From looking over this site and other links, it appears that Art took a lot of his ideas from Synanon - but how and why? Someone who is involved in AA and apparently works at Bellview suddenly cooks up this whole business?
Art was a shrewd guy, but no intellectual. He didn't appear to be widely read, didn't talk to people outside of his trusted inner circle. How did he get the ideas to build this?
Where did he get the terminology - newcomer, oldcomer, guys & chicks, raps, "honesty is the first and most important rule," etc. (and didn't it feel weird calling girls chicks in the 1970s? That was so 60s!) What about Moral Inventories?
And what about his links with actors like Art Carney and Jackie Gleason? Where they actual friends, hanging around like the Rat Pack?
And what about Art's childhood. I've seen assertions of petty crime. What was his family like?
And what makes a guy want to have hundreds of kids scream "we love you" to him? Did he really believe he was changing the world?