Author Topic: Whitmore Academy in Utah?  (Read 73103 times)

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #240 on: January 11, 2005, 12:47:00 PM »
As a parent from Whitmore, I have a question: Can you explain the "subliminals that the students are required to listen to every morning for about an hour?"  I understand that the students lose privileges if they do not participate in this "activity."  What exactly is said in these subliminals?  Is it a form of brainwashing?  Why do the Sudweeks think it is so important?  Is sounds sort of scary to me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #241 on: January 11, 2005, 11:16:00 PM »
ok well as you alreqdy iknow I Was a student at the Whitmore, but now i am back home.
       Subliminals were a way of starting off our day positively: WITH positive affirmations. We listened to them usually from 5 to 5:30 in the morning or even sometimes 4 to 4: 30 whch is i think what is on their schedule now according to the web site :wink:
     It's funny u asked me the question because I was in charge of making sure that people had their subs on in the mornings { a.k.a. subliminal monitor} I arrived at the Whitmore June 18th and only two months after i was given the job of subliminal monitoring in the mornings.  So i was sub. monitor for about 3 months.....and got alot out of it but also thought it was a little too brainwashing. It was always a must do and was required by all thre kids in the mornings if they wanted to go into town or do any of the following days or weeks spcial events. Now i understand that that was a way of discipline and just something we simply had to do to be able to do things with the group like movie, mall, etc... and i respected that but some things were jus takena little to seriously like subliminals.
      I had to wake up extra early to do my hygiene and go through all three levels of the mansion to see if people had them on right at the time they were told by cheryl to be on, like i said,,,,,,, strictly to schedule.
         When Cheryl asked me to give her daily reports,{ but not every day did she ask me}, i told her who had their subs on time and who didn't. The kids who didn't had to provide her with an explanation of why and that sounds normal to me because when we chose to act against the group or disagreed, like me, on some things in the group snd were confronted it was ALWAYS turned into this huge BIG deal cause one person thought differently than the rest of the group.
         When kids there went against the rules and chose not to do what all the others were doing in the sch4dule they were either having group on them, getting v erbally attacked or just plain old reemed on simply cause they didn't believe in the subliinal messages._ and we all have our rights and diferent beliefs.
          SOme  kids there would say that they didn't get anything out of subliminals and to tell u the truth being subliminal monitor , people would always expect me too honor the idea of suliminals, but really i didn't. I REALLY didn't. However, even though they are a 45 minute recording on a computer streaming throught he speakers of ur computer at the crack of dawn,  know that they are good r4cordings to listen to. But to listen to them every morningl......... had to be brain washing...atleast i felt it was for me.
       For example in subliminal sayings in the morning....." I feel loving, I choose to be loving, I AM loving." I feel trustworthy, i choose to be trustworthy , I Am trustworthy." The whole recordings it is basically.......I AM, I CHOOSE , I FEEL __________ < and that blank is filled in with any positive charqcteristic SOMETHINg always telling you what you were [ AND MAYBE WEREN'T at that time in ur life] BUT THE WHOLE POINT OF SUBLIM INALS WAS TO REPeat into ur ears over and over again to u actually were convinced that u were loving, friendly, happy, etc...etc.........that is brainwashing to me and if ur opinion differs than that's perfectly fine. I respect ur opinion.
        I don't know why subliminals were so important to cheryl, i don't know why she did the things she did in the manner she did. And it hurts me cause even though i have left the whitmore snd i told the truth and A"ruined" all their lives, it's a ashame cause i was ony doing it to help cheryl cause i think that she was covering up ALOT of pain in her life. pain she couldn't deal with ad what drove her to act the way she did... I don't want her to live her life miserably now, I just want her to understand the true meaning of HONESTY ANd HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS as well as the other kids there.

     ***If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.***
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #242 on: January 12, 2005, 11:49:00 AM »
Thanks for going into such detail. It's very helpful.

I just want her to understand the true meaning of HONESTY ANd HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS as well as the other kids there.

 I had to chuckle a little here. Been there! Believe it or not, this sounds a whole lot like The Seed or Straight at various times. And, at one point, I ran and was brought back some weeks later. That was the only time I was ever really physically punished. They kept demanding that I apologize to Group and I kept saying I couldn't because it wouldn't be honest (Honesty was the first and, allegedly, most important rule)

I actually meant it, too. I hadn't wanted to go back at all. I simply had no choice. But once I was there staring all these other kids in the face I realized that I owed it to some of them to stand my ground. I'd seen a whole lot of them broken to tears many times in front of group and some physically bullied and hurt. I knew I had an ass whoopin' coming if I kept on, but I really felt obliged to stick it out. It was the only way I could send a message to all those kids I'd yelled at or watched get it and done nothing to let them know I thought it was wrong.

I never was all that connected w/ them, though. I guess it's quite painful for you to be cut off from the group right now. But don't worry too much. Most people sort of shake it off and come to their senses. Your good friends will probably figure this all out eventually and it'll be ok.

Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you recognize a mistake when you make it again.
-- F. P. Jones

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #243 on: January 12, 2005, 09:03:00 PM »
thank you for ur support. Thaank you so much cause i did have some really good friendships there
       I agree with u and support you 100% on what u said about the groups n' stuff. That's just what it was liike for me, always witnessing stuff and strongly disagreeing with the bullying and physical fights that went on, but i would just keep quiet in group cause I knew that if i went against cheryl or even spoke oout differently than all their " paradyms" than i would get it way of telling them they were wrong was just by giving the silent treatment when they confronted me on things... when i didn't talk  in  the groups on me which was usually never but only like twice, I didn't care cause i knew that they wouldn't pull me down. No one there ever made me think a certian way or feel a way they told me i  should feel, i thought and felt  my own way....from my heart instead of my head. and certainly not to please other's expectations like i was supposed to think like the other 40 of them 24/7....hell no.
       i knew that things needed to get addressed whether they were "family" or not, and things were kept secret from the paretns and so on, I wasn't afraid to speak the truth and so i did, but to the police inst4ad of the group. and if that meant that cheryl and mark could lose their jobs than whatever.
        When the whole group went to lake powell this past september they had a group on me , a big one on my attitude i pretty scared considering it was freezing outside and we were all huddled round the campfire ROUND 12 in the morning. ha! I hated that night. some crazy ish. anyways, yeah my attitude. They all dug into me with their ,  crude insults and words. Their words peirced me and only made me worse for the night. I was threatened by alot of them to get the ish beat out of me and called various crude names all the time, if i didn't speak or apologize.
      just like you said, i wasn't going to apologize if i truly didn't feel sorry from my heart. Sometimies i was sorry for the way i acted towards the group and i did apologize in those circumstances, but most i didn't , since honesty came first right???  :grin:  
        I wasn't really involved with the whole family thing there, that was really scary and just a little too over doing it for me. Friends that's what some of them were. Friends that were there with most or all of the problems and reasons i had for being there.....defiance, depression,  or whatever.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #244 on: January 12, 2005, 11:39:00 PM »
You always put the word "family" in quotation marks, and it seems that the Sudweeks tried to make you kids there think of them as YOUR FAMILY. Is this why the Sudweeks withheld mail that the parents sent,  and listened in on telephone calls to the parents?  Were the Sudweeks trying to replace the real parents in some ways?  ALSO, what did you consider UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS about Cheryl Sudweeks? Did you ever get the feeling that Cheryl acted inappropriately sexually towards any of the girls? My daughter has hinted about this, but has not come out and actually said so for a fact.  I think she is afraid to say what Cheryl really does.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #245 on: January 13, 2005, 09:09:00 AM »
You said"I wasn't too involved in the family thing there (at Whitmore) it was too scary."
What do you mean by that?  The Sudweeks and some of the kids writing here talk about all the LOVE and FAMILY there.  What did you find so "scary" about it?  Its seems that the concept of "HONESTY" means that if you didn't think like the Sudweeks wanted you to think, then you were not being honest.  Is that what you meant?  I am just trying to understand the dynamics going on there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #246 on: January 13, 2005, 09:23:00 AM »
In response to your statement that you thought "Cheryl was covering up a lot of pain in her life...." Did she confide her personal problems to you kids? Didn't you think this was sort of strange having an adult woman who was suppose to be in charge of group sessions, and who was suppose to be directing and leading kids with problems of their own sharing enough of her own problems to worry you kids? Sounds to me like she WANTED TO BE ONE OF THE GANG, and did not present herself as a mature, leader. And her outbursts and getting into physical confrontations with other town kids, and all the cursing and ranting. SURE seems like strange and out of control behavior to me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #247 on: January 13, 2005, 09:33:00 AM »
Another question on the subliminals:  How do you know that the subliminals take place about 4AM now according to the website?  We who left Whitmore can not get into that website now because of the password thing.??????

Do you think the subliminals were bad, or do you just think that they were another activity that Cheryl used to control what the kids did each morning, just to show that she was in control of the kids from the minute they woke up until the minute they went to sleep at night?

Did you feel sleep deprived all the time, especially when you had duties, like the sub monitor that gave you even less sleep than the other kids?  What seemed to be the purpose of keeping you kids up at all hours of the night,--like for group sessions that Cheryl would have, and not letting you kids have proper sleep at night?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #248 on: January 13, 2005, 10:45:00 AM »
On 2005-01-12 20:39:00, Anonymous wrote:

"You always put the word "family" in quotation marks, and it seems that the Sudweeks tried to make you kids there think of them as YOUR FAMILY. Is this why the Sudweeks withheld mail that the parents sent,  and listened in on telephone calls to the parents?  Were the Sudweeks trying to replace the real parents in some ways?  ALSO, what did you consider UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS about Cheryl Sudweeks? Did you ever get the feeling that Cheryl acted inappropriately sexually towards any of the girls? My daughter has hinted about this, but has not come out and actually said so for a fact.  I think she is afraid to say what Cheryl really does. "

If you have all of these doubt, maybe your daughter shouldn't be in there. There are other places to put her. Do some research on it, but why leave her in there with all of your suspicions? Is it for some reason out of your control?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #249 on: January 13, 2005, 10:54:00 AM »
It's obvious that you made some real friends at Whitmore.  How did Cheryl manage to turn you kids against each other so easily, and make you call each other names, and beat each other up, and all that during these group sessions?  Why did she seem to want to do this?  What was her purpose, or reasoning as you saw it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #250 on: January 13, 2005, 05:48:00 PM »
On 2005-01-12 18:03:00, Anonymous wrote:

"thank you for ur support. Thaank you so much cause i did have some really good friendships there

Hey, so very glad to be of any help!

I wasn't really involved with the whole family thing there, that was really scary and just a little too over doing it for me. Friends that's what some of them were. Friends that were there with most or all of the problems and reasons i had for being there.....defiance, depression, or whatever.

Then they probably still are. This has all got to be pretty confusing for a lot of people. But just hang in there. It'll sort itself out somehow.

Honestly, the more I find out about Whitmore the more I think it's probably a whole lot more like The Seed than like a WWASP or Palmer program or something. And, just lately, there are a bunch of aging Seedlings w/ various viewpoints posting over to the Seed forum. You might be interested in reading some of that.

Whoever kindles the flames of intolerance in America is lighting a fire underneath his own home.
--Harold E. Stassen, 1947

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #251 on: January 13, 2005, 08:41:00 PM »
After reading several postings on the Seed site, there does not seem to be much difference to me between it and the Whitmore Academy----adults using humiliation, and fear in a cult-like setting to make money off a bunch of kids with problems by brainwashing them and their parents while serving them peanut butter-and jelly sandwhiches. Pretty much like the inadequate and substandard food at Whitmore.  A bunch of talk about love and getting their lives straight while hero-worshipping some man who did not have the best interest of the kids in mind at all.Both present an abusive atmosphere that cause lots of damage to kids who need help, not this type of treatment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #252 on: January 18, 2005, 08:55:00 PM »
Have any of you Whitmore parents talked to the Sudweeks lately about the status of Whitmore since they "surrendered their license to have a treatment facility" at either the boys' house or the mansion location?  Last I heard, the Sudweeks were applying with the city of Nephi for a license for a private SCHOOL at the mansion location that definitely would not have any provisions for any type of treatment available for the kids.  Personally, I could have a child in private school locally a lot cheaper, and without any provisions for treatment, then the question is WHY WHITMORE THEN?  Guess their little referral person is in for some more big bucks now...she can just refer all these kids on to another place, huh?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Joyce Harris

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Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« Reply #253 on: January 18, 2005, 10:06:00 PM »
Hannah:  I am not a "raving woman"nor do I tell lies.  I do not understand your anger towards me.  But then--I have not been beaten up by a fellow student at the direction of Cheryl Sudweeks either, just because I used the library computer to send an email home. I think you need to talk to your parents honestly.  I think that some of your behavior there at the Whitmore would shock and displease them...they certainly shocked my 12 year old daughter. And Cheryl Sudweeks was suppose to be "supervising you at the movies, wasn't she?"  Now you have a nice day, and don't waste any more of your valuable computer time telling lies about me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #254 on: January 19, 2005, 12:50:00 AM »
:lol: yeah i wanna know wuss going on with the Whitmore acdemy...too and i agree totally with u Mrs. Joyce because Hannah i think is very scared to even tell the truth to her own parents..and thas pretty sad in my opinon. Hannah u reely need come to ur senses and just talk with ur paretns honestly., instead of lying. Or maybe i'm wrong, maybe they do know that u got beat up by casie or did u just say ," i did not get beat up BY THE DIRECTION of cheryl sudweeks...{ whutever that means} u still got beat up difference and it doesn't make anything better. stop protecting that woman!!!Tell themeverything that happened. EVERYTHNIG. Do they even know anything about ur black eye that casie gave you? the movies and kyle ? and everything else.... it would help if you just told them. after all honesty is one of the ten virtues read every sunday there right?
       She was beat up, maybe not by cheryl telling another student to beat her up but she was definately ok with it because it happened right in fron of her little thrown or 'chair' in the group room and seemed perfctly fine with it all. She didn't try and stop casie or hold her back , just sat there.
      I am not sure who asked me the questions about the subs but u know i have been doing some thinking and i had the discussion with some other friends of mine. Why would brain washing good stuff and positive affirmations be a bad thing?? well it's good that they were positive things just i think that any type of brain washing taken to that extreme is unhealthy along with the sleep deprivation that went with it. It was terible. I remember being the sub monitor not being able to barely lift a finger in the morning because i was so tired my brain wasn't even functioning right.
       I am just so happy that now i am home and have my own room all to myself and can get atleast 9, 10, or 11 hours of sleep at night  and can go on the next day performing well at my work and classes. my REAL school.
    And to put all the other postings in a nut shell i don't know why cheryl did the things she did, kept the kids up so late at night, i don't know why she encouraged the kids to act out violently and cuss at eachother
    She sometimes made sexual and crude jokes bout whut the kids kid. Like about hannah and kyle in the movie theater where she was supposedly supposed to be supervising all of us. In regards to the  fact that it was a house hold full of teengers with some but not all that had raging hormones, sexual activity among the kids was of course a huge action that would cause a lot of discipline for the person who chose to act out on that.
       Also, about the 'family" thing there. I just think the reason why they listened to our phone conversations was because they were just straight up nosy and were afraid of any of the kids telling the paretns about the incidents that went on. When cheryl found out that one or two of the kids that had told about the movies, or Joey incident, she went crazy n jus yelled and said like why would u do such a thing. ppppssssssh! I told my parents everything cause i just could. I didn't keep anything from them and i told them that things were getting out of hand there and getting overlooked and i'm reeeeeaaaaaaallly happy i did!!!! hopefully some of the other kids will come forth and say the truth too.
         And about the groups, Cheryl led them of course but would always begin  them and they would like never end. Some groups went on till like 1 or sometimes 2 in the morning, following waking up n the mornings at the crack of dawn. She would sometimes share with us her personal emotional problems about her past as a child but would never get into too much detail. It was nice but half the times i had problems i wouldn't speak about them cause i knew i would be reemed on  or just verbally attacked etc... and just because i wanted to get some rest. And that's pretty sad to look back on because i always had something bothering me and that i was encouraged to bring up in group but i didn't because i felt that if i didn't speak than we could all go to sleep.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »