Author Topic: KHK's "Service Plan"  (Read 1092 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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KHK's "Service Plan"
« on: April 21, 2005, 09:11:00 AM »
 At Kids Helping Kids, we believe the most accurate and functional
 definition of chemical dependency describes alcohol and drug
 dependency as a disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental
 factors influencing its development and manifestations. We further
 believe that, with adolescents, chemical abuse is characterized by
 developmental arrest or deterioration which may be viewed in stages
 with characteristic physical, psychological, and social symptoms."
 "As a result of chemical abuse, the adolescent may experience
 inadequacies of personality, impairment of cognitive functioning,
 diminished motivation, interpersonal and social conflicts, emotional
 blocking and regression, and casual disregard for behavioral
 "Ultimately, the individual must take responsibility for his/her own
 recovery and future drug-free life style."
 "In addition to individual goals, on first phase, clients begin to
 learn the basic disease process and develop knowledge of how drugs
 have affected their lives, begin the rehabilitation process by
 complying with the program rules and responsibilities and develop
 basic communication skills. Before the clients go on to Phase II,
 they are expected to know how to apply the basics, to have
 experienced catharsis of negative feelings, to feel better and have
 a "shine," to have developed an awareness of the relationship between
 their bad feelings and their drug use, and have developed a
 commitment to stay straight. Phase I is highly structured. Client
 move through Phase I on their own schedule but it typically takes 70
 to 90 days. This structure over time in a drug free environment is
 critical for clients to develop a commitment to recovery."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Timoclea

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KHK's "Service Plan"
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2005, 03:01:00 PM »
An absolute dead give-away of a facility or organization that engages in brainwashing is one that describes the personality of the people they're trying to treat or recruit as in some way defective.

People may do things we don't like.  People may be rude.  People may not understand or follow the social rules of etiquette.  People may say things we don't like.  People may think things we strongly disagree with--even after we tell them what we think and why we think it, and even if we find what they think horribly unacceptable *to us* and *to some authority figure(s)*.  People may not like us or may not like people we think they should like.

Some of those things we have a right to change, like bad things minor children do, or whether they're rude, or whether they know and show the rules of etiquette, or whether they interrupt or talk in class, or whether they use speech to lie to authority figures, or whether they use speech to libel or slander or harrass or threaten or make false alarms, or whether they use speech to insult people.

We *don't* have a right to make them change or claim to change whether they agree with us.  We *don't* have a right to change their thoughts.  We *don't* have a right to coerce their affection or their love--and neither do their families.  We don't have the right to deprive them of enough free time to talk that they can express complaints and criticisms to each other or grievances to authority figures and we don't have a right to punish them for complaining, criticizing, or expressing a grievance to or about authority figures either in public or in private.

We *don't* have a right to ever prevent them from writing letters to government offices or attorneys, or fail to provide them with paper, pen, envelopes and stamps to write such letters, even if we feel such letters are false or defamatory towards their parents or our organization's employees or authority figures or a peer they allege has done something *to them*.  We can defend ourselves from those allegations with what we say, but we don't have a right to prevent them from making them even if we believe and contend that they are false.  Government offices and attorneys licensed to practice by a state bar association (or the appropriate licensing authority in the nation or territory where they practice) are *NOT* "bad influences" and there is *NO EXCUSE* for interfering with a child's right to write such letters unless they are threatening or defamatory to some third party totally unrelated to the authority organization or the parents or the allegations about the third party are *not* alleged by the child to have been done by the third party to them.  Children have a *right* to make allegations to an attorney or any government office about anything they claim has been done to them, even if any or every authority figure in their life believe those allegations are false.

Any institution that offers to reform a child's personality or thoughts is an abusive brain-washing cult.


Catharsis?!  Okay, for someone to have a feeling of "catharsis" you have to make them feel really, really bad first---that's why "catharsis" is traditionally associated with watching a Greek Tragedy.

Otherwise known as the endorphin release you get from doing painful or humiliating things to people---in athletics, "runner's high"; in BDSM, the endorphin rush a Sub feels after being subjected to the (voluntary) power-games of his/her Dom.

So my first question is what horrible *involuntary* things are they going to do to the kid to induce this "catharsis"?

And the next buzzword that triggers my skepticism is "shine".  This, to me, either is talking about genuine happy, happy, joy, joy feelings induced by the endorphin high of the "catharsis" OR fake happy, happy, joy, joy feelings to avoid punishment.  And the reason I don't buy "real" for a minute is because we are talking about an *involuntary* pain/humiliation/degradation/power-game used at the outset of this experience to trigger the "catharsis."

As Ginger put talking about the happy songs in Straight and being punished for not smiling, Zippity-fucking-doo-dah.

Next set of buzzwords---"developed a feeling of awareness of"---okay, that's just jargon for good ol' fashioned *blame*.  So the kids have learned to *blame* "their negative feelings"--yeah, those painful thingies induced by the staff and the program to trigger the "catharsis"---on the drugs----instead of on the staff and the program which *actually* induced those negative feelings.

Which, plain as day, after you sort out the jargon, means that before the kids are let off of "Phase I" the staff has to believe they have been successfully brainwashed into accepting the Program's worldview that bad things the Program people are doing to them are their own fault "because of the drugs" and are "necessary to save them from the drugs."  And, that the "shine" they speak of is part of *this* program's false, cult personality that they implant on top of the real one.

Of course, they've already given a *huge* red flag that they intend to brainwash the kid and implant a cult personality on top of the kid's suppressed real personality when they speak of "inadequacies of personality" in the second paragraph.

Weeding out the jargon, which doesn't take that much in this case, they are saying that any kid that gets sent to their program has a personality they presume up front, a priori, is *defective* and therefore must be *replaced* with the idealized *cookie-cutter* personality defined by the cult as being NOT defective.

Ethical drug treatment doesn't seek a "catharsis" and leaves the patient's personality the fuck alone.

Ethical drug treatment *first* dries the patient out by stopping the patient's access to the drugs and treating any withdrawal symptoms, and then appeals to the patient's *rational mind* by providing factual information in a non-emotionally-loaded format, at a rate appropriate to conventional classroom learning, about the physiology and psychology of addiction and the biological effects of drugs on the patient's body.

*Ethical* drug treatment does NOT use coercive persuasion.  *Ethical* drug treatment uses conventional persuasion that appeals openly to the conscious, rational mind, not the emotions and not the subconscious.  *Ethical* drug treatment allows the patient the *choice* not to be persuaded by the arguments presented and provides neither consequence nor punishment within the treatment program tied to the intellectual and emotional choice not to be persuaded.  *Ethical* drug treatment respects freedom of thought and does not apply "consequences"---even lack of "advancement" through the "phases" of the program---for differences of opinion or feeling or long-term intention.

It is not an ethical drug treatment program unless you can graduate from it dry but with the full, absolutely uncoerced personal intention to *either* use drugs or not use drugs after you walk out the door.  You should be able to graduate an *ethical* drug treatment program even if you maintain through the entirety of the program until the day you leave that, for example, marijuana should be legalized, you like to use it, you don't mind the *inherent* negative effects of the drug, and you just plan not to get caught when you use it.

An Ethical Drug Treatment Program detoxes the drugs out of the patient's body, provides treatment on a strictly voluntary basis (by licensed therapists following professional ethics to the T) with zero consequences to advancement of any underlying things that may be bothering the patient emotionally, presents information to the rational mind of the patient regarding the effects of various drugs on his brain and body and the legal consequences of being caught using drugs, and applies *NO* consequence or lack of progress through the program for disagreement or whether they like a patient's personality or find it totally obnoxious.

The only thing that can change a person's personality is brainwashing.

It can only do it by implanting a replacement personality on top of the patient's natural one.

Normal people's personality, whether introverted or extroverted, whether oriented towards thinking or feeling, whether oriented towards intuiting or sensing, whether oriented towards judging or perceiving---Normal people have individual combinations of those traits that remain constant throughout their entire lives *unless* they are brainwashed.

The cult mantra applied by so many program cults of "you're in your head" is a direct assault on the personality trait of thinking versus feeling.  The program judges an orientation towards thinking to be an undesirable personality trait and forces a replacement personality that has a "Feeling" oriented personality trait as a major component.

It's obvious why programs prefer Feeling personalities to Thinking ones.  Other personality traits in a cult's idealized personality that they implant vary depending on the specific cult doctrine.  Usually depending on the cult founder.  Frequently the idealized personality used as a template to be imposed on all members over their genuine personality is the personality of the cult founder.

Any institution that offers to reform a child's personality or thoughts is an abusive brain-washing cult.

"Thought reform" does not become magically morally right if the victim is a child.

Some things that are legal are horribly morally wrong things that *nobody* has a right to do to another human being of whatever age.

People's *conduct* may be defective, but *nobody's* personality is defective.  Nor is "conduct" like facial expressions, ideas, thoughts, feelings, absense of feelings we want them to have, or verbal expression of those thoughts and feelings during free time and in a manner that does not threaten violence to self or others, or lack of verbal expression of thoughts or feelings we want them to have or wish they had *ever* defective conduct.

Not *ever*.

KHK's service plan as displayed above in this thread constitutes a stated intention to do violence to the human mind.  It may be legal, but it is horribly, obscenely immoral, and should be *MADE* illegal.

All statements in this post constitute my personal opinion of the "service plan" provided in this thread.


Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.
--Isaac Asimov, Russian-born American author

[ This Message was edited by: Timoclea on 2005-04-21 13:05 ][ This Message was edited by: Timoclea on 2005-04-21 13:06 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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KHK's "Service Plan"
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2005, 04:58:00 PM »
More from the KHK "service plan"...
 "First Phasers are reinforced for progress made during the week by contact
 with their parents. If they are working towards acheiving their goals, clients
 are granted permission to talk to their parents after Open Meeting. The eighth
 and ninth of the twelve steps of AA are; (8). Made a list of all persons we
 had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all, (9). Made direct
 amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or
 others. During talk after Open Meeting, clients begin the amends process."
 "When criteria have been met, clients move to Phase II and are called
 "Oldcomers." At this point, they move back home and begin restoring thier family
 relationships. They also reinforce what they have learned by teaching another
 client, their newcomer. Besides continuing to identify and work on individual
 goals, second phasers demonstrate increased use of and reliance on the basics,
 continue to develop insight into how drugs have affected their lives, progress in
 the rehabilitative process, improve communication skills, give and receive
 care with family members, serve as model for newcomers and address individual
 family issues in individual family therapy. Second Phasers are not only
 responsible for themselves but for taking care of their newcomers. If they behave
 irresponsibly, they are held accountable. This holds true throughout the remainder
 of the program. Clients address individual problems in group and individual
 therapy. They also meet educational goals by working with the teacher five
 "On fourth phase clients regain privileges such as music, television, and
 telephone, and get days off from the program. They continue to increase
 self-awareness and add the focus of developing productive peer relationships and using
 their leisure time wisely. Fourth phasers are expected to show signs that they
 are internalizing the program and are able to consistently use their new
 skills. During the Friday Night educational groups, parents and clients begin
 planning for aftercare by meeting with other 4th phase parents and clients to
 discuss high risk situations and relapse planning."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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KHK's "Service Plan"
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2005, 04:59:00 PM »
"Progress tends not to be linear, but erratic. At any time during treatment,
 if clients are found to be slipping back into old, unproductive ways of
 coping, they may be placed back on a lower phase to give them a better opportunity
 to readdress earlier issues."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nihilanthic

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KHK's "Service Plan"
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2005, 10:51:00 PM »
I love how all this program shit is masking torture and helplessness as "character building" unpleasantness and torment of various types that the average american thinks is "good" for a child, but somehow not for an adult like themself.

You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, intelligent enough.
--Aldous Huxley, author

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anonymous

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KHK's "Service Plan"
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2005, 08:02:00 PM »
:tup:   Nice replies, people. Thank you for your insight. This shit is going on as we speak.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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KHK's "Service Plan"
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2005, 11:37:00 AM »
Timoclea you have blown someone away who wishes to remain anonymous by the insightfulness of your reply to this "Service Plan." Thank you and please keep posting on this and the other threads in which we are hearing straight from the horse's ass, er, that is, from the evil-doers themselves.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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KHK's "Service Plan"
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2005, 12:23:00 PM »
Phase 1 Rules Summary from KHK
 Your child is temporarily living away from home with a host family (a family
 that is further along in the program). This is for a minimum of 4 weeks, but
 typically the average time is 6 to 8 weeks. He/she will be in the program from
 9:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. on Monday; 9:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday;
 9:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. on Thursday; 9:00a.m. until after Open Meeting on Friday
 and 10:30a.m. to 6:00p.m. on Saturday. During school terms, clients must be
 here at 7:00a.m. Focus on this phase for your child is on self. Parents are
 responsible for contacting their child's school regarding your child's placement
 in KHK. Program clients do not have money or an I.D. while on Phase 1. Parents
 will not have contact with the temporary host homes. Host parents are not to
 discuss or reveal their temporary host child(ren) in their home with anyone
 except staff. Your child may not make or receive phone calls, letters or visits
 from friends or relatives. Your child will not be allowed to listen to music,
 watch T.V. or read.
 There's more...
 Phase 1 clients must: Ask oldcomer for permission to stand, sit, pick up.
                                  Not allowed within kitchen limits
                                  Has to have an oldcomer with him/her at all
 * This includes time while on/using toilet, showering, etc...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »