Author Topic: The Kids Nobody Wants  (Read 5318 times)

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Offline Eliscu2

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The Kids Nobody Wants
« on: May 05, 2017, 02:11:56 PM »
"The Kids Nobody Wants: Treating the Seriously Delinquent Youth" - McKenzie and Roos (1982)


1. Synanon (Tomales Bay, California).
2. Delancey Street (San Francisco, California).
3. Devereaux School (Santa Barbara, California).
4. Circle S Ranch (Salome, Arizona).
5. VisionQuest (Tucson, Arizona, and Denver, Colorado).
6. Provo Canyon School (Provo, Utah).
7. New Pride (Denver, Colorado).
8. Closed A(olescent Treatment Unit (Denver, Colorado).
9. Devereaux School (Victoria, Texas) .
10. Centerpoint (Danvers, Massachusetts).
11. Elan (Poland Springs, Maine).
12. Illinois State Psychiatric Institute (Chicago, Illinois).
13. Southwest Martial Arts Association (San Diego, California)

Offline damanamanit

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Re: The Kids Nobody Wants
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2018, 02:33:08 PM »
Where are the rest of the programs listed that we're active during that time?

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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What is wild about this book-
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2018, 06:29:21 PM »
Felice - is that it includes Circle S Ranch - along with Elan and the mother of them all coming in at number one was Synanon.

I read this thing , I need to go back and give it another once over -  if memory serves - didn't Elan  and some of its henchmen have a 15 y.o. boy beaten in its infamous  "Ring" - the ring  had already been documented in the NBC reports by Carl Roberts in 1979 as the ring according to Joe Ricci didn't exist and then he  proceeded to tell Carl you see in this corner you have the house champion and in this corner you have the house bully - lol

It was so funny to see old Joe Ricci  contradict himself almost in the same breath concerning the ring and those harsh words "corporal  punishment" - lol - Elan went beyond corporal  punishment- into becoming a serial  violent brutal sadistic child abusing criminal enterprise that made its money getting children to do the dirty work

They- the adult  directors/ Employees  directed this horror show of a hell hole -by having us  the residents to abuse the living daylights out of each other on a daily basis -   

So if memory serves Elan as joe said put the  house bully - in this case it was  Phil Williams  in the ring -his crime complaining of head aches - meant that he was malingering - and this was a serious crime in Elan and in the wisdom of Jeffery Gottlieb , Jim Rubino and Jon Ricci - a relative of joes -  all felt that the punishment for Phil merited to be put into  the ring for this terrible crime -

My point is that the ring was used at a directors whim- Phil was no more a bully than what Elan was already trying to make him out to be just by being in the Elan program itself. It was a  eat or be eaten atmosphere.

The fact is that Phil Williams- a ward of the state of Maine was put into the ring at elan and forced to fight  for the crime of malingering- by complaining of headaches  - as a result of this forced fighting incident Phil Williams subsequently died on December 27, 1982.

What is insane is that this book , a judicial study of places listed in your original post  that have been  suggested for judges and social workers to place juvenile delinquent types - came out in 1982-  That is the  same year that Elan as some one else so eloquently put it recently- "Elan employees get away with the killing of  Phil Williams."

Funny no investigation was started into this young boys death until 34 years after his death- March 13 ,2016 - I wonder if this book emboldened Joe Ricci as he was stroked to believe that he really could get away with the killing of a Maine State ward, apparently the protection Joe Ricci and his employees and Elan received from Maine -corrupt as it was, allowed them  to do just that. 

Who in the hell did this study on Elan? what information did they use? - where are the interviews ?  those are the questions I would want answered - Good find Felice - hell of a sick book - still I am going to have to give it another purview- as sick and twisted as it seems to be-  The Kids that no one wants-  ya put them in the meat grinders - Jesus this study is whacked and it became a book to advise Judges?

The bigger question who pushed for this study or lobbied using the info found in this study of the most abusive  programs of them all- as a placement for children -that no one wants - very chilling book.

