Well, I don't know why I am even writing this... I found Str8 Inc Alumni site about 2 years ago, and have been sorta freaked ever since.... If any of you remember me, you prolly hate me.
I'd like to know what you remember of me though... I remember only a few people as I was a misbehaver....
Anyhow, I found this, and since I was in from 8/89 - 4 or 5/ 90, I figured I should post....
I made a few connections, but don't know if they meant as much to them as me.
Elizabeth, you sound soooo familiar... I had a friend in school with the same last name, maybe that is why.
Someone recently said that I may have hit you, and everyone thought you were really nice, and to set the record str8, if I did I am sorry... I prolly owe lots of appologies , to a lot of peeps out there... Also, Elizabeth... I love your pics.... they are great... I showed my husband too... Well, it's like, if I could paint...lol...I'd prolly paint quite similarly. I love the 'period' so to say that they all evoke.... Not stuffy, Not boring, very real....hot, Very cool...
Anyhow, married, crazy :silly: , 3 kids (10, 12 boys, and 5 year old girl) , bachelors from Widener University, programmer (tech arch) for Accenture. Was a housewife for 6 years, but tht was driving me nuts.... and have just recently transitioned back to work.....Living in south Jersey, near DE.... Drive a green minivan,lol, and never have a babysitter.... and constantly thinking about this stuff... everyday, no matter if happy or not.... Str8 stuck to me hard....... (getting a sports car after a few more paychecks, lol)
I think I bumped into a girl named Mary, a couple years after Str8. She I beleive had black hair, and was a misbehaver too.... but sometimes pulled herself together to make it to 3rd or 4th phase. I'd love to speak to her....
I wonder what she thought when she saw me that night! She was walking into I guess her apt building with her parents, and I was walking in with a trick...lol...
I was very extreme after str8, but, come a long way on the outside since then.....
anyhow... I have pics on Str8 Inc Almuni
----http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Straight_Inc_Alumni/ -----
maybe it'll jog your memories.....
So, see ya in the next life.... if not this one.... :wave:
Kelly C.