Author Topic: The CADCA Lobby  (Read 1881 times)

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The CADCA Lobby
« on: April 12, 2004, 07:49:00 PM »
News Feature
By Bob Curley

Only five to 10 percent of U.S. voters ever contact their legislators about
public-policy issues, which is why even small groups of dedicated advocates
can have a disproportionate influence on decisions made in Washington, D.C.,
and state capitals, according to advocate Sue Thau.

"The really organized and vocal people get a lot of pull on Capitol Hill,"
said Thau, public-policy consultant for Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of
America (CADCA) at a recent conference session on "The ABCs of Advocacy," as
she prepped a group of CADCA members for a visit to their Congressional

As an example, Thau noted that advocates for home-schooling have been very
effective in getting their message across to lawmakers. "They can close down
the Capitol switchboard," she said. "There's not many of them, but they're
very organized."

Individuals and groups that support addiction treatment, prevention, and
recovery issues are frequently urged to get more involved in political
advocacy. Thau said that CADCA and other groups in the addiction field have
been increasingly effective in getting their views across to lawmakers.

Noting that the average congressional staffer is in his or her 20s, and that
lawmakers have a broad range of responsibilities, Thau said that advocates
need to make themselves a resource by providing information on their issues
and giving policymakers insight into the thinking of their constituents.
"We're asking you to form a relationship with these people, so they know you
are the experts in the community," Thau said. "Let them know who you are,
who your partners are, who you serve, and what federal programs you use."

"Don't be nervous," she said. "They need the information you have." This is
especially true of Congressional staffers, who are responsible for detailed
research on topics like drugs, crime, and health. In many cases, multiple
staff members will have responsibility over aspects of the addiction issue,
so all should be at the table when you meet.

Thau said advocates should share any positive local outcomes data they have
with lawmakers and their staff, who want to see that federal investments in
treatment and prevention are worthwhile. "Anecdotes grab people and put a
face on the problem, but you need outcomes, too," she said.

Another reason not to delve too deeply into anecdotal stories is simple
economy: the typical meeting with a federal lawmaker's staff does not extend
much longer than a half-hour, and your Congressman may only be in the room
for five to 10 minutes, if at all. "With a big group, you need to have one
person lead the meeting," to help guide the discussion and stay "on
message," said Thau, recalling one such meeting that effectively was over
before it began because a large group used up all of its time on

Staffers and lawmakers will meet with constituents no matter what they are
wearing, says Thau, but the "uniform" on Capitol Hill is business attire,
and that's what advocates should wear, too. On the other hand, she said,
advocates for treatment and prevention should not hesitate to bring children
and youth -- often the best spokespeople about the issues of kids and
drugs -- to meet their representatives.

Politics has always been a "back-scratching" business, so it behooves
addiction advocates to engage in some harmless but important promotion on
behalf of lawmakers who support your issues. When you meet with legislators,
Thau advises, have someone take a picture and send it to your local
newspaper. Invite lawmakers to your events, and feature supporters in your
newsletters and press releases.

"You want to build a relationship and give them visibility in their home
state," said Thau.

It's our goddamn duty to get these people back on drugs so they can think for themselves again!!!' target='_new'>RTP2003

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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