Well your a secretary so please tell us. One thing I do know Anne, just because you can construct a sentence properly and spell, does not mean that you are literate, it just means you know how to do your job so you don't get fired.
Well, here's the Webster definition so you tell me. Does it fit?
Main Entry: il·lit·er·ate
Pronunciation: (?)i(l)-?li-t(?-)r?t
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin illiteratus, from in- + litteratus literate
Date: 15th century
1 : having little or no education; especially : unable to read or write <an illiterate population>
2 a : showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature <an illiterate magazine> b : violating approved patterns of speaking or writing
You type all day Anne, that is your job, please don't mistake this for having intelligence. Your a secretary at 45yrs old, with no ambition to move up.
Well, actually....I'm a paralegal.
I know one thing about the women who work for me there college educated, their tops in their field of engineering and they don't sit around on a web site verbally masturbating with others all afternoon.
Nope, I wouldn't expect they do. You seem to take care of that just fine, all by yourself.
My secretaries also are college educated, I have (3) of them, one has been with me for almost 20 years (19yrs. and 7mons.), my assistant holds a Masters in Business from Wharton, so yes I surround myself with very educated people to make up for my lack of education. I always thought that was a sign of a good businessman. My employees/friends don't seem to have the problem with my literacy, Anne and Joel.
Good for you.
You two do, I wonder why that is, are both of you insecure, lack in self esteem, still trying to climb the proverbial ladder and just aren't getting anywhere or is it the same ole' reason here on fornits, I disagree with you and you find what ever weakness you perceive I have and exploit it.
Nah, it's just that your posts are almost unreadable.
Well com'on have at it. I actually enjoy it along with others. Anne you bring a lot laughs.
Such a lengthy response to my post. Musta hurt, huh?