Author Topic: Pure Capitalism is BUSH  (Read 4077 times)

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Pure Capitalism is BUSH
« on: March 09, 2004, 06:07:00 PM »
Posted: 2004-03-09 14:53:00  
 Well. I'm with you too Ginger. I really see merit in that ideology. And, I don't see how we can get around the notion of social-Darwinism either. It is, after all, the law of nature.

I am curious ,however, about your view on boarding schools and the investors and corporate interests that support them? When it comes to survival of the fittest, or, better yet, survival of the strongest, richest and meanest, and that is the way nature operates whether we like it or not. Aren't these corporate giants and money-grubbibg boarding school investors the proverial lion eating the proverbial gazelle kids? Is this not pure unfettered capitalism. Why, Capitalism ain't fettered much in Idaho. That's why we have so many abusive programs.

With regard to the corporation, history is replete with unregulated people, and it would seem that a small group of the strongest and meansest always get the most resources and use them to rule the peasent masses. And, that is how capatalism unfettered really works.

How would we prevent, as free people, the amassing the resources by the few (food, energy, land, water and influence that we need and will have to bargain for as the prices go up and up)?

What about the natural pack instinct. Humanoid packs are led by local warlords who then arm themselves to protect and guard the resourses from those who would take them. Then, scarcity drives prices up (suppply and demand). Competition then comes in to thwart this. But, the warlords fight for teritory and markets and someone wins. Remember Al Capone. Remember the Gambino family, prohibition the Sandanistas ad infinitum. The guys just killed the competition -capatallism unfetered it was. We Installed the Shah of Iran, We built the Talaban to fight in Russia. We installed Sadbam Hussin. We made Kadaffi what he is. We installed a dictator in Panama - see the movie Bowling for Colombine. Laugh your ass off about what a bunch of bullshit we feed our citizens and how we instill fear for fun and profit through media. I am pro gun ownership - so is this movie. Its just not pro bullshit.

And so, it has been said that "power corrupts and abosolute power corrupts abosulutely."

I worry that human nature is mean, and the less powerful will be used to forward the purposes of the powerful as history shows. Many will stand by and watch the carnage. Do you think I will? They will let social Darwinism take its place. I would be one of the strong ones - except for one weakness. And, in the natural order, it is a weakness. My compassion for others would be my demise.

I look, therefore, to you and your generation to find a way remove government and regulation preserving justice. I will be gone. I look to you to choose to preserve or diminish our natural weakness, that instinct that we MUST not have if we are to survive in the jungle - compassion.

Would the purist preserve it, and, if so, how? This is retorical, I know, but aren't we really trying to protect ourselves from ourselves? And, if left to our own devises would we not destroy ourselves, by exploiting each other? Remember slavery? It still exists. The powerful provide us with enough to feed and house ourselves and take everything else - all the fruits of our labor. Are not many of us, therefore, slaves in unregulated capatalism? There are many third world examples of capatalism unfetered.

The beginnings of America in New York, the Civil War, slavery, The demise of the Native American. All the result of Greed. Yes i'll stick with Democracy, but pure Capatalism - no way. tweaking.


"This country was founded by slave owners who wanted to be free." "SLAVE OWNERS WHO WANTED TO BE FREE!!!!" - We came over here in those boats and met the natives, ate with em and then said move over. We took their gifts. Then we kicked them aside and said "move over." "Bring in the stuff boys." We kept pushing them over and moving them over and moving in the stuff and more stuff. We tortured and killed a bunch of "witches" so we could teach the native Ametican a "civilized religion." We kidnaped their kids, took their culture, language and religion, beat the bad ones "you know, the savages who weren't civilized." We kicked the French out of the South. We killed a bunch more Indian kids and women and took our civility to the Mexicans in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona. We killed a bunch of them (We took their land and resources)but we paid em a little bit -(bless us). Hey, we bought Alsska for a few bucks - ....they had a choice..pppppp. We kept saying, "Move over, bring in the stuff." We went to Africa in boats and took fathers and mothers from their children - in chains so they could pick our cotten because "its so hot out there, i just hate that work." Then we were forced to free them - ha ha. So, we could beat em with clubs, shoot fire hoses at them and hang them from trees for having the audacity to want to sit in the front of a bus, for wanting a good education and the right to vote. Then we got the Native Americans shoved out on to Alcatraz. Now "I guess we're going to send them back where they came from" And then the redneck says: "Yeah put them welfare people to work filling in the Bering Straight and charge them Indians a buck a head to go home" --- Some George Carlin (1970s) some mine.

Capatilism -- yee haw? -- With a choice like that, I'll take Democratic Socialism as in England, Australia and Canada any time.

We are the tyrants. We are the assholes of the world. I don't Canada kicking the shit out of everybody with a different ideology. I don't see Austrailia them jamming their ideology down other peoples throats. I do see their dumb english president and our retarded president smart-bombing first century peasants back to BC. But, I don't see them Sweden stealing Arab culture and imposing theirs on the rest of the world - to get their resourses and industry to fund an imperialist expansionism of capatalism for profit. And, all while pretending to hold dear the principls of freedon of religion, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, freedom of speach, freedom to believe, and say what you think. BULLSHIT.

We don't want these things for the rest of the world any more. We don't take "your huddled masses" any more. We only want rights for ourselves - and, now, only if you can pay for them.

So, I say to Bush, You have made the whole world hate us - and why shouldn't they. I have two bumber stickers on my car Bush. One says: "INVEST IN AMERICA - BUY A CONGRESSMAN." The other says: "NO FLAG IS BIG ENOUGH TO COVER UP THE SHAME OF KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE." It has an upside down American flag partially covering a bloody hand print. I'm not "PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN," -- IM ASHAMED. And though it would be convenient for me to care what people think about that. Although it would benifit me to care what people think, at least one molacule worth of care about what what people think, I don't care at all what anybody thinks - not at all.

Ginger, again, It can work, but I think it needs some tweakin.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Pure Capitalism is BUSH
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2004, 10:06:00 PM »
Well for all you Bush haters here's a little something to laugh at:

The George W. Bush Coloring Book
Illustrated by someone who was in Kids of NJ.

16 pages of fun all based on G.W.s very own words. Theres a great political rant in the back along with all the quote sources.

Hopefully it will help to remind everyone what an idiot he is.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Pure Capitalism is BUSH
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2004, 04:59:00 PM »

?I have become convinced that the socially adapted citizen - The culturally adjusted individual - is essentially duplicitous. He lives the socially dishonest game, making believe that his vision of the world and the vision of the world held by other people is identical, that altruism is a valid concept, and that people who practice dishonest politics are really unusual... My conviction is that we are all as dishonest as the standard politician. We are all talking out both sides of our mouths, making believe that we are not the center of our own worlds. We carefully conceal ourselves and carefully maintain an artificially constructed social facade. that is essentially dishonest.
Concomitant with this viewpoint is my conviction that psychopathology is proof of psychological health. The individual who is distorted in his thinking is essentially carrying on an open war in himself rather than capitulating to the social slavery. His delusion system is a direct result of the war with his lifetime situation - the stress of living and his efforts to defeat those stressors rather than become a non person and a social robot. They are individuals who are pathologically determined to live up to their own world view. They have a disease of abnormal integrity; they are trained to be scapegoats; whether heroes of villains; they dedicate themselves to trying to change the world and trying to massively disturb the system that so duplicitously surrounds them. I believe that depression as we view as individual pathology is actually a response to a real perception of the pathology in others. It is an effort which is recognized as a failure to do something about the pain in the world. The manic attack is an effort to escape into things as a way of avoiding the depression. It is the essential countermove to the delusion of altruism.

Midnight Musings of a Family Therapist
Carl Whitaker (1989)
My Delusion System
The "Whitaker Manifesto"  

What I would suggest for the USA, if it were possible, would be a workers party, workers lobby, a complete and total labor strike. Sit down and block all corporate offices peacefully. Let them bring in the water cannons, the tear gas, the National Guard with "this summer I hear the drumming 4 + dead in Ohio" (Neil Young (1971).

A march of workers and the "peoples lobby" on Washington. Just like MLK with the same philosophy of peaceful demonstration as Gandhi.

We shut down the whole economy. Let them come in and beat us with clubs as we "walk the bridge." We have a few ?Boston Tea Parties."

Let the pot folks have smoke outs. Burn their German SS cards similarly to the 60. Sit down strikes in the universities, just like the 60.

Just like in the 60's, we let the images go over the TV. Just like the 90s, we let the images go over the internet, digitally broadcasted throughout the world. Them they see what our leaders are really doing to us.

Let them see that it is the same thing they are doing to the rest of the world, fucking it and knocking it up with US industry as the "pennies trickle down." Three times in North Idaho we have publicly protested cuts to our disabled and retarded population (my daughter is a Down's Child) and three times we have one won. But, the problem keeps coming back as long as we leave the corporate giants in charge. What we will ask for once we have leverage.

Stop spending our money meddling in the affairs of other countries with bombs and pay offs for political influence. Join other nations in helping bring humanity to other cultures through dialogue, diplomacy and intercultural respect.

Stop wasting our tax dollars on the government welfare establishment(agencies) that suck out all the federal funds for the upper working class before it get to the people who need - not money, but day care, mentoring, job training, social skills, and unconditional positive regard.

No more corporate welfare. If a company fails, it fails - that?s evolution. Spend money, not on buildings, cars, over-regulation, and H bombs. Help people get back on their feet with a minimum wage is enough to rent an apartment, drive a modest car eat.

Replace the progressive tax system, but don't tax production. Instead tax the hell out of alcohol, luxuries items, cigarettes, pot, non-medical drugs; - all should be legal and taxed to hell. This would include limousines, More than one nice house, private jets, cars that cost over $45,000.00. Non production-related gas cars motor homes, big diamond rings and all the other stupid shit that make people think that wealth is self worth.

Give people large tax breaks - not for being wealthy (with a couple of bucks for the average Joe), but for donating talent, goods, mentoring, inventing, doing science etc.

Fuck the prescription drug companies, and insurance companies, break up these monopolies, and all semi-monopolies by letting anyone with a brain to do this stuff compete for the market.

Tax corporations like hell for merging, gouging, wasting money on marketing gimmicks and especially the stupid cards you have to get out to get charged the regular retail price of groceries instead of the inflated price.

Instead of hunting down Bin Laden and the infinite number of Nut Balls in the world. Go have a cup of coffee with them, get drunk with them, and make friends with them so they stop hating us and sending people to bomb us. Buy em a trip to the Bahamas. Treat them like you do the lobbiests. Its cheaper than war.- plus you get a lot of good funny stories to tell your real friends.

Tell Israel to stop building settlements that piss of the Palestinians and get their own aid. Tell the Palestinians to stop blowing up people in Israel because we'll just stand by and let them take over your whole territory and not do shit about it. Tell the Israeli?s the same thing - solve your own fucking problems.

We must stop selling weapons to other countries. Don't give anyone military aid. I call it National Defense. It?s a lot cheaper than war.
Take the savings from military, political, welfare bureaucracy, health care bureaucracy, mental health care bureaucracy to provide care to everyone. Then take the rest, and there will be plenty, and start to pay off the 6 trillion we pay interest on.

So we need to organize and protest. I will lead if more than a few less than apathetic mavericks will follow. Fat Chance in Hell.

The whole country is numb and apathetic. The 60's are gone. The spirit is gone, brainwashed by media. And tax the media for every time those stupid assholes Bill ORiley and Hannity open their mouths. Initiate a sin tax for listening to any asshole like Pat Robertson or Jerry Fallwell (just kidding).

Again "Quote"

?I have become convinced that the socially adapted citizen - The culturally adjusted individual - is essentially duplicitous. He lives the socially dishonest game, making believe that his vision of the world and the vision of the world held by other people is identical, that altruism is a valid concept, and that people who practice dishonest politics are really unusual... My conviction is that we are all as dishonest as the standard politician. We are all talking out both sides of our mouths, making believe that we are not the center of our own worlds. We carefully conceal ourselves and carefully maintain an artificially constructed social facade. that is essentially dishonest.
Concomitant with this viewpoint is my conviction that psychopathology is proof of psychological health. The individual who is distorted in his thinking is essentially carrying on an open war in himself rather than capitulating to the social slavery. His delusion system is a direct result of the war with his lifetime situation - the stress of living and his efforts to defeat those stressors rather than become a non person and a social robot. They are individuals who are pathologically determined to live up to their own world view. They have a disease of abnormal integrity; they are trained to be scapegoats; whether heroes of villains; they dedicate themselves to trying to change the world and trying to massively disturb the system that so duplicitously surrounds them. I believe that depression as we view as individual pathology is actually a response to a real perception of the pathology in others. It is an effort which is recognized as a failure to do something about the pain in the world. The manic attack is an effort to escape into things as a way of avoiding the depression. It is the essential countermove to the delusion of altruism.

Midnight Musings of a Family Therapist
Carl Whitaker (1989)
My Delusion System
The "Whitaker Manifesto"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »