Author Topic: Everyone needs to get involved  (Read 6882 times)

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Offline Gal-Ileo

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« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2004, 04:58:00 AM »
I certainly wasn't referring (I don't think) to you Mr. as I  KNOW YOU kind of...and haven't seen that behavior-- I was referring to a "thread" and my message bounced off the thread so...

I am now editing my messages which didn't follow the logical coherent flow that they should have as responses to OTHER posters who they were not delivered to...winding up (yikes) HERE!  oh noooo  (mr bill!!!).

Thank you the results are far more eyecatching, to the point, and (whew) acceptable.  

I was writing to a really sicko guy, not ALL guys, and I didn't know this post you saw earlier (amended) was going to the  guys who I have always thought to be reasonable...I'm sorry for the faux pas.  

The posts my newly modified post "responded to" was humiliating to my entire GENDER (for real).

Well, you'll have to take my word on it.  

I've FIXED the (ahem) problem and ty for correcting me quickly.  That was downright embarassing and...image ruining in the extreme and not even...very LIKE ME.  

Like people say-- You had to be there.  Really.

I didn't know my posts were stacking like poker chips.  SHIT!

For the record (ahem). No, I do not suddenly (lol, it did look very odd out of context,  embarassed  geeeee...)  TURN RABID ON MEN... um REALLY.

God, Godder, Goddes(t) is a JOKE, it's actually the words of a character from another play I wrote making fun of new age witches-- the character is/was  named "Ticca Lilly"!    

I've met a guy playing Ticca online named Prakash who was Wiccan.  As a sometimes actress, I like fluidity inherent in our identies. Prakash was cute and VERY VERY SWEET (btw).


I was thinkin, Ginger should have given me a DUI for them; for "Drunk and Disorderly" conduct (sirens please?) Lol. Strait Jacket mebbe?? Whoa, kids.  I still don't know how to POST but hey, I found out I can (yay, yay)...THANK GOD ALLAH BUDDHA...edit!  

Jesus, I was sweatin it there. I was on topic, but...elsewhere.  I'll get the hang of it.  Somehow.  Someday so...

Olive branches all around :::offers these:::

Or else sticks and stones...frankly!


If triangles had a God, He'd have three sides.
--Old Yiddish proverb

"Lunatics are melodramatic. The subtleties of drama are wasted on them...The final chapters of my book are knitting together: incest, buggery, outrageous women and strange love-cults catering for depraved appetites. All the fashionable bric-a-brac...My 'u :skull:  :eek:

[ This Message was edited by: Gal-Ileo on 2004-01-09 02:29 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Lunatics are melodramatic. The subtleties of drama are wasted on them...The final chapters of my book are knitting together: incest, buggery, outrageous women and strange love-cults catering for depraved appetites. All the fashionable bric-a-brac...My \'u

Offline Marina

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« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2004, 10:12:00 AM »
... And If you're gonna teach, be learnable... Education is a two-way process, open your mind.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SyN

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« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2004, 11:06:00 AM »
its cool liz. see i live near north hampton mass, and there is a whole town of dedicated men bashing lesbians there who dress like men wanna look and act like men but bash them. it never really made much sense to me but thanks for clarifying that up.  looks like you put some serious time into your site, i checked it out and it looks good. so where can i read this play you wrote?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A word to the wise is infuriating.\"

Offline Gal-Ileo

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« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2004, 04:55:00 PM »

God, am I tired (preface).

I have been interviewing and speaking with people and posting at Fornits and a member of TIMETOCLOSETHEDOORSATELAN for over a year and a half of my LIFE now.  This was done to "learn" and it was not an easy process.  I won't go through a "hazing" all over again so if that's going to happen, then I can do things outside of this community, as I have been.  

I would rather not, but we all have to be near to the same page and of course I have listened, quoted, noted, called, to hell and back people.  I have done "my part" of "learning." I wouldn't have written the script until I felt that I had done the time.  

I have been through a "learning process" and as I asked people to kindly "write me" at my email and visit my blog to let me know if they have anything very important I don't know to tell me I think that I am sorry that you don't know a little more about me.  

I don't think I look like a man?!

I'll take it that you meant that with the best of intentions though as I like North-hampton a lot.  I stayed with my friend J.P. who was enrolled (a guy does it matter?) at Amherst I think-- at the time.

Lastly on the matter of scripts:

A script is a "blueprint" it is NOT a "novel" or anything like one.  It is meant first and foremost for the Director, and those involved to "perform it."  

I cannot release a script that is being "read" by various companies as that is not the way that playwrighting works.  This is factual.  I CAN promise that if/when it's published I will offer a free copy (god knows, this is gonna cost me, potentially) to those that have some proof they were in TC's are in theater and the arts, or education and press investigating, etc.  That goes without saying AND when the production goes up (likely in more than one venue and possibly-- on more than one continent) at that time, the tickets will be "comped" (made available freely).

I will try to have someone (myself If I have to do it, hopefully I will not) document this on VIDEO and release videos to the community for duplication etc.

At this time, I am presenting a "process" which is "ongoing" and as more happens those that are interested, will perhaps become more so.  

I am very amenable to "documenting" the "work" that goes on behind the scenes; and to documenting survivor stories with a "film/video" partner-- I would help script THAT as separate to my own endeavor; and a new endeavor to AMPLIFY the atmosphere for Before After Galileo (I am honest and a straight shooter, sorry if some don't understand my good intentions) but ALSO to begin a process towards CLOSING the Elan and other open communities via our larger communities.  

It is not a "Short Fix" or a "Band-Aid" strategy or I'd be able to give you my current script (which, in theater is often workshopped, if you'd like I can link you to places in that area to understand the process...) and leave it at that.

Frankly MR. there are people that take strong pieces of work; water them down; go for the short run; sell them to Hollywood and while you are NOT a member of this cadre I have to be protective until I have the covetted writer's "performances" up...the show "going" (video time as with "Saving Grace" only I hope-- a little different...New York has it's benefits or I wouldn't live here as I am NOT native and it's freezing right now...15 degrees chilling my South Florida butt!) .....

If publication comes first; I will make "play editions" available in some way to members of the TC's but likely cannot make a site where the play will be available for free. I WILL dogear a whole BOX of copies at "that time."  You'll be able to ask me for a copy then, along with others here.  Okay?
You'll probably read about it in "the press" that is so often bashed...first.  

 I'm not here to be verbed..GM'd, shot down, VR'd etc. Been there, done that at TIMETOCLOSE long ago (flashback, really).

This was/is a labor of love.  I have met MANY people and know them intimately who have taught me and told me A LOT about Elan in order to write this.  

It's also "Fictionalized."  I'd say, think of "Clockwork Orange" and mix.  It's stylized, but it shows GMs, it shows abuses, it shows the presumed "relationship" (as I imagine it) between a man like Ricci and a man like Davidson and how that effects the people in the "program" and it has a strong cutting dialogue.  It's experimental in certain ways but I hope and believe it's also "commercially viable" enough for any and all transitioning.

I am sorry if I jumped ahead of the gun.  I thought there were more people that would be interested in process and I didn't count or think about people wanting the nitty gritty immediately.  

If you feel nervous about Before After Galileo the project (which I have asked for help coalescing in the final countdown; to package for shows!!) or if it  isn't moving "fast enough"-- write letters to theater companies changing their customs I am so sorry!

I am sorry simply speaking I will just post Blog links and those that want to see the glass half-filled will; and those that want to see it half-empty (if that is a choice) will.

I just wanted to give hope and make contact with "Saving Grace" because if we have "enough" work...then there can be a "festival" which has the benefits of  "choice" and of "numbers" and I was hoping people would see the work I am doing and say hmmm...she seems serious and irreverent, maybe she does plan on following this up in some very artistic directions; such as making a site-specific (Parsonfeld would be good) "art conceptual piece" or "documentary piece" that would be packagable in video for POV (PBS), Bravo, and other stations that would like a companion piece, codicil, and way to REALLY push Elan to it's limits do not want THIS?

I was hoping others would join in trying to research Maine's "historic building" codes (not my forte but I put on the hat of the moment) for the possibility of providing closure in a final "musuem environment."

I am writing OTHER pieces.  They are also "not available" for reading until they have reached a) performance b) publication.  Think of salmon travelling upstream; but also understand I have faith that I've already ridden the rapids and most of the way there or I'd not start a blog which is going to be used as a touchstone and a place from which to run my pre-publicity.  Ignore this if it doesn't have relevance in this form.  I said the other day I'd make a notice later when this has an "opening night."

Anyone else interested in the rigamarole of the theater contact me!

PS: I have sent my work to London where I grew up as it is more "amenable" to theatrical work and less "capital oriented."  I saw some of the best work of my life; and the MOST challenging productions there and they have government funding to help a play through.  

I am in NYC.  I am shopping here for a company.  If I elect, I can "self-produce" or find "sponsorship" to get "funding" to "co-produce" at any number of Fringe Festivals you can link to at my Blog.  

I am also going to post links to relevant pages in the British Theater and the Public Theater in NYC at the Blog.

Fringe is a place where people are "pitching" their work to EVERYONE and if I decide to go there (I have until February 14 to decide on Valentine's Day if I want to take on such a task-- if it's worth it, while I have the play being looked at or "waiting for this...") then it means things, it means I give 2 percent of "sold tickets" (up to 25,000 which MOST productions do not ever earn) to NYC forever after; that's without agent fees.

Screenwriting is a whole different matter. Yes, this is transferrable to the screen, undoubtably.  There's a film coming out in Spring Syn so you can see that in the next few months; hopefully I may have a first set of dates by then.  Sorry if my announcement was premature.  I don't think so; I am sure there are theater lovers and those that might like to act onstage; those that MIGHT have talents to offer and being Elan who I would of course consider-- and talk through the walk (of the 8 by 10 glossy etc. ad infinitum).

Let me end with this.  Syn, would you drink a wine that required ageing to reach it's nadir before it was vintage?  This is really analgous.  It's not yet time to "read" this stuff as that isn't professionally acceptable.  We all have our jobs in the end.  

I respect yours, and am sorry I am at a really "sensitive" and "raw" emotional place after writing down detail, which for me is "living through" what happened to others.  In fact, I became so scared of some of my own dialogue I couldn't write without a friend in the room during one scene I will take out if it's simply too hard on others as well (I don't know, I am fried, really, and am seeing double now, so I just don't know...sorry...many appy-polly-loggies (Clockwork Orange)).

Anything adversarial is simply "unacceptable" at this time, for my own emotional stability and Art...and artist is someone that takes those feelings we'd rather not "own" and "owns them" for the purpose of "transformation" (I think) which is not an easy road with this "show."

Syn, I am sorry I keep hearing you wrong (I think?) so I changed and apologized for my own "emotional" post and won't be making any.  That was during "discovery" (as they say in court-rooms).  

I am as frustrated at the "solitude" imposed by not being able to show my play in many ways, as you are not to be able to see it yet.  This is our society and it's the way the "drama game" is necessarily played.  But, I realized, we are likely all frustrated by all the delays, the things going on in other places, etc.  I hope to pull it all together, and honestly, cannot do that alone.  I may find someone to help me if not a director (which I'd like) a "co-director" while shopping this for the time being.  Whew.  It would be a relief.  Did I tell you I met Keanu Reeves the other day while discussing my script? No lie, on the damn subway.  Instead of pitching him, I literally shut up and smiled and said hello....I was so tired my mind blanked.  He was very open and I am angry with me.  That can happen.  Pain is a human commonality and so are exhaustion, frustration at waiting and all the rest of that parade.

I may have to stop posting to get back to the rounds here and to calm myself down.  As an actress and a writer, I write for my "performers" so they don't have "stupid lines" I would not want to recite myself...I think it's helpful, but I won't ever write another play "like" this one which is a compliment; and a sad testimony to the human's capacity to "absorb" one anothers' pain.  

I can tell you there is one scene with a character called "Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering" based on one of the people I spoke to that post here.  :silly:

May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
-- George Carlin

"Lunatics are melodramatic. The subtleties of drama are wasted on them...The final chapters of my book are knitting together: incest, buggery, outrageous women and strange love-cults catering for depraved appetites. All the fashionable bric-a-brac...My 'u :???:

[ This Message was edited by: Gal-Ileo on 2004-01-09 14:16 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Lunatics are melodramatic. The subtleties of drama are wasted on them...The final chapters of my book are knitting together: incest, buggery, outrageous women and strange love-cults catering for depraved appetites. All the fashionable bric-a-brac...My \'u

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2004, 05:29:00 PM »
Ok I cant help it your nuts...... you go on and on  my god lady what is wrong with you get some help!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Gal-Ileo

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« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2004, 05:37:00 PM »
What is wrong with YOU?

Your desire to see me lack credibility

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniencies attending too much
liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.

--Thomas Jefferson, 1791, in a letter to Archibald Stuart

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Lunatics are melodramatic. The subtleties of drama are wasted on them...The final chapters of my book are knitting together: incest, buggery, outrageous women and strange love-cults catering for depraved appetites. All the fashionable bric-a-brac...My \'u

Offline Gal-Ileo

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« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2004, 07:24:00 PM »

Apparently there is a concerted effort at SHOOTING ME DOWN as the straight documentary and the movie of the week and etc. goes on.  I have no way to know what is with this but it's going a little insane.

Get a grip.  I haven't written anything damaging you so don't damage me.  My play is already SENT, DELIVERED, done. I thought you might be GLAD....Thanks Liz? No, no way, not that longwinded bitch!! Well, thanks.  I'm glad I get it out online  so I can edit finely when I write.  It's useful in other places so I don't tamper with my PROCESSES.

I won't take any more of this tampering. I have "real work" to do (much).

I did a favour as I see it.  What do you want a martyr now? WHY?  Why SHOULD I THINK of gratitude?  I didn't make a "documentary " and I was going to do "post-production" do you NOT wish to speak to me in the future over a perceived (mis-percieved) slight in the past?

THAT is when I could use you and you could see the fruits of my very bitter labors, at this point, thank GOD I know what I am doing is for people that do care and are worth it, and I know inside EVERYONE is worth it.  You too Art.

I have more than one job like many and I am also disabled with constant appts right now I am posting with my heating pad on HIGH.

I had my computer go down with EVERYONE in  my address book Art and I am "disabled" we have to go through this again and again?  I couldn't like MOST PEOPLE take the Mac to the shop.  It was a very huge disappointing waste of time and I lost a ton of work.  I had to start over in many ways which is why now I have my play on more than one server, backed up.  I guess it was good to learn but heartbreaking, I thought I already TOLD this story.

 I hate to get down to my disbility it's very annoying and a constant physical reality. Today my pain is unbearable (physically) due to this un-needed stress, and god knows the frigid winds here in the city at 15 degrees.  My leg and back are not going to be able to face a screen much longer ANYWAY.

This was harder for me than you can or will EVER know.  I know that, I suppose.  You want photos with my cane, heating pad, or walker?  Maybe it is irrelevant if I haven't had an amputation which is what they say it bears a resemblance too (nerve and spinal damage).

I must have had a bad night but I do not EVER remember a call from you.  So imagine!  Did you know I spent all of October and November in a sickbed with the flu you read about and am recovering?  No.  Did you know I had a line put in my NECK?  No.  

Why don't you think about why someone doesn't call you back and TRY THEM AGAIN.  I've tried to reach people and if you go to my BLOG and read MY OH SO LONG ESSAY you'll see I felt like people were scared of talking to me and I didn't know how to proceed at times. Add it you hadn't been very inviting to me.  I don't speak to those that will upset me and put me off my focus and project as we've done all that.

What I DO RECALL is an email at AOL which got wiped Art.  I waited and you never asked to speak again.  I thought I was being POLITE.  I was writing a PLAY by then, not an article.  The rules are inexact but I am sorry if there was a misunderstanding I don't recollect.  

I am more sorry that people are slam dancing in my skull and I am OUT OF THIS FORUM and I am also documenting all this CRUD thrown out at me...and my own posts which however long, are MOSTLY...MOSTLY not emotionally damaging. I can't hack any more of anyone's emotional pain. THIS was a PUBLIC SERVICE and this is the end of my announcing it.  

I won't speak of THEATRE (not at a site so full of practioners that don't know that it's I learned studying in ENGLAND)....with those that have been filled with vitriol and I am tired of people SLAMMING me for my LITERACY which is MY JOB.  

So the play goes.  Closing Elan, I'll do my own way and you do yours.  I had offered a "real plan" man.  But if someone is selling you some Brooklyn Bridge  I hope it's worth it.  I really really do. FOR YOU! It has no bearing on the very difficult work I pulled three nighters without sleep to get RIGHT.  Ty. :cry:

Life is like a bird, at any given moment it is droping a load. It is only a matter of time before one eventually find you.' target='_new'>SysAdmin

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Lunatics are melodramatic. The subtleties of drama are wasted on them...The final chapters of my book are knitting together: incest, buggery, outrageous women and strange love-cults catering for depraved appetites. All the fashionable bric-a-brac...My \'u

Offline Gal-Ileo

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« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2004, 07:48:00 PM »
No you are Gming me and you are "gaming" and shooting me down.  Assassinating my GOOD NAME.  You know where to go.  So do it. :flame:

It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.' target='_new'>Thomas Jefferson

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Lunatics are melodramatic. The subtleties of drama are wasted on them...The final chapters of my book are knitting together: incest, buggery, outrageous women and strange love-cults catering for depraved appetites. All the fashionable bric-a-brac...My \'u

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« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2004, 10:21:00 PM »
Art your so right this women who btw never spent a day in a TC wants so badly to help all us poor lost Elan souls what the hell is that? Liz I find your credibilty to be a joke you are sick!!!! why dont you go looking for someone who wants your help. I for one and cant ever remember anyone asking for it. Get a life women! Hey and theres a concept guys lets show lizzie what its like to be shoot down anyone wanna have her knock? Lets get this haircut in order :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline E7haterJe

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« Reply #39 on: January 10, 2004, 12:07:00 AM »
I have begun to read...and read...these posts...which I had not prior...and began responding to a few posts...this "LIZ" person is rather confusing...but I am sorry I jumped on you Jordan about "sexism", I guess it was my defense thing to respond and jump on that...Cause it seemed so "petty" what you were bitching about... But women and men at one time or another, can do stupid shit, and we can say, if it was a guy he woulda done it better vice versa...but I guess I am a WOMAN SUPPORTER; ...u  :roll: know?  :roll:  :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline E7haterJe

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« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2004, 12:18:00 AM »
so what ever this "LIZ" thing is about...carry on...It seems to COMPLEX and INTENSE...and NON OF MY BUSSINESS to get involved in...and sorry...if my posts have ever been TOO long...Or mayb e they werent boring? BUT I cant read the whole posts of LIZ it is TOO much stuff...SORRY...So since I dont know the whole the picture, because I cant handle reading it all, Ill let y'all be...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2004, 05:18:00 PM »
I was in Elan 7 from 1992-1995.  Would I know you?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »