5 program closes.
* Academy at Swift River
* Talisman Academy
* Stone Mountain School
* SUWS Adolescent & Youth Programs - Idaho
* Adirondack Leadership Expeditions
Instead of blaming the economy just state as it is. They just could not shut up those who survived and it is a killer for the marketing efforts.
Aspen Education Group Closes Five Programs (Struglingteens)
Absolutely Oscar instead of blaming the economy- just tell the truth. They, these programs (Elan, Aspen, Straight, etc) just could not shut up those who survived and it is killing their marketing efforts, you are most correct kind sir.
It is funny that these programs are incapable of ever telling the truth or recognizing the truth,( they will try to blame their closing on the economy ,lol) these hell holes cannot hide from the truth of what they did ( or do ) to children in the guise of therapy, because there are survivors that are alive to tell the truth about what went on in these places.
Burns my ears to listen Oscar. It burned my eyes to see Oscar, firsthand what an abusive program like elan and what it's henchmen did to children. The folks that run these places now need assistance in finding justice for the crimes of sadistic physical and emotional serial child abuse that they heaped upon defenseless children- all for the love of money and well they also enjoyed being serial child abusers. Criminally sick people run these type of places.
Sharon Terry ,Martin Kruglik ,and Jeffery Gottlieb the cretins that ran elan need to be put in prison -no doubt in my mind or many other elan survivor's minds about this.
It is nice to know Oscar, that many people like yourself realize that it is not the economy , that it the truth that is shutting down these Synanon spawned treatment centers, And it is coming from survivors lips to the worlds ears.
Damn Oscar thank you for putting things right and in their proper perspectives, And to the survivors don't ever shut up!
Thank you Oscar