Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Troubled Teen Industry

The tragic death of Joy Evans (1976)


Forest Haven Asylum does not exist today. Force feeding we know about from Guantanamo Bay. However it is not a new invention. Women who made the choice to fight for their rights were force-feed 100 years ago.

So how could the employees at Forest Haven Asylum make such a stupid mistake to force-feed a child who were lying down instead of sitting up? Could it be that the methods never changed in the Troubled Teen industry to hire the cheapest employees were the decisive element that brought on the death of a 17 year old teenager?


* Joy Evans (Today a child died - memorial blog)
* Victims of the Troubled Teen Industry (1000 places you do not want to be as a teenager
* Bleak House : As patients died one by one, a Washington D.C. home for the mentally retarded became one of the nation’s most deadly institutions. Eventually, Forest Haven was closed, but questions linger about how the nation cares for those entrusted to its protection. (Los Angeles Times)


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