Author Topic: RMA  (Read 1044 times)

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Offline badrap

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« on: June 17, 2006, 10:54:00 AM »
I graduated RMA over 20 years ago and have been think about what happened there a lot.  I have very mixed emotions about my "experience" and would be interested in talking with  other students who attended between 82-85 .( I am also interested in Hilltop Students who attended the first year or so)  I was not aware that the school had closed or that Mel passee away.  I have been very bad about staying in contact with my friends.  
When I tell people about what went on there
( which I don't talk as much as I did the first 8 years after or)  I think people thought I made the whole thing up.  I remember Dan and Carmen saying how one day we would bring our children here(RMA) and show them everything we have built.  I was one of the first students at RMA and we spent most of our days building the main house, farm, dorm rooms, sauna ect.. And of course chopping wood.  The wood crew chain saw stories really makes me daughter roll her eyes!!!!!!  I wish my parents had given me
the 2,000 plus dollars a month that they paid so we could provide the school with the ability to house more students.  It is wierd that I am sad that I can't show my daughter any  of those things.  Does anyone eles have extreme polor oposits in how they feel about RMA?  Sometimes I am so angry about the mind fuck they pulled on me.  I still have major hang ups that THEY are responsible for. I never had a hang up about being adopted and they really fucked up any chance  of me not questioning relationships I have with men. My sailors mouth is also RMA's lasting influence on me, because we know that if there is not a fuck in your sentance you can't really be mad!!  What I really am angry about is the lack of education I recieved there.  I took
ONE math class(algebra) and a Lewis & Clark class how in the hell did I graduate.(did the journal and birch bark art count as class?  I do not even think they were acredited for the first year I was there. So how do I have a diploma?

In other ways I miss the school. It was so isolated from every day problems, conflict was limited to who pissed you off by not digging post holes fast enough.  Being able to yell at people who pissed you off 3 times a week did have it's benifits.   Having relationships with women in the real world suck. I have zero tolerance for the "bad rapping" and all the other high school bullshit and I think that stems from the way RMA was. I think that part of it was a good thing.
Does anyone else feel like this?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline try another castle

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« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2006, 10:06:00 PM »
I remember Dan and Carmen saying how one day we would bring our children here(RMA) and show them everything we have built.

Yeeeesh. That's creepier than hell.

In other ways I miss the school... Does anyone else feel like this?


I remember that Lewis and Clark class, and the one about the Voyageurs and the Courer de Bois, and how we were given those stupid little tuque hats.

When I saw that Kids in the Hall skit about the Voyageurs hunting, trapping and killing office workers, and then selling their armani suits to men's clothiers, while they paddle their canoe along city streets, I thought it was hilarious.

"No Francois, let him go, he has spirit. Some day, he may make vice-president. We must be careful and not be too greedy, let us not make the same mistake we made with the beaver."

"OOOhh, the beaver! What were we thinking??!"

"Truth may be stranger than fiction... but it is never as strange as lies."
-John Hodgman
[ This Message was edited by: sorry... try another castle on 2006-06-17 19:12 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline badrap

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« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2006, 11:46:00 PM »
What is up with all the Caroline wolf postings.  She was a Cedu student and then came to RMA but more as a older student/ trying to get a job kind of thing.  It appears that she did become employed there and really was an ass.  I remember that she was a bitch and really seemed to enjoy raps. I am glad I left there before they started letting the fuck ups run the place.  We only had animale fuckers as qualified staff when I was there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »