Sean was one of the "counselors"? the one that was in the army? there were a few that were okay to me, so i don't really remember them, just the ones who were mean :evil:
i do remember Brian, he was a little sweetie. i didn't get to talk to him much, since i was on bans from the all the guys most of the time i was there, but the few times i was able to, he was very nice to me.
i don't remember the story about anybody pissing in a water bottle, but i do remember there was this guy there, that nobody liked. i guess one night a bunch of the other guys jerked off into his water bottle and then they were like dying laughing when he drank out of it the next morning :lol:
let's see.......other counselors that i remember. Doug, one of my course leaders. he was a dick. and Jill, what a bitch. there was Bill, he was pretty nice i guess, he did have to restrain me once though because Chris made him. also, Pat, he was a DICK.
oh, and the thing i loved the most: how they read our letters to our parents to make sure we didn't say anything bad about Ascent. did they do that at the schools also? and did you need permission to write letters to your siblings? i had to beg to be able to write my little brother a letter. WTF?