body). He gained twenty pounds during his inactive summer. He is enjoying meeting and being with other students. He does seem reasonably goal focussed. His classes seem to be going reasonably well - better in his strengths and B's and C's in his writing. He seems willing to work on his writing, but unwilling to get assistance. He wants to improve his grammar. He thinks that if he goes to the writing center they will just correct him but not help him to learn for himself.
[Golly Gee, why in the world might he think that? Asking for help may be difficult for him the rest of his life. Contrary to program rhetoric, they do not build trust. They destroy it.]

He said that he had been drinking the night before with other students and that his head hurt. Before he told me this, he asked me to buy him beer for his dorm room. He was not surprised or upset when I said, "No." He told me, not his father, that he was drinking because he was depressed.
[Common and typical complaint of ex program participants]

I suggested that he speak with a therapist. He abruptly said, "No." He was not a substance abuser before his RTC/TBS experience. He was definitely self medicating with video games before he went away two and a half years ago.
[The program didn't modify his 'addictive' behavior? Shocking.]

He is certainly still angry with us (loves us but can't stand to be with us- this fluctuates).
[So much for building closeness and restoring trust between parent and child! They weren't even successful in conditioning him to pretend. I'd demand a refund.]

He had a lot of agreements before he left the TBS.
[NO! "We" might imply that agreements were made. "He" was required to sign a document stating all the things the program and his parents wanted him to do. There is a fundamental difference! And as he has demonstrated, when the fear of consequences is removed, it's obvious that there never were any such 'agreements'. Did the program offer a guarentee?]

He was supposed to be active this summer and visit a therapist when he got to college. One did not happen and the other appears also not to be happening. If we express a suggestion or thought, it is taken as a command not to be followed.
[What, Hundreds of thousands of dollars, and still no happy, engaged, respectful little robot? What DID work? Other than keepng him off the streets, and out of your hair, for 2.5 years?]

I would appreciate any advice, comments and suggestions that you might have.
[Apologize. And mean it. Hope he forgives you. Prepare to spend thousands more undoing the harm they caused.]

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2004-09-25 19:15 ][ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2004-09-25 21:28 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Nihilanthic

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« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2004, 10:28:00 PM »
Part of the reason parents cling to these programs is it makes them no-fault for anything... no matter what.

Don't hold your breath waiting on those idiots to do a damn thing for their son.

for nothing can keep it right but their own vigilant and distrustful superintendence.

--Thomas Jefferson

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2004, 11:30:00 PM » ... 2;t=000369

On February 14 she returned home from 1 year at a residential program. She was about to turn 18 and would not stay beyond her birthday. Almost right away it all crept back into her life again.
The same crowd, late nights, skipping school... all of it again. I swore I'd never go through this again but, it's even worse than before. She just doesn't come home at all now. Last week I was out of town at a conference, she approached me right before I was to leave saying that she was going to help her father (who was pretty sick at the time). As soon as I left she was gone for several days. Her father, unable to sleep in her absence trying to recover from a serious  infection all alone trying to manage! It's so hard not to feel as though she is doing this "to us". Her younger sisters ages 11 & 13 are confused...we all are. She apparently is staying with her "friend" a high school drop out, and this girl's father, 20 miles from where we live. She is in serious jeopardy of losing her school placement. She claims to love this school, a small alternative high school with a great reputation which took much doing to get funding for it's ~ 43k annual tuition. My greatest fear is HIV and pregnancy. She has a history of extreme sexual behavior. Many times it's been suggested that along with ADHD she has Bi-Polar disorder.
How do we have the tough love approach with someone so incapable of taking care of themselves?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2004, 12:08:00 AM » ... 2;t=000410

My 17 year old daughter who has been home from RTC and TBS since 7/03 was arrested last nite along with 3 others for vandalizing a cemetary. It has been a nightmarish day ending with her release into our custody until the next court date in a week. This already made it into a sizable article in our local newspaper with names and addresses this morning. I feel like I am back at square one after 3 1/2 years. She has focused on the 2 things we asked - no drugs/alcohol and graduating from high school. She's doing well on both fronts. The problem is her poor decisions about her peer group. I am in no way blaming her behavior on others, but when one surrounds themselves with losers, those behaviors are the acceptable ones. She is "in love" with one of her cohorts.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2004, 01:56:00 AM »
Don't forget the kids who commit suicide after they leave the program. Or the ones who kill.

Programs destroy people. It is impossible to expect kids who have been through them to be able to function like a normal person, and these parents expect them to be a successful, problem-free normal person.

And then, of course, they blame it on the child rather than the program.

They sure do need to apologize for what they put their children through.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2004, 03:12:00 AM »
Deborah, don't take this as an attack or offense

What exactly are you getting at with these posts?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2004, 10:10:00 PM »
As is obvious, they are not success stories. Quiet the contrary. They are stories of failures after a parent has spent thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on a program. And you won't find these 'testimonies' here because the parent is still under the illusion that the program worked, but their kid didn't work the program.
Here's another doosey: ... 2;t=000834
1 August 04
Today I brought my son home after 16 mos. at his RTC. We spent a week in Utah doing various activities with the school and then he graduated the program. I am very proud of this new young man we have brought into our lives. Wow! What a difference. (Although his younger sister says his therapy on everyone can be annoying.)
While at this final seminar, we worked a lot on the home transition. And while my son agrees to go slow, I agree to not focus my attention on his every move. We have set boundries that both parties agree to. I'm interested in learning how to relax while he is home. His sister went off to camp as soon as we got back, so it is the two of us for a week.
To all of you who recently sent your children away, it will go fast. Before you know it, you will have them back in your lives on a day to day basis. Learn all you can while they are gone. I think it is key.
11 August
I'm just checking in. My son has been home about 10 days and so far so good. As time goes on, things get better. I'm learning how to relax. Every morning I leave a list of chores and they are finished by the time I get home. He sighs when I say no, but doesn't fight me. He's allowed to go out with friends every other day, but I have to know where he is and talk to the parents at home. He's in by 11 p.m.
13 August
Perhaps I spoke too soon. Yesterday I told him he couldn't go out and at first he was pretty huffy and wouldn't talk to me. All I could think was, oh great, here we go again. But it blew over and he laughed about it. Then the phone kept ringing late into the night. (which I put a stop to) At about 1 a.m. he came to me and asked if we could talk. Several of his friends called who were high. They wanted to know when he could go out with them. They call themselves occassional social pot smokers. He was triggered. He feels pretty lonely and just imagined being with them. And then that scared him. Suddenly he realized how fast he was going to cave in.
16 August
My son, home for two weeks, snuck (sp?) out with a friend last night. He came home from his girlfriend's at 11 p.m. as planned. He woke me up, said good night, etc... For some reason I couldn't sleep so I got up and went to chat with him. He was gone. It had only been minutes, but no child. I called his cell phone and he knew he was in trouble. He came home right away and we talked for a couple of hours. He's has his consequences, he's filled with guilt, he knows I shouldn't trust him, etc... He said he was justifying his actions by trying to explain this was the only time he could see this friend, etc... AHHHHHH!!!! Wow, do I feel betrayed. We did have a great conversation. He is grounded, doing a mountain of house chores, etc... Any advice. I don't know what to think.
1 September
I'm thrilled for all of you. What a long way you have come. I remember being a newbie with you on this board back in Spring/Summer 2003. It seems both like yesterday and a hundred years ago. There was a time when we all doubted what was going on. Today, we both have success stories. I wish you all the best and look forward to more updates as they come.

29 Oct
My son has been home three months. By all accounts he's doing well. I just had a conference at school and they called him a straight A student, one of the best in class, etc... He's coming home before curfew, he's polite, does his chores, more etc... But I have a gut feeling he's getting high. He's recovering from mono and claims he's just tired, but I know better. There's a faint smell and I can just tell by the way he talks and looks.
Drugs were a major problem in my son's past. His father is an alcoholic who made many attempts at recovery and failed every one of them. My son doesn't believe there is an addictive gene, he believes he has the power to control his actions. I want my son off drugs. Any suggestions?

[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2004-10-30 10:11 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2004, 12:07:00 AM »
Deborah - what is your definition of "success?"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2004, 12:56:00 AM »
I dont think there are any SUCCESS stories.  There are just survival stories.  & survival is all about coping with all that has happed to you.  

If your going to send your kid to a boarding school, do it... but not a therapeutic one!  I', still coping with some issues that the school gave me.  It pretty much taught me to be like a clone, and to this day I stll have a hard time thinking for myself.. & believe you me I was never this way before.  This is so THEY can have complete a utter control of you so you no longer act like a delinquent /or a Conduct Disordered youth!  THEY never knew how much this could actually damage someones head!

Also, they isolate you for 2 years of your precious gowing years.  I left home when I was 15yrs old (the age of Elizabeth smart when she was kidnapped) and returned when I was 17 yrs old.  That's a long time!  You miss out on soOO much of your "real" life!  I am still learnig about a lot of regular growing up things that a 23 year old should know NOW!

FOR ALL YOU PARENTS OUT THERE!  If you send your kid away to a therapeutic boarding school, you are screwing up their normal developmental process.  You are going to emotionally screw them up to!  Please trust me!  
I know that you don't trust your child right now and you are scared and worried that they are hurting themsleves... but you need to trust and have a little faith in them.  If you are a good parent, you gave them enough skills/ love so that they can determine what will kill them and what will not!  I say, JUST HAVE FAITH IN YOUR KIDS!  I wish mine did.  If you are a good parent, then your kid will have a good head on their shoulders!! They are just going through the normal teenage developmental process, the rebellion phase of every adolsecent!

If you still don't believe me!!
I have a BA in psychology and am going for my PHD.  Read journal articles!  therapeutic boarding schools dont work they just make you kid worse!!!  No matter what the statistics say on the schools site.  They have to say all of this because this is a marketing tactic, its a business.  Group therapy treartments dont work!  These treatments DONT WORK they just make your kids WORSE!

Please take what I'm saying to heart.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2004, 01:04:00 AM »
Oh yea,
These boarding schools are not a treatment!  Your kid will seemed FIXED but the treatment will only work in specialized settings (ex. the therapeutic boarding school).  When they come home they will realize that they dont have to be scared anymore and may do things even worse than before, they will just have better was at manipulating you or covering up so that you wont know.  

Your kids may seem good in the school but they are puppets on strings.  They will not act the same when they get out.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nihilanthic

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« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2004, 05:31:00 AM »
Seems to me the treatment is just extreme stress and suffering (torture) to make them obedient and attempting to brainwash with these stupid seminars.

It 'treats' behavior problems, depression, learning disabilities, and anything else, by making them hide their symptoms and obedient.

Its basicaly like trying to paint over rust. You might hide the symptoms but the problem remains.

But this is far from demonstrating that the authorities must interpose to suppress these vices by commercial prohibitions, nor is it by any means evident that such intervention on the part of the government is really capable of suppressing them or that, even if this end could be attained, it might not therewith open up a Pandora's box of other dangers, no less mischievous than alcoholism and morphinism.' target='_new'>Ludwig Von Mises

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2004, 05:36:00 AM »
y eah i hate white people
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2004, 01:13:00 PM »
What has become of your life that entitles you to criticize and sit in judgment of others all the time?
Nowhere in any of these posting do I see someone talk about a ?fixed child? or the parent?s misconception of how a boarding school was supposed to fix and solve all the family problems.

It reads Just like any other parent giving it their best shot to help a troubled teen. Teens and young adults continue to grow for years.  Growing up into an adult is a process. Do you think the parent in this posting should keep a child in a program when it just the normal developmental problems arising?
If not, what exactly is your point to scrutinize these posts?

Does it fluff up your ego because you have an untroubled teen and you are the ?good parent? like no one else can be?
What a mean spirited person you are then.

When you stir up a big nothing like this, you seem to be sad damaged women who cannot get on with her life.
Go scream at your mother and stop acting in such a nasty vindictive way towards others.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2004, 01:48:00 PM »
Nihilanthic, remember that not all the kids who wind up in these places have any real psyche issues to begin with. The one common factor is that the parents (the ones who sign the checks) don't like the way the kids are acting. Breaking a (7PM) cerfew, for example, can land a kid in one of these places. Listening to "devile music" can do it.

Sometimes it's like painting over rust. Other times, it's more like spraying roundup on your healthy lawn to eliminate a dandilion.

Speak gently! 't is a little thing Dropp'd in the heart's deep well; The good, the joy, that it may bring Eternity shall tell.
-- G. W. Langford: Speak gently.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2004, 01:54:00 PM »
I can appreciate that these stories and my comments have no value for you. So, move along. You don't have to read them. There may be a parent out there who will benefit from reading them. One, so they don't go into such an arrangement thinking that the program is going to fix the kid and/or build trust or reunite the family. And two, at the VERY LEAST, use them to formulate hard questions to ask before turning their kids over to strangers. Stories such as this miserable failure: ... 2;t=001740
21 Jan 02
on jan 10th we woke up early, had car packed and surprised our son and took him to hidden lake academy... we had friends praying he would be cooperative and he fell asleep for 3 hours!!! he was mad and sad the closer we got but no big episodes... after we dropped him off we cried but felt relieved we had done right thing...
after two days at HLA he broke small rule and got 3 days suspension... we talked to him and he didn't like it but let us know he loved us... on friday he got in trouble for small thing again but he hates rules and anyone telling him what to do so he ran away fri. nite and we have no idea where he is ... the school looked, the local sheriff, and we have now hired John villines...
22 Jan
we got a call from our son late last nite PTL!!! he is safe and alive.. he took a bus from atlanta to dallas(we have no clue yet how he got the $$ but one thing i'm learning these kids are resourceful and obviously not scared to try anything)
30 Jan
i posted last week under topic RUNAWAY SON and the last report i gave was i had my son safely sent to wilderness program... well in less than one week he has continually misbehaved , not taken redirection, not responded to peers cues for inappropriate actions, tried to get out of helping peers by buddying up with leaders, grabbed spotlite on himself and then became extremely volatile over small instructions and totally defiant to point of getting in two ex-army rangers faces and threatening to fight them and can they show him some mental toughness, etc... they said he goes from 1-100 in terms of anger in a few seconds...bottom line they said i have 2-3 days to find new program... well they recommended peninsula village, three springs and island view... i talked to sue at PURE foundation and she recommended red rock canyon school or SUWS for short term intervention... my son has not connected with any staff or peers ... they said he has no desire to work on his issues and he said when are my folks gonna get it that i'm gonna do what i want and no one can stop me... i am discouraged, exhausted, we spent tons of $$$ last week just locating and transporting him and now having to start completely over..
5 Feb
we sent our son there [Hidden Lake Academy] one month ago. he had been diagnosed ADD,ODD, and depressed... two days after arriving and not totally knowing all the rules he got 3 days restriction for taking a bag of chips to dorm room- found out they only get 2 meals on sun. and he was hungry... he was isolated and had to do work duty- shoveling rocks up a hill...2 days after that restriction he received 1st letter from home and was reading it during group... was told to put it up 4x cause it rudely distracted group and was given 4 days of work restrictions and isolation... we were encouraged by staff to totally back them and did although felt in both incidents punishment was a little severe so to speak for the crime ..(hand book informed us for small offences they had time out or zaps- a run around the lake- neither of which he got....[parent manual also stated that a kid would be sent to pre-wilderness, and wilderness would be last effort. Not the case, after they opened their own wilderness program. When confronted, they changed that page in the parent manual to state that referrals to wilderness would happen at their discretion. What parents don?t understand is that excessive consequences for minor infractions is the standard MO. It?s part of the conditioning.] bottom line he ran away that nite and we were called AND ASSURED IS COMMON BUT THEY FIND 80%VERY QUICKLY AND THEY DON'T GO FAR... WE FOUND OUR SON 1000 MILES AWAY 4 DAYS LATER
28 Nov
we placed our son in a TBS the 1st week of jan and long story short we had 4 failed placements in 5 months that he either ran away from or was asked to leave-we finally found a wilderness program in late may that he successfully completed and he immediately went on to a RTC and has been there 5 months now. we are cautiously optimistic as we see him slowly but surely progressing, making positive, consistent changes but the best is seeing and spending a few days with him in late oct and recognizing his entire countenance is different -instead of a haughty, angry , in your face , i dont give a -attitude-he is easygoing,clear-headed,confident, courteous, grateful, and most of all at peace with himself and a joy to be with- you talk about a miracle!!!!
8 Jan 03
son started at a RTC on jun 20th and has finally gone straight uphill with only a few minor setbacks- he has just made it to top level of his program with major hard work and therapy and as the counselors best phrased it he is kicking b*** and really owning full responsibility of his past problems and looking to make a successful future for himself. we went and spent 5 days over the holidays with him and it was by far the best time we have ever had- he is NOW polite, courteous, grateful, fun-loving, considerate, respectful, and most important exudes a peaceful composure -- none of these characteristics were ever there before- in fact i compared pics of him from last christmas and his countenance and face do not even look like the same kid... it was truly the best christmas gift to see these programs can work and give these teens a second chance at life-people who know our son say it is a miraculous change...
18 Dec 03
our son(now 18 1/2) went away in jan 2002 to his 1st tbs and by may 2002 had run away or gotten dismissed from 4 programs- he then went to a wilderness where he finally chose to work on his issues and quit struggling and went on a month later to a fantastic rtc in utah for the following 9 months. he graduated in late mar 2003 and was truly a different kid- to ALL around him- teachers, peers, family, etc... he could have been poster boy for recovery- he was happy, at peace with himself, honest, grateful and ready to start anew- he came home - finished his 11th grade year by correspondence courses, made new healthy friends, had an incredible girlfriend( he even went and told her family his past and asked her dad's permission to date her!!!); had parttime job;etc... it was such a joy to see him enjoy a clean life and discover the fun you can have as a teenager just hanging out.he was miraculously accepted his sr year into a college prep boarding school 2 hrs away( he did not want to go near his old public high school and none of the local private schools would accept an incoming senior so this seemed to be a God-send. he left in late july to play football and stared school a month later- after about 5 weeks he was barely getting any playtime in the sport he adored and that was a huge disappointment; his grades were rapidly going down-it is extremely tough but everyone thought he was capable... he was initially making a stand on his sobriety but of course not a popular one and he told us most teens don't have a clue about what its like to daily struggle with addiction... he still was in touch with a therapist and talking openly with us and all seemed ok..when he came home thanksgiving he had been on academic probation for 6 weeks but was slowly pulling up some grades.
we drug tested him and it was negative but in my guts i believe he took something to mask it... i found bottle of alcohol that he said he had bought for a friend.. i let him know i did NOT buy that. he said it hurts me for you to think i am a failure and have not changed-i would never be so stupid to let that ruin my life again or the relationship we have fought so hard to attain- i have lost too many friends to effects of drugs or alcohol-and though i cannot promise you i will never take a drink - i will NEVER be so stupid as to get kicked out of school over a bottle of alcohol;etc... to wrap this up- exactly 2 weeks later that is exactly what happened- this past sun the school had reason to perform room search and he was caught and immediately dismissed with 3 days of exams left... we lost a years worth of tuition and most likely he will only get 2 credits to transfer.we had warned him since returning repeatedly what consequences would be if this happened .. main thing being we refuse to live in chaos again, with lies, manipulation and active using so he spent 1st night at a rescue mission and monday we found a type of halfway house for him. tues he found a job and a bike ( we took his truck and cell phone - another addiction he had made almost 4000 minutes of calls this past month!!!!)He claims he wants to finish hi school and get a degree but he is furious with us for practicing tough love...
we are slowly finding out that unfortunately this was not an isolated event- have found notes, messages etc. letting us realize he has definitely relapsed. also, there is no remorse or repentance just regret he got caught and is being held accountable- he is furious with me (which i know means he is furious with himself but can't go there yet)... he is now in safe, supportive,drug free environment- is daily going to 12 step mtgs, got a sponsor yesterday, gone to work 3 days in a row, and is saving $$$ to finish high school next semester so things could be worse- in the past his pattern was to run away and that has not happened-YET!!!this is the hardest thing as a parent i have ever done but we told him for over 2 years this is what would happen after all the failed placements, run away escapades, etc... so it is not a complete surprise to him at all- i just don't think he truly believed we would do it and while he was a minor i swore i would get him every bit of help, treatment and tools to stay sober but when he turned 18 he would have to face the consequences of his deliberate bad choices- we saw a few warnings and offered help several times but he adamantly refused and said there was not a problem...
24 Dec (Last post)
its 4 in the am and we just got another few blows- our son was in a halfway house since last tues but got kicked out last fri for supposedly diluting a drug test(they said he could have just drank a lot of water naturally but even so they had to release him for 3 days )-he had a job, was going to 12 step mtgs daily, had a sponsor -and according to him was staying clean and was starting to hit bottom and take personal responsibility... went to live with sponsor over weekend and tried to go back to house on mon( they voted and 1 guy said no so he could not return)... found another house that would take him on tues and was starting to meet sober friends- even found a small high school for recovering kids- awesome... Unfortunately, the new place to live was further away and he was going to be inconvenienced and have to ride the city bus, etc so things were not cushy enough- he got a calling card and made some calls and found a girl-an enabler and rescuer -from his old boarding school he was dismissed from a week ago that convinced her folks to take him in.. so without our knowledge he left his job without notification, boarded a bus this afternoon(THe girls mom wired him the $) and he left and went over 600 miles to start a new life... he will be living on a remote farm in community of only 1200 people- he gets restless in a city of over 1/2 million!!!!talk about the story of the prodigal son who left and went miles away to work on a farm- they run a plant nursery and he will work for them- i called the mom at 1 am tonite and she was buying in to his story and felt no parental obligation since he is 18 to even let us know - she has sent her daughter 500 miles away to this prestigous boarding school because they value education so dearly.(she will be returning in 10 days ).. yet when i told her everyone including his sponsor and addicts he was living with felt he should get his degree (only has 4 months to go and is extremely bright and intelligent) she had no problem with him living with her and just getting a GED... i am so hurt and devastated-it is christmas eve and our daughters are once again in the middle of chaos- so i know we must go on and be strong for their sake but it is so hard-2 years ago tonite we had police searching our neighborhood for him after one of his numerous runaway escapades... his problem is not so much the alcohol or drugs- it is avoiding himself and not wanting to live life on lifes terms and come under authority and accountability...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here: