Author Topic: Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness  (Read 15416 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #45 on: October 14, 2004, 06:18:00 PM »
On 2004-10-14 13:56:00, Anonymous wrote:

"they should screen all the republicans and democratic representitives who did not speak out against the War in Iraq    there have been many suicides and PTSD cases of soldiers  just like vietnam.   the war is a waste of money.  Why is it that those who are in favor of it  have never volunteered to serve in combat and sent others ?   isn't it mentally ill how the conservatives try to argue both sides of every argument  so desperate to preserve their phony social order when it is nepotism and cronyism  that got them there management jobs not their self proclaimed superiority.  Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld  REFUSED to go to war when the honest Nixon asked them to.  Yet they insist that we fund their war so their Wall street friends can have profits and there wives not have to work. As long as profit margins are great i guess the ends justify the means     "

My father in law was for it, and he's a retired Army Major, who served in Korea and wherever else they sent him.  My dad was for it.  He was Army signal corps, stateside, during 'Nam.  He would have gone if that had been where they ordered him.  As it was, it wasn't where his orders went.  My uncle was for it.  He served two tours in 'Nam.  My brother in law is a 2nd Lt right now, in Ranger school and training to go over---due to deploy in January with the 101st.  My friend who's a Colonel at the Army War College is for it.  The only reason he's in the Army War College instead of leading infantry is because he's old and his ticker isn't what it used to be.  When he was young, he went wherever they sent him.  My friend who's a veteran of Grenada and was in the 82nd Airborne is for it.  My brother-in-law who's a retired Navy Senior Chief is for it--he served with his boat off Haifa in Gulf War I.  My friend who's in the Army and just got promoted to Major at the beginning of the month, getting ready to start Ranger school in a couple of weeks is for it.  My husband's buddy from school who is an Army Major in Signal is for it---and he was in a headquarters unit in Kuwait during the runup to war, and was sent into combat in Afghanistan--he was on the last plane out from Kandahar.

Hello?  You're obviously not from a military family, and you obviously don't have many friends in the military, or you'd know how fucking stupid what you're saying actually is.

The overwhelming majority of the troops understand exactly why they're over there, and are all for it.

Oppose it if you want.  It's a free country.  My family helped make it one, and has helped each generation to keep it that way.

Just don't lie and pretend the troops don't, by overwhelming majority, understand and support the war.  Sure, it fools other people with few to no friends or family willing to sign up and serve in the military---just like somebody fooled you.

But it doesn't fool the troops and those of us who are their families.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #46 on: October 14, 2004, 10:03:00 PM »
Where to start with you my fellow patriot.  First of all i am from a military family. go read any book about mcarthur and read who his assistant was.   The majority of troops are not from MILITARY FAMILIES they are there because of the economic inequality in america caused by republicans who only care that the price of stock goes up when they lay someone off. It is lack of money not patriotism that led to the MAJORITY of our troops enlisting. once they are there there have been numerous cases of men being driven mad and stressed out by the war just like VIETNAM but as long as it is not your family member i guess you look the other way. Just because i and the rest of america have not bought your nationalism defend america brainwashing that has been fed to you by generations does not make me STUPID. it is unfair to call people stupid just because they do not make their living off the sweat of others. do you think george w bush ever had to work a night job while he went to community college? on a cold day in hell. if you believe that lie that they lost his records then you should ask every vetran you know if they have ever had any of their records lost. Watch Nixon the movie by director oliver stone. I am not pretending or lying when i think that the troops don't understand or support the war. they are coerced into saying that the war is right because of the fear of being fragged and vietnam vets can tell you all about that if they are not homeless and stressed out. The witch hunt mentality of military culture would accuse any troop who said he did not support the war of being a traitor and then railroad him to some brig. Bush sent your family members over there because he said there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. a UN weapons inspector named scott ( last name forgotten, but he is a vet and on news a lot) said there were no weapons of md in iraq. bush lied to get us into a war just like johnson lied to get us into vietnam and your relatives can tell you all about the faked gulf of tonkin incident and the book THE PENTAGON PAPERS by daniel ellsberg. I resent your saying that i am fooling innocent people. i do not believe we should send anyone to a war that the bush and cheney offspring have refused to fight in.  Your military pals can tell you that there is a shortage of troops right now and many are being kept past their enlistment because there is no one to relieve them and even minority communities are refusing to enlist and this has prompted rep charles rangle d- new york to call for a new military draft for ALL americans. If we cannot get the poor to volunteer why should we be over there if we are understaffed? the shortage of troops and overworking of those there only stresses them out and leads to PTSD and homelessness because they are so traumatized that they cannot adjust to civilian life.  I salute those who serve for 20 years and then retire on a pension and do not harass the rest of us by becoming city policemen. Once you have served your time, sell your house buy some stocks, buy a modular home and some land and spend your days working for habitat for humanity like jimmy carter
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2004, 04:30:00 PM »
24%  of the troops polled said they would vote for John Kerry  so  i wonder about this military family types who say the troops believe Bush and support the  war. recently troops refused to go on a mission because they said it was " suicide"   When military intelligence says something  you have to read between the lines  and remember that may lie to America to protect their pensions and Careers. yes , folks  going to war is about Money not Freedom and our National Guard enrollment is down 10%  but hey who needs the truth when you be an arrogant flag waving loud pipe harley riding asshole who hates drug users but ignores Rush Limbaugh and his hillbilly heroin bust. i guess if you are rich and believe in capitalism the truth and equal justice for all does not apply to you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2004, 05:44:00 PM »
A local American Legion post came down squarely on the side of Kerry, mostly because of the war issue. Check out some of the quotes here:

These sound a whole lot more like the veterans I run into than what the teevee tells me.

There are not enough jails, not enough policemen, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people.
-- HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, speech (1965)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2004, 10:02:00 PM »

IL Children's Mental Health Plan gives legislators headache
SPRINGFIELD -- Illinois recently gained national and international attention as the first state to put into law a template for mental health screening that could become a national model for government mandated "evidence-based practices screening" for emotional and social disorders for the state's children. But now, some state legislators are expressing concern that those putting the law into practice are either over-reaching its original intent, or the language of the law is problematic.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #50 on: October 19, 2004, 11:06:00 PM »
October 19, 2004

State of Connecticut: Mental Health - Finding Unmet Mental Health Needs in the State of Connecticut: Budget Considerations:

Statement by Sheila Matthews, National Vice President,

Thank you for holding these hearings to assist Governor Rell on input for the upcoming Fiscal Budget for unmet Mental Health Needs in the State of Connecticut.

Our organization located here in Connecticut and throughout the Country has identified clear unmet mental health needs, which require immediate attention. Our organization has testified before the FDA Advisory Panel that recommended the Black Box Warning on Antidepressants, as well as federal and state investigative congressional hearings on behavioral drugs and public schools as well as foster care. I personally testified on the first law in the Country to prevent school personnel from recommend behavioral drugs to parents, which now serves as model legislation around the Country. We have been featured on CNN, Hannity & Colmes, NPR Radio, and the Front Cover of the New York Times.

We have six current recommendations, and would like to share them with the State of Connecticut and look forward to working with the State to ensure their implementation.

1. We recommend that current laws be enforced to protect and ensure that potential mental health patients receive their rights to full informed consent prior to psychiatric treatment and the right to refuse psychiatric treatment. We must do better in this critical area of service.

2. Another unmet need in the field of mental health is accountability. It is our recommendation and request to create a data bank at the States Medical Examiner's office, which would provide an independent clarification of statistics. These statistics would include the number of people taking psychiatric drugs and would aid in determining the amounts of deaths contributed to their use. A critical need is a Non-psychiatric support system at the time of death of a mental health patient.

3. Our third recommendation is to open the bidding process beyond psychiatric behavioral health vendors to encourage companies specializing in education, vision, hearing, and nutrition to offer services to children mandated into State Care. "The Right to Treatment" does not mean potential mental health clients are forced into psychiatric treatment. There should be many resources and options to choose from beyond the psychiatric ones for potential mental health clients.

4. Foster care has been the area of focus recently in many states. Mental health abuse occurring with the foster care system, without accountability is rampant in this country and needs to be addressed. Connecticut should focus on improving all abuses within its own foster care system. It is urgent that the State take the necessary steps to protect Foster care children from being over-drugged, and trafficked into clinical drug trials while in State care. We are urgently waiting to help and we requested and recommended a full investigation by the Attorney General Offices and still wait for a response and action to be taken.

5. Our fifth recommendation and request is to ensure that the budget does not use mental health grants to market selective research and pro-drug, pro-psychiatric materials to public schools. Grants must not be used to market bias information to promote the psychiatric industry. Parents and Advocates must realize via written informed consent they are participating in a grant and the grant-funding source disclosed. Parents and Advocates must always have the right not to participate in the grant. There must be mental health grants made available that do not require a parent to label their child with a mental illness in order to participate. The state must make information available to the public on alternative treatments, and non-psychiatric approaches to good mental health.

6. Our last recommendation is based upon the U.K.'s 2003 ban of 8 different antidepressants for children and this year's investigation by the FDA itself into the link of suicide and violence caused by these same antidepressants. This past Friday, October 15th, the FDA placed the strongest possible warnings, known as "black box warnings, on these drugs due to their propensity to cause suicide and violence in patients taking them. Immediate access to this information needs to be provided to ensure overall public safety. The State needs to take measure to disseminate this information to its residents. The State must do a public awareness campaign on the link to suicide and antidepressant use in children as well as the dangers of controlled substances. Non-psychiatric detoxification programs should be set-up to help mental health patients withdraw from the antidepressants to ensure proper oversight to prevent suicides. We also request the State comply with the 1965 Drug Abuse Control Amendment enacted to deal with problems caused by abuse of depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens.

As an organization that works with families that have lost a love one to drug induced suicide, we plan to continue to reach out to all, to protect innocent children and adults from wrongful and senseless deaths.

There is plenty of room for all to work together to ensure that human rights and the right to treatment are achieved. Our Organization is standing by to help ensure our government provides basic constitutional sound science-based mental health services in the State of Connecticut.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Mondamin0603

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #51 on: October 22, 2004, 12:14:00 PM »
As a fully life functional bi polar patient (living without meds) I've managed to go to College (university of Chicago0 and now am attending grad school at Northwestern while in the middle of my 8 year relationship. the government should stay the fuck out of mental health. That is really dangerous grounds
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #52 on: October 22, 2004, 12:39:00 PM »
Amen sister,
Did you ever take drugs?
What has worked for you?
Therapy? Herbs? Counseling?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #53 on: October 22, 2004, 02:28:00 PM »
god damn bush nigger stop that shit man
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #54 on: October 27, 2004, 08:22:00 PM »
Where to start with you my fellow patriot. First of all i am from a military family.  The majority of troops are not from MILITARY FAMILIES they are there because of the economic inequality in america caused by republicans who only care that the price of stock goes up when they lay someone off. It is lack of money not patriotism that led to the MAJORITY of our troops enlisting. once they are there there have been numerous cases of men being driven mad and stressed out by the war just like VIETNAM but as long as it is not your family member i guess you look the other way. Just because i and the rest of america have not bought your nationalism defend america brainwashing that has been fed to you by generations does not make me STUPID. it is unfair to call people stupid just because they do not make their living off the sweat of others. do you think george w bush ever had to work a night job while he went to community college? on a cold day in hell. if you believe that lie that they lost his records then you should ask every vetran you know if they have ever had any of their records lost. Watch Nixon the movie by director oliver stone. I am not pretending or lying when i think that the troops don't understand or support the war. they are coerced into saying that the war is right because of the fear of being fragged and vietnam vets can tell you all about that if they are not homeless and stressed out. The witch hunt mentality of military culture would accuse any troop who said he did not support the war of being a traitor and then railroad him to some brig. Bush sent your family members over there because he said there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. a UN weapons inspector named scott ( last name forgotten, but he is a vet and on news a lot) said there were no weapons of md in iraq. bush lied to get us into a war just like johnson lied to get us into vietnam and your relatives can tell you all about the faked gulf of tonkin incident and the book THE PENTAGON PAPERS by daniel ellsberg. I resent your saying that i am fooling innocent people. i do not believe we should send anyone to a war that the bush and cheney offspring have refused to fight in. Your military pals can tell you that there is a shortage of troops right now and many are being kept past their enlistment because there is no one to relieve them and even minority communities are refusing to enlist and this has prompted rep charles rangle d- new york to call for a new military draft for ALL americans. If we cannot get the poor to volunteer why should we be over there if we are understaffed? the shortage of troops and overworking of those there only stresses them out and leads to PTSD and homelessness because they are so traumatized that they cannot adjust to civilian life. I salute those who serve for 20 years and then retire on a pension and do not harass the rest of us by becoming city policemen. Once you have served your time, sell your house buy some stocks, buy a modular home and some land and spend your days working for habitat for humanity like jimmy carter

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2004, 12:34:00 PM »
I still think you're in moonbat and tinfoil hat territory.  My brother-in-law is in Ranger School, about halfway through, as a 2nd Looey, he's branch detailed infantry, and he's deploying in January.  I know how he feels about this war and he's not afraid of "getting railroaded into some brig" by anybody.

I know a lot of people in the military, officer and enlisted, and none of the people *I* know feel the way you apparently do.

The people who enlist in the military for economic reasons--job training--end up in REMF MOS's that provide a certain amount of job experience they can use after they get out.

The people who enlist in the military in combat MOS's are overwhelmingly, disproportionately, from my own subculture in the US---a subculture I know *very* well.  That subculture overwhelmingly supports this war and is voting for Bush.  These are the people who are actually deployed out in front at the sharp end.

It's liberals and Kerry supporters who are freaked out at the idea that they might personally be drafted.  My husband was IRR until very recently, and hasn't gotten his discharge papers yet.  He fulfilled his obligation, so he ought to be getting discharged, but if he isn't and they call him, he'll go and be glad of the opportunity to serve his country.  If he thought they'd have taken him, he already would have *asked* to be activated.

Your experience just doesn't match with mine at all.  Out of all the military people I know, I don't know a single one who feels like they can't vote for anybody they darned well please for President, or that they can't answer a poll in support of anyone they darned well please.  They overwhelmingly support Bush, and in my experience that support is genuine, well thought-out, and sincere.

Whether Bush is a better candidate than Kerry or a worse one, if you really, truly think the overwhelming majority of the military don't *genuinely* prefer him for President over Kerry, then you need to be fitted for a tinfoil hat.

This is America.  Support anyone you want for President, but your opinion on what the majority of servicepeople think is so inaccurate it's loony.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2004, 12:40:00 AM »
Does he regret his words, or that his choice of words exposed his true beliefs?

Mental health official rebuked
Right groups, welfare agency critics call for Tarrant doctor to resign
07:17 AM CDT on Wednesday, October 27, 2004
By ROBERT T. GARRETT / The Dallas Morning News

AUSTIN - Civil rights groups and critics of the state's child welfare agency demanded the resignation Tuesday of a prominent Tarrant County mental health official for telling a legislative hearing that many foster children "come from bad gene pools."

Gary Bledsoe, president of the Conference of Texas NAACP Branches, said at a Capitol news conference that the comment by Dr. Joseph Burkett, medical director of Mental Health Mental Retardation of Tarrant County, "invites racism."

Herschel Smith of the Harris County Leadership Council said blacks are "still being stereotyped" by state Child Protective Services. "For a psychiatrist to put forth a genetic theory like this is horribly irresponsible."

Dr. Burkett, a psychiatrist who has been the Tarrant County agency's top medical officer since 2000, said he did nothing wrong and has no plans to quit.

Dr. Burkett said he was "not alluding to race" or belittling foster children in remarks he made Oct. 4 to a House panel studying whether mental health drugs are prescribed too often for the state's 17,000 foster children.

"I should stretch and give you a little more medical perspective on mental illness," he said as he testified on behalf of the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians. "A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools. They don't have stable parents making good decisions or else many of them, most of them, would not be in foster care."

On Tuesday, Dr. Burkett said: "There are pretty strong genetic factors in mental illness. The comment ... was really a comment about the fact that these children are in the foster care system because they don't have normal parents making good decisions. ..."

"That's really the connection I'm making with genetics."

He said, "They may not have been the best choice of words. ... I regret that I offended anyone."

Dr. Burkett served on Child Protective Services' Advisory Committee on Psychotropic Medications, which in August urged the state to allow doctors to prescribe for mentally disturbed foster children all of the medications generally available to the Medicaid population.

E-mail ... 004a51.ram

Starts at hour 6:22
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2004, 04:53:00 PM »
When the army cannot brainwash or coerce people into  enlisting or reinlisting  they  label them as "crazy"   those labeled are stressed out and suffering from post traumatic stress disorder from all the coercion and lies fed to them by army control freaks who call them disloyal for speaking out about the CULT that is the american military. The troops are puppets for dick cheney and his cronyism  so he can profit off the tools needed to prolong this war that has cost us 200 billion. Wisconsin, Florida, Oregon, Nevada, New mexico and Ohio voters  you are the ones who will decide if Bush will be allowed to further destroy our economy.  These states are tied so get out and vote on this Tuesday November 2  so we can put an end to the lies of Karl Rove. just read vanity fair music issue on sale now to hear about how he smeared john mccain in 2000.  john served 6 years in captivity for all of us and you can see how rove lied about john so that silver spoon bush could have a job. that is right folks.  bush destroyed every company he got his hands on before the texas rangers. do you think bush ever worked a night job or went to community college?  he went to these ivy league places because the cronyism there is what gets people into positions of power in corporations and in government.  it is all manipulation and deception.  dick cheney paid his lesbian daughter 100k a year so the media would not hear what he really thinks of her and how she was ostracized by him for being a lesbian.  ask your local media why she is not allowed to talk to them ?  Cheney made 40 million last year all by eliminating jobs and selling war toys to you the taxpayer.  GET OUT AND VOTE FOR KERRY ON NOV 2  IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE ECONOMY OF YOUR STATE.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Tony Stark

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #58 on: October 31, 2004, 03:54:00 AM »
When I got to Portsmouth Regional Medical hospital, in VA. we were all in one room had no doctors to talk to and were each given 30 milograms of haladol a day. Some with a side effect pills......... some without. Some of us turned into pretzels. You know they make up these drugs and test them on people before they even find a use for them. Same thing in the Veterans administration. They love to keep their soldiers and sailors sedated damned good. Doesn't that make one wonder why so many vets don't make it? The only comfort you get in the VA is a smoke break outside for times a day. :smokin: All they give you is the godamned television set, and an uncomfortable chair.

I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being first and foremost, and as such I am for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole

--Malcolm X

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of the Coming Of The Lord\"

Offline Anonymous

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Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
« Reply #59 on: October 31, 2004, 12:25:00 PM »
On 2004-10-31 01:54:00, Admiral Nelson wrote:

"When I got to Portsmouth Regional Medical hospital, in VA. we were all in one room had no doctors to talk to and were each given 30 milograms of haladol a day. Some with a side effect pills......... some without. Some of us turned into pretzels. You know they make up these drugs and test them on people before they even find a use for them. Same thing in the Veterans administration. They love to keep their soldiers and sailors sedated damned good. Doesn't that make one wonder why so many vets don't make it? The only comfort you get in the VA is a smoke break outside for times a day. :smokin: All they give you is the godamned television set, and an uncomfortable chair.

I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being first and foremost, and as such I am for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole

--Malcolm X


I agree with you that the VA needs reform and a bigger budget to fund quality care for injured or disabled veterans.

Combining bureaucracy with an inadequate budget always gets bad results.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »