I think you are right on the money here. Chronic stress is a real killer; stress can lead to any number of physical and mental problems.
Stress, whatever its root cause, depletes your body of much needed nutrients that will ultimately have longterm negative effects if it stays in the "undealt with" category. I'm not saying that every illness is caused by stress, but the body is a beautiful wonder that must be taken care of properly. A bit too much or too little on the alkali or base side and you will end up with all kinds of problems.
I have dealt with the depression issue for over 20 years. Been to talk therapy, done the prescribed drug therapy, the unprescribed drug therpay, the support groups for everything from AlAnon, to Adult Children of Alcoholics etc., trying to figure out what was wrong with me.
Once I took a HARSH look at my personal history, I saw that all of my "problems" started when I tried to enbrace the addict mentality foisted on me by the seed program. I mean, geeze - suddenly I think back and realize I might have been an insecure teenager (LIKE EVERY OTHER TEEN) but by no means was I the full-of-shit, reprehensible person who needed the constatant tending and fixing that the seed spewed forth.
Once I was able to see that - AND BY NO MEANS DOES THAT STATEMENT MEAN OTHER KIDS WEREN'T ADDICTS - but onceI saw that and realized I have been trying for 30 years to be something I was not - to fix something that was not broken, so many of those problems just went away. No more migraine headaches, no mysterious joint and tendon pain all over my body, no more rage reactions, no more fear, no more sadness...just peace of mind and a measure sense of physical well-being.
Maybe this isn't true for others, but that is what happened to me.