Author Topic: Straight Springfield 1988-1990  (Read 8000 times)

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Offline future.air

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2004, 02:07:00 PM »
I've wondered about Dave and Barbara?  But I don't know.  I heard Eric M. lived in Maryland and had a landscaping business with Trevor after his divorce from Melissa J. but I'm not sure.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
pringfield VA 88-90

Offline Scott D

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2004, 04:55:00 PM »
Glad to hear that your work and art is going well. To answer your question about things going nuts a s a possible result of Straight.....well with the relationship thing I certainly feel that Straight didn't really help much....I am divorced about to marry again though. It's tough I have gone thru therapy and still have issues that I need to keep in check. I think relationships are hard to begin with and then with straight shit tied into our heads still if gets all fucked up. It has gotten better over the years and I continue to learn and seek help daily, but its nothing like it used to be.

I am glad that you posted as I love reconnecting with people that I was in there with. You graduated while I was on 4th or 5th then went on staff when I graduated. I think you and John F. actually set me back or sat me in group while on 5th. for something that had nothing to w/ me.LOL Anyhow, its a trip looking back on all that shit.

I am just glad that you are doing well now as Aaron and I often wondered how you were years after the Straight Cell. Shoot me a email or give me a call if ya want.[ This Message was edited by: Scott D on 2004-08-14 13:57 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Sophie

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2004, 10:25:00 PM »
Hey Elizabeth,  I checked out your website,very dynamic work.  I am always glad to see peoples dreams come true, congratulations.

 I spoke with Mike M. about three months ago after not hearing from him for about five years.  We were together for about a year and a half.  He used again and has stayed that way...he is really struggling, it is very sad to me.  

I was definately affected by my straight experience. I think the biggest struggle I have is with emotional boundaries.  Contrary to what we were taught, it isn't necessary to tell everyone, every single thought you are having or have ever had.  I feel that I was spared the major personality altering trauma because I was overage and figured out how to use a tiny bit of common sense when I was there. I seriously screwed up in my relationships.  Eventually, I ended up marrying someone else from straight.  Geoffrey A..he was there 1/87-12/88.  We have been married for 7 years now and it gets better every year.  I have had a lot of success in my life since straight but it wasn't easy and it wasn't immediate.  I had to "de programme" for sure.  

Be well... Kecia[ This Message was edited by: Sophie on 2004-10-28 14:35 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline future.air

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2004, 11:51:00 PM »
Hi Kecia,

I'm curious.  How have you deprogrammed?  Has it been beneficial to be in a relationship with someone who also survived the experience?  I remember Jeff Adams although people's faces are a little hazy.   Congratulations on your marriage!!

You can email me if it's too personal to  answer questions on the board.

Oh, also, thanks for checking out my website and for the compliments on my paintings.  It will be updated soon.  [ This Message was edited by: future.air on 2004-08-16 20:52 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
pringfield VA 88-90

Offline Anonymous

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2004, 01:26:00 AM »
I went to another program, a TBS called CEDU. I often look at this site because you seem to be very supportive group who analyze your experiences and learn from them.  (Sometimes it seems like a spew page over at our site.)

I never spoke of my experiences (15 years ago)at the TBS until I came to this forum a few months ago. I never allowed myself to.  

What I am interested in figuring out is  how these programs affect your relationships because I'm trying to figure out what is pre-CEDU and post-CEDU baggage. On one hand, I over relate. On another, I have great difficulty being emotionally intimate and trusting anybody and I wasn't like that pre-CEDU.  I also, while not overtly defiant in any way or troublesome, absolutely cannot tolerate rules very well... or my significant other telling me what to do in any way shape or form.  

Is this normal facet of people who have been in these programs?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline future.air

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2004, 01:23:00 AM »
I do identify with everything you are talking about.

I can share intimate aspects of my life pretty easily until I get close and there is a mutual exchange of love.  Then my old Straight thinking kicks in.

I begin having a very difficult time feeling comfortable with space in a relationship or privacy.  These are healthy, normal aspects of relating to people but I Still suffer from anxiety and fear when my boyfriend needs space.

I need alot of time alone but sometimes I don't even register when I need it.  I end up causing fights.  I believe that claustrophobic, no space, no privacy and absolutely no trust was all accompanied by a cheerful children's song, a "group hug", and an I love you.

This for me went on non-stop, 24 hours, for almost 2 years of my life.  Serious  full-time pseudo parenting.  
Before Straight,  I was not connected to my family at all.  I actually did connect with some people in Straight so I paid attention to there actions carefully and tried to emulate them.

This has been damaging to my relationships and I am working to identify these ideas and reprogram myself to see they are unhealthy and don't work.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
pringfield VA 88-90

Offline Anonymous

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2004, 07:18:00 PM »
i Was reading your post and noticed many familier names I was a Classic mis behavior along with john ferraro, curt siler etc.

I remember Hardies,and woodbridge where I was held as a 1st phaser.

I remember Trevor Millikin, And Elizabeth johnson,rob frye eric johnson,glen stepleton amoung others
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline future.air

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2004, 02:23:00 PM »
i remember john ferraro and curt and eric ahern.  hung out a little with eric and john after i got out.

have you heard anything from them?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
pringfield VA 88-90

Offline Anonymous

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2004, 01:29:00 AM »
I remember a lot of the people mentioned here. Spencer H graduated from the VA Beach facility. Never saw her again. Rumor had it that she was full of it and got high to celebrate her graduation pretty much the day she graduated! :smile: She'll forever have my respect for that one, being able to pull the wool over the staff and group's collective eyes. That's more impressive than misbehaving, if you ask me.

Lynn G. You didn't mention her, but she was from the Springfield program initially and graduated from Va Beach. She was on staff for a while and then moved on.

Tish W. Red headed, crazy ass girl. Lots of stories to tell here. Not enough time!

Kendall was in Va Beach on Staff. Wasn't as harsh as some of the others. She left not too long after the Va Beach Straight opened.

Dave H, Steve C. were on staff in Va Beach. Came and went on and off staff. Never got to know either. Jeff S. was also on staff for a while. Glenn S was on Staff and his story has be well noted here, quite a shock to me, to be completely honest. That guy seemed to really like himself. RIP.

Steve T. Hated this guy on staff. He was THE most intimidating staffer ever. He'd rip a person to shreds. Others would take status. Steve T would take dignity. Hated that guy with a passion.

Rob W. Red head guy. Very odd person. Very unpredictable. Hated to be in his rap when he was smiling. That was a horrible feeling b/c you just knew he was about to spring a trap.

Shane H. Though I am Shane H also, there was another Shane that was absolutely crazy. People just loved the guy for it, even staff.

T. Hoffman come to mind?

Jason P?

I could go on forever. I haven't thought of these people in quite some time.


Girl's side
5th phasers I remember
Laura F.
Amy S.
Heather N.
Farrah S.

misbehavers (saving us from the monotony)
Jamie U.
Robin S.
Mary M.
Kendall (I saw her last year in Virginia B)

Hoffman Boston people
Mike M. (funny)
Mike K. -think he had a brother (hilarious)
Steve C.
Kyle H.
Spencer H.
Gina F.

can't remember many names of guys

Steve T
Robs (both of them -dark and blonde hair)
Alicia (stonewashed jeans and clarks)
Red haired woman with big glasses and funny teeth
(exceptionally scary)
Amy S.

If you too survived this windowless warehouse and remember these people please raise your hand.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Sophie

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2004, 05:33:00 PM »
Shane, when were you in there again?

I remember so many of the people you mention.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Withdraw

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2004, 09:10:00 PM »
Alicia P.? She was like my best friend/oldcomer. I cared alot for her and her mom. Her Mom even wrote me letters after I was withdrawn. She was on staff later? Funny if it was her , we met  2 yrs later at the Hardees.I hope she didn't feel bad aboutthat if she were on staff.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline infanalyst

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2005, 11:35:00 AM »
Hey Withdraw,

I am wondering if I know you... I knew Alicia P. during my stay and I think she did a short time on staff after she finished. I knew a few of the Robinson crowd and hung out with her on many occasions after getting out. In fact, I remember going to see the Dead at RFK in Summer of '89 with her and a couple of other former POW's. Send me an e-mail if you remember me...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Brent Lewis
American "War on Drugs" P.O.W.
Straight - DC (Springfield)

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2005, 02:29:00 PM »
On 2004-08-14 10:54:00, future.air wrote:

"I remember that. Since I found this website a couple months ago I've been slowly recovering memories from that time of my life.

I visited in an attempt to understand my past and realized my "classmates" were really all the people I sat in blue plastic chairs with in Springfield. We were taught some pretty sick shit, especially for already troubled teenagers."


Hey Elizabeth,

I know I remember you now. Amazing how we have flashbacks of incidents when we hear names. I was reading the name Melissa J. and then somehow remembered you. I believe you came in towards the end of my stay. By that time, I was one of the "ranking" members in group. By that I mean I was one of the people who had been there for long enough that other long time "students", (as you referred to them), knew what I had been through. I think sometimes the longer you were in there, the harder it became. Having to come up with new stories to "share", all the while knowing the game and what the rules were. Sweating it out on Friday night reviews...

I'm glad to hear you are doing well in NYC. I lived big city life for quite some time, now I live in a much mellower place, and I am enjoying life to the fullest. I hope you are enjoying life and from the looks of your website, I would say things are good for you.

Live Aloha every day!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Brent Lewis
American "War on Drugs" P.O.W.
Straight - DC (Springfield)

Offline shady grove

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2005, 09:00:00 PM »
Brent that reminds me:

Often I would be exhausted sitting in that place. Never got enough sleep. Well, I happen to know a little about reproductive physiology now, and how when one sleeps, the parasympatheitic nervous system becomes dominant and causes certain uncontrollable functions to occur, no matter how inappropriate or untimley they may be.

I think you all understand what I mean when I say that a  certain thing occured beyond my control, that can only happen to a pubescent male, just as I was asked by Chase to stand up and relate to someone about a serious past incident. Believe me, it was not an impressive site, but it was...embarrassing to say the least.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Straight Springfield 1988-1990
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2005, 12:35:00 PM »
Well, I don't know why I am even writing this...   I found Str8 Inc Alumni site about 2 years ago, and have been sorta freaked ever since....    If any of you remember me, you prolly hate me.  
I'd like to know what you remember of me though...   I remember only a few people as I was a misbehaver....  
Anyhow, I found this, and since I was in from 8/89 - 4 or 5/ 90, I figured I should post....  

I made a few connections, but don't know if they meant as much to them as me.

Elizabeth, you sound soooo familiar...   I had a friend in school with the same last name, maybe that is why.
Someone recently said that I may have hit you, and everyone thought you were really nice, and to set the record str8, if I did I am sorry...   I prolly owe lots of appologies , to a lot of peeps out there...  Also, Elizabeth...  I love your pics....  they are great...  I showed my husband too...   Well, it's like, if I could'd prolly paint quite similarly.  I love the 'period' so to say that they all evoke....  Not stuffy, Not boring, very, Very cool...  

Anyhow, married, crazy :silly: , 3 kids (10, 12 boys, and 5 year old girl) , bachelors from Widener University, programmer (tech arch) for Accenture.  Was a housewife for 6 years, but tht was driving me nuts....   and have just recently transitioned back to work.....Living in south Jersey, near DE....   Drive a green minivan,lol, and never have a babysitter....  and constantly thinking about this stuff...    everyday, no matter if happy or not....     Str8 stuck to me hard.......   (getting a sports car after a few more paychecks, lol)

I think I bumped into a girl named Mary, a couple years after Str8.  She I beleive had black hair, and was a misbehaver too....   but sometimes pulled herself together to make it to 3rd or 4th phase.   I'd love to speak to her....
I wonder what she thought when she saw me that night!  She was walking into I guess her apt building with her parents, and I was walking in with a

I was very extreme after str8, but, come a long way on the outside since then.....  

anyhow...     I have pics on Str8 Inc Almuni
----  -----  

maybe it'll jog your memories.....

So, see ya in the next life.... if not this one....   :wave:  
Kelly C.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »