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I know a little about that. LIFE was in Osprey. It opened just before Straight, Sarasota, so around `80 or so. I went to school with a couple of people from there and actually walked away from an intake interview just after I'd split Straight, turned 18 and tried for the last time to get along with my mother.

Life opened while straight st. pete was still in operation.  It expanded to Tallahassee and has since been renamed "turn-about"  I don't know too much about it now, although I have friends that are graduates adn they say it was a mind fuck, just like straight.   I think I may pay them a visit...................

I remember that bitch Miss Peterman. She was a ruthless hatful woman with alot of hate inside.

85 Day Jerk:
Life is for Everyone.  A plain and unassuming name for a drug treatment program.
I believe the program first opened in August of 1980.  I went on a long road trip with Chuck Cannon around mid September of 1980 and we visited the place.  We met with Mrs. Pete, took part in a rap, and tortured the kids by eating McDonalds food in front of them.  Mrs. Pete had good intentions I guess, they had real good food for the kids and group size was kept down to a reasonable level so that the program had more quality.  It was not the festering hellhole that the rest of us had to endure.
Some serious shit had gone down back in St, Pete and she would not go into details, but she did imply that Miller Newton was doing shit that could lead to criminal indictments and she felt it was best to move on.  I think it would be far more profitable to stop looking at her as the Wicked Witch of the West and maybe see that she was a power mad single mother who got in over her head.
Miller Newton came to straight driving a 1976 Chevrolet Caprice Classic station wagon.
I believe his second car was a Volvo sedan.
Within 3 months both him and his piss-bag of a wife were driving new Mercedes.  Helen Petermann still drove her 1974 Mustang Grande and it was parked at the LIFE building when we visited.  What I want to know is what kind of back room board meeting deals went down with Miller Newton and the "Straight Advisory Board."  Conspiracy and Racketeering are Federal crimes.  It would be ironic as hell if we could bring these scumbags to justice using the RICO laws that they themselves had lobbied to enact!!
As for the Tallahassee LIFE, it got it's start in October or November of 1980.  No one had graduated the first program yet, so all they had to pull from were Straight Inc. graduates.  What they wound up with were basically the misfit 7 steppers from St. Pete who could not get a good job because of poor school performance, or plain stupidity , yet they craved the attention and authority.  My stepbrother Mike was one of them, as well as Robert Lee, a blonde chick named Debbie that was his girlfriend, and a plump girl from Seminole named Bonnie Caraway.  The fact that all the staff were boyfriend and girlfriend was a disaster from the start.  Both girls wound up pregnant, my brother ran back home to mama so fast he almost melted the engine in his piece of crap Galaxy 500, and I was forced into having to answer the phone for him and listen to his shattered girlfriend blubber on and on, until I ripped the phone cord out of the wall.  The Tallahassee LIFE closed around May of 1981 I think.  Mike Murphy and Aimee Wrong may have been a part of it, but I am not really sure, because I was on my way to having a nervous breakdown.

[email protected]:
Sarasota L.I.F.E. AND Sarasota Straight were both operating at the same time,L.I.F.E. being the "offshoot" of Sarasota Straight.
I remember I was in LIFE and my neighbors were in Straight.I will never forget the menecing mutual stares exchanged over the hedge like rivals from opposite teams when we would arrive home an the same time.


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