Author Topic: Former students from Provo Canyon School???  (Read 15146 times)

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2005, 01:24:00 AM »
The time I spent at Provo Canyon School changed me in ways that I am still struggling with, fourteen years later.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2005, 02:10:00 AM »
I was at Provo Canyon School in Orem in 1999.  One day when I have the time and the energy I will type and paste my whole story here and all over the web so that it comes up at the top of search engines when "prospective patents" type Provo Canyon School into the query box.  I will never forget observation- the isolation room... The cot with cuffs and restraints hanging off it- that time they put that poor frail girl in a straight jacket, then later, left the jacket out hanging on the corner of the door, so everyone on investment could see it.  The take downs.  The sobbing, the total breakdowns under the stress and 24/7 headgames. Night after night those flashlights and hall lights in our eyes. Line structure. Dial... I can't even say it, but you know the number. The Hadol in the hip bones, and  the mean, downright vengeful sadistic staff.  They had weird relationships and obsessions with some of the inmates.  I saw one girl with a broken leg, and one with a broken arm, but the injuries were always described in some vague manner, ?fell down the stairs? or ?ran into the wall in P.E.? No one seems to get it, these places don't just shut down soon as the media gets wind... They change owners. It was Charter when I was there and now it's what? World Health or something like that?  It's still ol' Rob Crist and his crew...  They tried to convince me I had ran away from home when I never did.  They even kept putting me in situation after situation where I had the chance to run, but I knew, I KNEW that it was a trap.  Like once they left the stairwell door wide open and told me to deliver something from unit 2 up to orientation, another time my therapist had me help her carry stuff in from her car. But I'd always see a walky-talky antennae just around the corner or hear some far off muffled staticy "what's your 20?" They were always setting you up. I even made hotel!  Some of those guys from the boy's campus were pretty fine heh.  Some of you probably rememeber me, and let me tell you soon as the staff got wind that I was leaving, they brought up something someone overheard me say from like four months prior and I lost my bed and landed in investment.  I believe it was Lorna and Danielle that called me on it.  (I heard Danielle moved to California, but Lorna?s still there and as mean as ever.) They totally expected me to lose it, they were all ready for me to lose it and just fly off the handle. So you know what I did?  I just LOOKED at them, and said NOTHING.  I worked off the ip's, went back to the unit (in room 9 the one with the two-way mirror on the wall) then I went home.  I should have never said anything in front of that girl, but they got inside her head.  The staff at PCS had this way of pitting the girls against each other.  Divide and conquer I guess.  Know what I had said? After taking a Class II for sketching my name in ?tag lettering,? I was in a pretty pissy mood so I muttered under my breath:  ?I bet I could fake my way outta here.? It?s kinda funny. Truth is, I faked it the whole way though. I faked that place like it was a 24/7 role in a movie I was playing, and I observed EVERYTHING.  I?ll tell you, one time they gave me some other girl's Lithium by mistake, and then they were much more lenient on me after that.  I tried to tell them I wasn?t her, and they threatened me with Obs if I didn?t swallow the meds. I actually had a great stash of all kinds of shit too (and I?m not talking candy), but I won't say how, just in case some girl there now is using the same hiding spot, I don't want some staff who reads these things to go bust them. Needless to say, I was high almost every weekend.  How did I get through it?  I once had one of the teachers write me like a year after I left and she said ?you had a very calming presence in the classroom? I did all I could to just be silly and diffuse any uprising situation.  I tried to give the place perspective, and was always a little sarcastic when I pointed out the inanity of the rules and terminology, without ever being obvious about it.  They say true love conquers all, I just took everyone into my heart, both staff and students. On my last day I even looked the meanest staff in the eyes and told her, "I forgive you."  She had real fear in her face after hearing that. More than once the staff even asked me to talk to a girl to calm her down.  All I could ever say to the girls (since I was being watched, of course) was ?Look, you know as well as I do how far this can go.? And it would go FAR. I heard they could keep a girl in Obs for weeks on nothing but hard water and saltines. They lied to my mother and told her that no men worked on the girl?s units, but I can remember at least two males in their twenties on the investment unit (one of which I believe was a senior on?s son). The staff also trashed my sketchbook.  I also heard a rumor that this girl saw some room that had a bunch of TVs which looked like they were receiving input from surveillance cameras, but I never saw that for myself.  To this day I freak out when ever I smell cleaning solvent similar to the ones we had to use. All Provo Canyon School ever taught me was that there are serious mind-control experiments being run on this country?s youth, and that by having control over the inmate?s mail, and listening in on phone conversations, they cut off all access to legal representation or help of any kind. They control everyone by FORCE and THREATS- staff and students alike. How I wish the revolution had gone down while I was there!  Some success story huh?  Now I'm an artist and a musician.  Hit me up- [email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline cherish wisdom

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2005, 12:58:00 PM »
My daughter had a similar experience with obs, haldol, investment, mail and phone censoring at Provo Canyon School. What you are saying is true and it is still happening today. I'd like to encourage you to report all of these things to the authorities - the isolation, drugging, forcing you to swallow a dangerous medication that was not your own - all of these things are abusive.

I cannot believe in the immortality of the soul.... No, all this talk of an existence for us, as individuals, beyond the grave is wrong. It is born of our tenacity of life -- our desire to go on living -- our dread of coming to an end.
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2005, 04:51:00 AM »
Which authorities?  The police?  The government? It seems these RTCs are big business in Utah and that they just keep changing owners whenever things get too heavy.   How did Provo Canyon School manage to  claim bankruptcy in 2000 when they were raking in $300+ a DAY per kid?  It's too many years past the statue of limitations for me to sue, and Provo Canyon School can certainly afford a better lawyer than any kid four years or less out of the program. I really am so sorry to hear about your daughter, Cherish, and I really respect what you are doing.  I wish that more parents of children who were abused and mistreated at Provo Canyon School would come forward.  When former students speak out-  myself included- it just sounds like upset former students.  But when a =parent= gives Provo Canyon School a bad review, and confirms what the formers students are saying, other parents really listen to that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2005, 01:41:00 PM »
Even if you can't take any legal action in your own case, some lawyers have advised ppl to make out  notarized affidavits and file them w/ all of the appropriate authorities. They won't act on them in any direct way. But when someone does take legal action, if they know the affidavits exist, they may be able to use them somehow.

First management had plans and then strategic plans. Now we have vision, and we're only one small step from hallucination.
-- Ansley Throckmorton upon assuming the presidency of Bangor Theological Seminary in Bangor, Main per Information World 8-4-`97

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline cherish wisdom

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #35 on: May 30, 2005, 01:28:00 AM »
Regardless of whether the statute has passed - it could help hundreds of others if you report what happened to you. Even though 5 years have passed - that only give your story more credibility.  Here are the e-mail addresses of some of the authorities in Utah:

[email protected] - Human Rights - Utah - Liz Julian

[email protected] - Sophie Petrogeorge - Assistant Attorney General State of Utah

[email protected] - Ken Stettler Director Department of Health and Human Services

You should send a letter regarding your care at Provo Canyon School to these people. Unfortunately most only vent here on the internet. If more people went to the authorities prehaps something more would be done to close places like Provo Canyon School.  

Faith means not wanting to know what is true.
--Freidrich Nietzsche, German philosopher

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2005, 11:44:00 PM »
I graduated from that horrid place in 1988.  Since I was shipped there, I have had really severe issues with trust.  I can't trust people and think everyone has an alterior motive.  To this day, I still have paranoid thoughts of getting locked up again.  Almost 20 years later, I still wake up from nightmares related to my time there.

I went through a lot of the same things posted in this thread, but when I attended "IPS", which were the points you had to work off, were worked off by standing & staring at a wall.  We were not allowed to do homework, speak or sit down, except for the five minute break between IPS.  Observation was the  most miserable experience I've ever been through.  I was in there for several 3+ week stretches.  There was no cot - just a mattress on the floor with the restraints.  I remember trying to carve things in the wood panels with my nails to do something - anything - it didn't matter.  Eating was the only activity I had to look forward to.

The funny thing is... reading all of these testimonies and how PCS claimed people were manipulative and warned parents that their children would lie made me realize that it WAS as bad as I remember.  It was as much of a NIGHTMARE as I said it was.  I wasn't crazy.  I wasn't exaggerating.  My parents told me that the staff their called me "smooth operator" because I was so manipulative, but the truth of it (which seems so clear now)is that they said that to every parent.  They didn't want their "methods" known.  

I was so happy to get out of there, I didn't care about fighting with my parents about what really went on there.  They just tell me that I graduated and so it really did help.  I graduated to get out of there.  I don't think fear is really a good reason to do anything.

My anger and drug abuse was not helped by this place at all.  In fact, it had increased at least ten-fold once I got out.  I try and never regret anything in my life because I believe every experience has made me who I am today, but I mourn my adolescence.

I suppose that which does not kill me makes me stronger...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline cherish wisdom

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2005, 01:51:00 AM »
Hopefully you will get stronger. Time heals wounds. My heart goes out to all of the survivors who had to spend so much time in that horrid lock down called Provo Canyon School. There are many people who were there 20 years ago and still have scars from their experience. Your stories really do help save others from a similar fate.  My daughter was only there for one month. I don't know what she would have been like if she had been there for several months or even years like some of the survivors. I truly believe that their maltreatment has caused many to loose their minds.  Some of the girls become more depressed.  
Parents are still sending their children there. I don't know what they are thinking - they obviously are not listening.

I tried not to work for, you know, anyone who ate children with their bare hands. I won't pretend that I was ideologically consistent.

--Dick Morris; Political consultant for Bill Clinton, Trent Lott and Tom Ridge

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you lack wisdom ask of God and it shall be given to you.\"

Offline Anonymous

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2005, 06:48:00 PM »
From age 13-15, i was held in this horrid place.  So many things are seen but not heard.  Many of the torture that had occurred to me and multiple other patients there cannot be put into words because of how painful it was.  They really need to actually start helping kids rather than making things worse.  I convinced my parents to transfer me to another facility because of the horrible treatment i was receiving.  For two years i was belittled because i spoke negatively about the program.  Finally i broke down and was brutally honest to my wretched therapist and brainwashed parents.  This insanity needs to end! I 100% agree with closing down this facility.  I was confined in the place for 22 months beginning on November 13, 2002 and recently ending on September 4, 2004.  Therapy was more like discipline session.  Therapists had all the power.  How are you supposed to trust someone with helping you when they are constantly placed in the role to discipline you?  For approximately 15 months of my stay, I was residing on investment, the disciplinary unit.  I endured numerous amounts of hours sitting in isolation in sweats with no communication to anyone because I was very fed up with not being taken seriously with how i felt about the program to anyone.  Because I happened to be very impulsive as well, i was placed on a standing order in which i was forced to write down every single word, sound, and non-verbal expression down on paper before i did it.  That was a part of my program for four months straight!  Not once was i taken off of that.  Then because i didn't work on certain specific issues that i had, i was put on another standing order that was to carry a box with all my issues written on the outside.  That is breaking confidentiality and very cruel because i was never allowed to put it down unless asleep.  I really think that they falsely advertise Provo Canyon School because by manipulating desperate parents to get their kids help.  In the video they show numerous things that do not even exists at the school.  I have no more to say on this but i thank you for giving me the time to express myself on this issue.  It is quite crazy because i never thought that anyone would feel the same as i do and actually want to do something about it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline bandit1978

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2005, 07:20:00 PM »
Can you tell me what staff members were there while you were there?  Which ones were the meanest/most sadistic?  Which ones seemed to be truly psycho?  I am very interested to know who is still there (I was there in 1993-94), because indeed, one of the biggest problems they have there are some of those staff members.  

And did you notice that some staff members are clearly, obviously lesbians, but live in such a repressed state that they are seemingly unaware of this and are even married and have children??  Then they act out their confused, repressed, angry sexuality by working at a place like PCS.  It's so sick.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
egan Flynn
Survivor- Provo Canyon School

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2005, 09:15:00 PM »
Ok, here's some dirt on all the staff from 1999-early 2000.  It's hard to remember everyone, but I'll do my best.

(note: I don't know everyone's full name, because we just called the staff by their first names)

Sandy-  She had long blonde hair, maybe in her 40's?  She was mean at first and liked to tell people they were being "ornery".  She also liked to make the students "take a chair"  (when you had to take a chair, face it toward the wall, sit with your arms on the armrest, sit up straight, and stare at the wall forever) and she would often not let them get up to go to the bathroom.

Allison-  She was also one of the meanest there. She was morning staff on orientation and investment, she had short brown hair and big eyes, she liked to call dial 9's (when all the staff dogpile on a kid and restrain them).  She seemed pretty abusive.  She had a temper and sometimes threw things at the kids.  She also would flip over your mattress if you didn't wake up right away, even if you were on the top bunk.  She liked to accuse people of things they never did.  Also, if you had to write a contract (for a class II infraction or whatever, she would rarely accept it the first time and you'd have to serve your points over again.  

Clara- She was heavyset, in her 20's. She used to live in Santa Clara, which I thought was funny.  She was usually staff during the day while we were at school.  She wasn't too bad except for the fact that she would force you to let her read your mail.  She got called on a lot of the dial 9's.

Brandon- Investment staff. He was in his mid twenties.  He acted gay, he was very swishy and talked with a lisp (not that that's a problem, I'm just describing him).  He liked to gossip about the girls there with Kirsten.  I heard rumors that he was abusive.

Kirsten- In her twenties.  She had blonde hair and blue eyes, looked nice, but was kinda strange.  She and one of the students, (initials E.O.),  had a really weird obsessive relationship and she used to take the girl on "home visits" quite often as I remember.  She was a really BIG gossip and would blabber all day about the student's personal lives without caring who overheard her.

Codey-  Investment staff.  She looked like the youngest one there, I didn't know her that well, but she was kinda clownish and would joke a lot, but it would sometimes get some of the younger girls excited and riled, and they'd forget themselves, and then laugh out of turn or something, and then she'd punish them.  

Shannon- Unit II staff.  She was actually pretty mellow.  She would at least try to comfort you if you were having a bad day, and would listen if you needed to talk.  She left because she was having a baby.

JoAnna-  She was really tall and had short, curly black hair (I remember some of the girls called her broccoli-head)  She liked to pick-on the girls, and she would tease them all the time.  She would call them names, and laugh in their faces.

Heidi-  Slender, tan, and short blonde hair.  I didn't know her that well either, but she was the staff that once came back from the young boy's unit with blood on her shirt.

Nofo-  She was pretty nice too, I mean all the staff kinda got wrapped up in the power-game, but Nofo was also pretty nice and would listen and seemed to care.

D'arcy-  She was a very tall, intimidating-looking woman.  Blonde. At first she was really nice and tried to do extra things for the girls, like bringing them books to read, and helping them with their homework.  But I think she kinda power-tripped after awhile, she started to get really mean and was often involved in restraining the students.

Jenna-  Kinda built like D'arcy, she had a timid-sounding voice. Also blonde.  She got called on a lot of the dial 9's too. I didn't know her that well as she was on unit 3.
J.C.- Also unit 3 staff. She had long curly brown hair. I didn't know her that well 'cause I wasn't on her unit.  I heard a rumor that she and D'arcy got involved in some sort of scandal with a couple of the students, anyone know the story behind this?


Lorna Hall-  Absolutely the meanest staff there.  She was short, fat, and kinda an eyesore.  I have a felling she was so mean because she felt bad about her self.  I think that some of the other staff were actually afraid of her, too.  She wasn't always there, but when she was she would be putting people on chairs, on investment, or in obs (the solitary room) left and right.  She called a dial-9 on you for anything- rolling your eyes, or saying "I'm going to the restroom" instead of asking if you may go to the restroom.  She pulled my hair once and pulled a huge chunk out.  She also, when throwing me into obs, dug her nails into my arm so badly that it bled.

Cathy Hurly-  She was usually in charge of the Hotel girls, driving them to and from the Howard Johnson's.  She once broke her wrist or thumb or something during a dial-9 and had to wear a sling. Also, during the beginning of my stay, I do believe it was her son, who looked in his early-mid twenties, watching the girls in obs on investment.

Danielle Fishel (or Fisher?)-  Petite blonde, she was nice-looking, but always had a mean expression on her face.  She was pretty ruthless with handing out punishments and infractions, and liked to blame the kids for things they had no control over. I heard she moved to California?

Ok, the others I had little to no experience with so I couldn't really say.  Oh yeah, I remember the therapist Jeanette Brown had some pretty strange approaches to therapy.  She and some of the other therapists would put people on "standing orders" like they would have to flip a coin to tell if they were lying, and if it came up the wrong side they got a class II, they had ones where students were not allowed to talk to people on certain levels, or just not allowed to talk at all, ones where two students would be paired, and if one got in trouble, the other got the same punishment as the first did, even if she wasn't involved.  I could go on forever.  If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline bandit1978

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Former students from Provo Canyon School???
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2005, 11:19:00 PM »
I remember an orientation staff member named Allison Beardall.  (don't know if it is the same one, but maybe). Short hair, not too tall, big blue eyes.  Though Allison and I were not particuarly close, I believe she was one of the more educated ones.  I think she either had a degree in sociology, or was studying for one.  

While she could be a bit mean and definately petty, I think she has the ability and the knowledge base to work in a theraputic and positive manner.  I do know that working in that sort of environment could make a staff member with a mean-streak turn really mean, as it is quite easy for them to abuse their power.

I also remember Lorna.  She once gave me a class 2 because I got a sunburn! (how the fuck was I sopposed to know that the sun in the mountains was so strong.  We were only outside for maybe 2 hours, and I was only 14!).  

I remember Kathy Hurley.  (though I thought I heard from someone that she got fired).  She has worked there forever!  She worked with the upper level girls.  I don't think she was really abusive or anything.  But you could easily feel sorry for her, because she seemed like a cool chic, but was stuck in this small town in Utah.  (I don't think she has ever lived anywhere else).  She would have done well in New york, maybe in the east village or something, if she would have gone there at a young age.  And she dropped out of nursing school.  Pretty sad.  I don't think she had any kids, though.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
egan Flynn
Survivor- Provo Canyon School

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« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2005, 01:28:00 AM »
Larry Winn - therapist - small, short, about 50-60. Codey Barnes, Angela Pratt - both mean and sadistic.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2005, 07:13:00 PM »
It's possible that it wasn't Kathy Hurly's son, I just knew he was the son of a senior-on, and he kinda resembled her face, but it could have been Sue or Leslie's son, because they were both there, but I rarely saw them (except once Leslie gave me a class II for mis-matched hair scrunchies.) I laugh when I think of it now, but I wasn't laughing at the time that's fer sure.  Also, a lot of what we heard about the staff was like through a game of telephone because everything we said was closely monitored by students and other staff, so we had to be super-secretive.  I know it's bad to spread rumors, but they are usually based on something, so I think it's better to get it out in the open so people can actually confront what is what, instead of going on silently thinking something that's not true.  It's important to remember that staff would be mean to some students would be really nice to others, they liked to play favorites. Like it should be said, that even though Sandy seemed pretty mean, I heard from other students that she once risked her job and stood up for some girl that was being picked on, so I think she was probably deep down a good person after all.  It seemed that mostly all the staff were actually nice, decent folk that just got wrapped up in a bad scene.  Even Lorna, who was definitely the meanest, had adopted a baby and I have to give her credit for that because atleast it showed she had some sort of motherlyness to her. I too feel sorry for the staff there because when I think about it, there's probably not a lot of other options for employment in Provo, Utah, and the skills learned on the job really can't transfer to anything other jobs except maybe prison guard, so it's no wonder they stick with it, what else are they gonna do?  I think you really hit the nail on the head when you said "working in that sort of environment could make a staff member with a mean-streak turn really mean, as it is quite easy for them to abuse their power." I saw a lot of that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline bandit1978

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« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2005, 12:05:00 AM »
Larry Wynn was my therapist- good man (I think...).  He was the most desired out of all the others (all the girls wanted to be on his caseload).  

What about the bull-dykes?  (women whom are obviously, painfully lesbians, but are in denial because of their religion, the local utah culture, or whatever reason).  They included *Eileen (short, serious body-builder, mullet;  she was especially malicious towards me, she caused me mountains of anxiety!)  She is actually a real sicko.  
*Maureen (Mo)- I think she is gone, she used to work days during school.  She was for sure a butch lesbian, but has a husband and one son.    *Marnie- petite and cute, but deep voice, definately a lesbian.  Had husband and one baby (at age 22!)  
*Julie- large, with curly light brown hair, married to a hispanic man, with a baby and a stepson.  She's probably also a lesbian.  

I do feel sorry for all these people.  They are so repressed (sexually, socially, intellectually).  IF some of them do leave Utah and move on to someplace with more opportunity, then good for them.  But the ones who stay there are doing a disservice to themselves, and especially to any children they might keep and raise in Provo.  

My boyfriend and I will be moving from DC to Jacksonville, FL, where we will stay for 3 years because he got into the cardiology program there.  I am excited to get out of the city, and live near the beach, and have affordable housing and my own little yard.  But we have decided that we will not raise kids there, no matter how much we enjoy it.  Because it's just not fair to them- we will raise kids in the northeast.  We value opportunity, diversity, culture.  Kids who grow up in places like Utah are way behind in the game.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
egan Flynn
Survivor- Provo Canyon School