Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Elan School

Kathy and Ginger


SO sorry you have to put up with these fools most of us elaners are not such asswipes. They better wake up and smell the coffee!

You are the fool Brainfade.Duct taping someone's mouth is cutting off oxygen to them.That is a highly illegal act and could lead to the death of someone.Pumping thorzine is no where near as deadly except if given in a high dose.
It appears to me that you agree with all of Elan's methods, last I checked this website was mostly geared for those who didn't beleive in Elan's method's.
I think you are out the wrong site Brainfade.You obviously cant handle what you read here and are very offended.Perhaps you should stick to Ken and his anti-cursing site,I think you would fit in there real well.


--- Quote ---On 2002-06-27 06:14:00, Anonymous wrote:
You are the fool Brainfade.Duct taping someone's mouth is cutting off oxygen to them.That is a highly illegal act and could lead to the death of someone.Pumping thorzine is no where near as deadly except if given in a high dose.

It appears to me that you agree with all of Elan's methods, last I checked this website was mostly geared for those who didn't beleive in Elan's method's.

I think you are out the wrong site Brainfade.You obviously cant handle what you read here and are very offended.Perhaps you should stick to Ken and his anti-cursing site,I think you would fit in there real well.

--- End quote ---

Now that's funny. Reading the first message in this topic, I assumed the assholes this Elaner was refering to were the apologists. Either way, I have extensive and highly specialized experience dealing with assholes. I did two years in Straight :wink:

Have a pleasant day.


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