For the sake of arguement, I will respond to antigens creative twist of have been MISINFORMED....sad to think you waste your time with Elan residents claims of abuse and torture.
You are an overeager, angry person..I am not saying by any means that you have no right to be, but what exactly is it that you are seeking? An opportunity to shut down what can only be defined broadly as "group homes"?
The fact have problems that parents cant or wont fix, sometimes its the parents with the problems, but what the hell is the solution?...state agencies dont have time to deal with kids who, for the most part, were out of control, and displaying behavior unacceptable to whatever standards.
there HAS to be a place for these kids to be confronted in a manner that is continuous, and rigid.
Theres the question of WHY all of these kids were sent to Elan , or anywhere else, 99.9 percent of them or "us" will tell you there WAS no reason they needed an atmosphere with control..LIE!
Our society, and cultural outlines may not be a favorable place to grow and learn could always live in a bus and stay as far away from the race for biggest house and the fastest car. Reaity isnt pleasant, and the truth is not always positive or productive, but its there, and we all have to find a place to fit into it...the kids who went to Elan were not even close to living with this idea and many cant do it now either. It was NOT a transitional point for a "normal kid" to a troubled adult. however hard they try to convince themselves.
The most common thing you are going to hear about ELan is the negative...the good things are boring, pointless conversation...and those that would waste the time telling about them are too damn busy living life TODAY rather than bother with the past that cant be changed.
I recall seeing a photo of Antigenic with a child in a disposable diaper. Seems a little odd that a person who is so worried about children has no regard for the environment we are preparing to leave them.
I can imagine there a alot of kids who decide they dont want to be a PART of the selfish two faced society we all live in now, and maybe seeing and hearing the things we do as adults has them decide that they dont WANT to participate in a learning process that will only get them as far as the selfish two faced udults that riase and feed them.
I remember a philosophy in Elan, one of said "walk the walk"
So you have all identified your current problems as being a result of a childhood experience...good start (dilusional too).
I have asked, and never recieved a legitimate answer...If Elan, straight, or whatever is the problem, how can it be the SOLUTION?
Elan was different than straight in many ways...deny it til your blue in the face, it was..Elan had MANY positives, and was a very inticate system that produced results...
Its funny, but most every kid there had a parent group at one point during their stay, and I dont recall any of them being confronted on a request to LEAVE Elan when their parents where there.
Like I stated in the past..there were, by my estimates..2250 people to be in Elan for at least ten months...theres four or five who snivel and moan about it 10 even 20 years later...what the hell are the rest of them doing? I would guess they are taking on the everyday challenges of life, and couldnt care less about the past...many of them found benefits to Elan, many of them have horror stories too...but even they dont care to bring it out into a new isnt happening anymore to them, or anyone else in ELan.