General Interest > Let It Bleed

Denmark put underaged asylum seekers into group homes with drug users


You can google translate these articles. Right now Denmark is on the breaking point when it comes to our entire society due to the costs of housing a massive number of asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa.

Based on the fact that many former asylum seekers in Denmark from Somalia seems to be involved in the import business of plants like Khat the Danish authorities have decide to house young asylum seekers in group homes meant for underage drug users who is housed in somewhat controlled environments until they decide to be treated for their addiction.


* Kommuner lader flygtningebørn bo sammen med anbragte danske unge (Denmarks Radio)
* Latif flygtede fra Pakistan som 14-årig: I Danmark fik han bolig med hashmisbrugere (Denmarks Radio)

Pile of Dead Kids:
Denmark can't take care of them. It doesn't have the manpower or the means, and it's going to explode.

Send them back. All of them. Send them with food, with advice, with medical care, but send them. Trying to take care of this many fresh immigrants is insanity and it's going to get a lot of people killed.


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