I hate GBS too! How come noone mentions all the crazy shit? Like having to look down all the time, and only can look at a staff member when spoken too, and getting 1000 sentences to write if you look at a staff member or at anything else but the floor. Let the world know the crazy stuff girls! About getting sentences for looking at the ocean! Sentences for every twitch or move you made! Every move was a sin! Hands couldn't touch together ever or we'd get lines! Tell the world. Did it get to be so normal that you girls think its ok? Its not! We were writting all day. Our hands hurt and we all had a huge painful calous from writting so much. We were made to feel unimportant. Speaking of that, we couldn't say certaind words like, sorry, please, or thankyou if we did we would get sentences, because they told us those words are unimportant. We'd get lines (sentences) if we talked about food. If we said anything to do with food like fork, frenchfry etc. We got lines for ridiculous things. Our parents had no idea too. Please girls tell the world everything! How the helpers would tell you to trip down the stairs and if you didn't do it they'd give you lines. The student helpers that is.We had other power tripper girls to lead us and be our personal terrorist! Tell the world how we were woke up during the middle of the night and lectured and how we hardly got any sleep. The food was only good when guest came. How we were told to smile when guest came, but would get lines if we smiled when guest weren't there. Crazy shit!Cleaning with a toothbrush and no dinner on Sat nights so we have more time to clean. Starving us. Tell about how we would get lines if we just touched our face. We'd get lines if we saw our reflection in a mirror, tile or computer screen. Our parents were told we would have P.E. we hardly ever had P.E.! Our parents were told we'd be punished for the types of things we were doing bad at home, like cussing or hitting not this petty weird crap that these people made up and kept from the parents!Oh and we couldn't talk, ever. Our parents were told we would have counceling. We had to repress everything and we weren't allowed to speak unles spoken to or we would get lines. We had so many rules and thousands of sentences! Don't just write that you hated it girls, tell why and what they did!Tell about how our fluids were measured out to us every day. They had complete control over every single move we made. Oh and don't forget about the cameras in the dressing closet, bathrooms, showers and all over the whole place. Tell the world who watched the monitor! Genesis is evil.They tried to make me feel like I was nothing, worthless and a terrible sinner. Tell about tell about Mrs. Randolphs hair pulling, squeezing the arm and necks of girls. The 4 minute showers. The abuse we recieved! Tell it! Its not normal just because you did it for so long, never think its normal or right! Tell the world!