The bbs is no longer located where it was housed previously on ezboard. All that continues to be active at ezboard is the KIDS of El Paso forum/private photo album.
What anon said was also true. For those interested, the sequence of events is as follows:
1.) kidsofelpaso and it's associated forum went live 04/2001.
2.) a few months later I received an email from Kim on how to start a similiar site regarding KIDS in Jersey. I gave her permission to use what she wanted from the EP site and kidsofnorthjersey went live.
3.) Recently, Kim was missing in action and I was contacted regarding hosting/housing the website in Kim's absence. The person that was sporting the hosting fees for the website no longer wanted to continue paying these in Kim's absence. I agreed to do so, but only by revamping the site as I did not want to take over and pay hosting fees for a website someone else created. I also hated Miller's mug on the site as many of you mentioned!
4.) I contacted someone that was actually IN Jersey to host the site. They created a wonderful looking site for Bergen County, paid all the associated fees, etc.
5.) kidsofbergencounty went live.
6.) Kim returned once again.
7.) I got an email from the person that was paying Kim's hosting fees that said everything had been worked out.
8.) For several reasons kidsofebergencounty and it's associated bbs was removed from the net, once again making Kim's site the primary resource regarding KIDS in Jersey.
9.) A one year domain name credit should have been issued "anonymously" for kidsofnorthjersey.
and that's the whole back story on what happened.