Seems to me that the information on ISAC and CAFETY presents a very one-sided and narrow perspective on Hyde School. Several disgruntled parents and some unfounded accusations of sexual harassment because someone was "creepy" does not make Hyde an abusive and harmful school. This kind of reckless and irresponsible "watchdog" reporting based on such sketchy information contradicts anything that I've seen at Hyde.
You seem like a great person to interview. If you're intereted in participating in the article I'm writing about Hyde, please contact me at:
gary eskow
You are certainly free to disagree with the comments people have posted on ISAC. That's your right. But, your comments seem VERY reminiscent of the kind if sweeping judgments I encountered so often at Hyde. You seem to dismiss the posters' comments with one big, broad brush. That's the sort of thing that really turned me off about Hyde, that is, the tendency to dismiss Hyde's critics instantly and without any careful consideration of their concerns.
A couple of people have asked you to clarify your comments. Please add me to the list. I too would like to know which comments on ISAC, especially, seem "irresponsible" and "reckless." As far as I can tell, the ISAC comments are pretty detailed, specific, thoughtful, and reasonable. I would appreciate a response.