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Camp Tracey survivor allegedly put turtle on fire
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:27:50 AM »
Former counselor: Greene doesn't understand charges
By Ashley Harding and Chris Robbins, News 4 Jax, July 27 2014

Jennifer Greene, Danielle Dione posted video of turtle torture

Jennifer Greene, 18, and Danielle Dionne, 15, posted a video showing a gopher tortoise being lit on fire, thrown on the concrete and being stomped on until it died. The video went viral on Facebook.

Greene showed no emotion Saturday morning as she listened to the charges of felony cruelty to animals -- a third-degree felony -- and taking, harassing, harming or killing a gopher tortoise -- a second-degree misdemeanor.

On Sunday, News4Jax spoke with Greene's former counselor. Jeff Econom was a counselor at Camp Tracey Children's Home.  It closed not too long ago, but Econom said it was a place where troubled teens would go.

counselor2 Econom (pictured) said Greene arrived there when she was 13 and was under his care for nearly three years. He said in that time, he came to see her as a daughter.

He said he doesn't excuse the charges against her, but wants people to know more about her, and he hopes for the best possible outcome.

"I can tell you, I've seen that look on her face so many times," Econom said. "She doesn't even really understand what she's being charged with."

Econom said he was beside himself when he learned that investigators arrested Greene after the disturbing video surfaced online.

"I was shocked because we have a lot of farm animals," he said. "You name it, we had it out at the farm. And Jennifer tended to them all."

Econom said not only did Greene love the animals, but said she was gentle with them and other girls.

Although he wouldn't go into the reason for why she was sent to camp, he said she had a difficult time growing up and was socially and developmentally behind.

"People don't understand that Jennifer came from a Romanian orphanage," Econom said. "We will never know what happened over there and the transition to America. And she was just basically sent out to a camp."

He said in the time Greene was at the camp she was always looking for acceptance. He went on to describe her as someone who would do just about anything. 

"She's just looking to please others and be friends," Econom said. "She's just looking for a friend and whatever it takes to be that friend. I hate to say it, it's almost borderline desperate for a friend."

Although Econom said he doesn't excuse what happened, he worries about what a potential prison sentence could mean for Greene. He said he believes what she needs is help.

"Jennifer was one that when she left camp, if the camp was still going right now, our recommendations would have been to stay there," Econom said.

Offline Oscar

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Re: Camp Tracey survivor allegedly put turtle on fire
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2014, 01:36:04 AM »
Selected comments:

Sandra Fredine
I do believe this so-called camp was closed under serious allegations of sexual and physical abuse. Why doesn't he 'counselor' - who viewed her as a daughter - mention this potential horror?

Ron Hersey
I have heard nothing but good things about Camp Tracy . Anyone know what happen to the camp?
You can google the camp and find out all about it. Hint...not good.
scotty boy4ever
they finally closed after being caught committing sexual and physical abuse on their residents for decades...
A coworker told me about that.
scotty boy4ever
if i was this counselor, the last thing i would do is tie my name to that place..

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Re: Camp Tracey survivor allegedly put turtle on fire
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2014, 06:28:01 AM »
She doesn't understand cruelty to animals? Then send her to fucking jail! Anyone who abuses animals will eventually abuse humans. NO SYMPATHY HERE! (except for the poor turtle).

Offline Oscar

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Re: Camp Tracey survivor allegedly put turtle on fire
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2014, 02:03:22 AM »
She doesn't understand cruelty to animals? Then send her to fucking jail! Anyone who abuses animals will eventually abuse humans. NO SYMPATHY HERE! (except for the poor turtle).
I also believe that she belongs in a restricted environment. What would be the next victim? A cat? A dog? A child? It is for the court to decide.

However, let us focus who taught her this awful conduct. Camp Tracey damaged a lot of children. They need to be healed. Otherwise it is only a question of time before the next animal will suffer.

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Re: Camp Tracey survivor allegedly put turtle on fire
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2014, 03:27:11 AM »
Taught this behavior? Even little kids all love animals. It's just a gateway to harming people. I'm sorry but next to harming children,harming defenseless animals is a close second. I don't care who does it. She won't (and shouldn't) be very popular no matter where she winds up. 

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Re: Camp Tracey survivor allegedly put turtle on fire
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2014, 06:35:21 PM »
Anyone who harms another (human or animal) for kicks is a sociopath,and cannot be rehabilitated. The only answer here is civil commitment until they find a cure for evil.

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Re: Camp Tracey survivor allegedly put turtle on fire
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2014, 04:42:25 AM »
Anyone who harms another (human or animal) for kicks is a sociopath,and cannot be rehabilitated. The only answer here is civil commitment until they find a cure for evil.
It's a warning sign for sure, but not all little boys who rip the wings off butterflies or are cruel to small animals will grow up to become sociopaths. Psychologists will tell you it's too early to make that distinction which is why children are never diagnosed as such. I agree the girl probably has a lot of issues, the core of which probably has to do with her time in a Romanian orphanage (research that, I dare ya), but that doesn't mean she's beyond hope.
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Re: Camp Tracey survivor allegedly put turtle on fire
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2014, 03:53:47 PM »
I understand that while some people act out of hate and fear, there are those who feel nothing at all. I was 10 years old when my dad bought me a BB gun. (we lived in the boonies) I spotted a little green snake in the grass,so I shot it. It didn't seem to phase him,so I shot him again,and again and again. When it wouldn't die, I stomped it to death. I don't know why I did it. But it has bothered me ever since.From that point on in my life,I never wanted to kill anything ever again. I can't imagine killing anything for FUN!

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Re: Camp Tracey survivor allegedly put turtle on fire
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2014, 03:58:12 PM »
And those aren't little kids. One is 18 the other one is 15.