HEY PATTY!!!!! Sure do miss the hell outta you. Who is the second Anon. Is that you too? You sure can't tell time very well Patty! Just kidden! Anyway, what's up with good ol' Dominick? Well, for starters, it isn't Dominick anymore. It is Lakey, but I still answer to Dominick (can't give up a pimp name like that). I have a 2 year old son who is well over 3 feet (God Help Me) and who is just a complete sweetheart! I am in the process of undergoing 3 different surgeries. (If you want to know why then PM me, don't really feel like posting it to the world). Work as a loan officer and am busy in the studio recording my FIRST cd. For those of you that know, I love to sing but I started rapping a bit. (I kept it with the singing though, HAH!) Hmm, let's see....other than that, making money and sitting on it! Fun STUFF! So what's new with you.
To the second Anon, if you aren't Patty, then let me know who you are :exclaim: