General Interest > Tacitus' Realm

Political Mental Illness Infects US Doctors


The Talbott kooks have long been involved in the craziest of ASAM shennanigans, which is likely why the organization held such appeal to the All About Receiving Cash sect in Calgary, Canada.
"In May, 1999, just after Talbott stepped down as president of ASAM, a jury awarded Dr. Leonard Masters, of Jacksonville Florida, a judgment of $1.3 million against Talbott, his daughter-in-law Morrison, and other Talbott associates for malpractice, fraud, and false imprisonment, based on Masters' stay with Talbott in 1994. Testifying at Masters' trial that he was not in fact alcohol dependent, as he had been diagnosed by Talbott et al., was Anne Geller, the president of ASAM prior to Talbott. Talbott's attorneys quickly settled with the plaintiff before the jury decided on punitive damages against Talbott and his colleagues (an amount which is usually a multiple of the compensatory damages that had already been awarded)."

The Talbott monstrosity is also linked directly to the use of substance abuse diagnoses to control rogue physicians in the US.
Survivors of the Seed/Straight/Kids/AARC phenomenon will recognize this:

"According to Talbott, ?impaired doctors must first acknowledge their addiction and overcome their ?terminal uniqueness? before they can deal with a drug or alcohol problem.? ?Terminal uniqueness ? is a phrase Talbott uses to describe doctors? tendency to think they can heal themselves."

This phenomenon of silencing doctors through diagnosis with mental illness is now being used in Covidmania:

I moved this to the Tacitus realm because of the COVID related content. In the future, COVID misinformation will be removed. My grandmother died of COVID. It's a real actual thing, and people who deny that, or deny that vaccines work, or deny that masks work, are misinformed. There is no real debate in the medical community on COVID and there won't be here. We're not doctors. All we can do is critique the TTI, having first hand experience.

Long time no chat, martinet.  There is extensive debate on Covid in the medical community, as there is on any scientific topic.  You have always been way, way over your head as a mod for this forum, mostly because you're at your core a conservative and not particularly bright.  Still, I suppose that if that's the best you can do, that's the best you can do. Your anecdote about your grandmother is rock-solid evidence of your total inadequacy to address much of anyting beyond your own particular experience, as an adult, of the TTI.  Your claim about masks is infantile, and flies in the face of all documented evidence, from WHO statements to various scientific papers.  You're a dud, and kind of a little shit, too.


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