Author Topic: Decepticles  (Read 2503 times)

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Offline ajax13

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« on: November 03, 2018, 07:42:02 PM »
All About Receiving Cash continues to maintain the lie that they are not subject to any regulation as their faith-based behaviour modification program is non-residential.  This is, like so much of the AARC story, simply untrue. 
At the time that AARC graduate Amy O'Flynn was being sentenced after running down and killing Ricky Vienneau while intoxicated, and then attempting to stage a vehicle theft in order to evade prosecution, AARC sect leader Dean Vause told the Court that:

"Level one of the program the clients are removed from their homes and our [sic] under our supervision twenty-four hours a day"

Now the Wiz has never been one to have his actions limited by fear of criticial analysis of the nonsense that eminates from him.  I often wonder if he has some type of unique gland from which lying is secreted, a sort of "decepticle".  So he has no problem telling a judge that somehow his non-residential program provides 'twenty-four hour" supervision.  AARC is of course residential, with the Recovery Homes serving as a fundamental aspect of the program to eliminate and then create anew the subject's identity and position in a social matrix.

Premier Notley, in her enthusiastic abandonment of her duty to investigate AARC, has latched onto the fundamental AARC lie in order to avoid undertaking an investigation of the sect.

According to Vause, AARC subjects are being provided treatment on Sundays when they are not in the sect's facilities.

"Amy was at the center during the day.  We provided a recovery home at night.  Amy was under 24 hour supervision."

"Amy was in a recovery home every night.  Although she had time away from the center to work or go to school, she was in treatment 7 days a week."

This is a curious notion given Vause's adamant position that the only thing he does at AARC is arrange AA meetings.  Which he does, according to the Calgary Herald, for $85k per year per exorcism, an increase of $40k per annum from the first time I looked at the sect in 2007.  When cornered, the Wiz is resolute in defence of his assertion that he does not provide treatment of any kind.

"1. My work is restricted to the application of the “Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step Program” relating to
alcoholic or addicts under a contract for services with AARC being a non-profit corporation of Alberta
which program does not fall within the definition of a “health service” under the Act.
2. The implementation of the “Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step Program” does not require the services of
a professional psychologist or other health professional, therefore section 46 of the Act which
references section 28(2) does not apply."

The statement to the Court in the O'Flynn case also includes the Great Dodgeball Coach claiming to be a clinician:
"In closing, I had the opportunity to spend a full day clinically addressing the accident and the shame Amy felt."

Dean-o's consistent lying brings to mind the late great Joe Dimaggio: "'why did you play so hard?'
'Because there might have been somebody in the stands today who'd never seen my play before, and might never see me again'

« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 06:56:44 PM by ajax13 »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992