General Interest > Tacitus' Realm

Alcohol use in Europe vs the United States

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Tell me Oscar, does Denmark really allow kids to legally drink? I can only imagine what it would be like if 16 year olds could buy beer here in the US. I just don't  see that as healthy no matter where you live.

About Danish alcohol culture in general: Alcohol culture in Denmark (link)

If I want to serve alcohol to my own kids there is no limit. At my house I have told my kids that they cannot drink alcohol before they are confirmed in church. In fact they can attend service in church and drink about a very small glass of wine (Drink the blood of Jesus) and a very dry bread while they prepare for thier confirmation. At some churches the wine is with no alcohol in but not in the local church.

If they go down to a normal shop they have to be 16 before they can buy beers or wine. Stronger alcohol has an agelimit of 18 because research have shown that the dangerous limit for minors is 16.5. There are especially softdrinks with alochol targeting in minors held in the same colors as candy (See link)

For stronger alcohol the agelimit is 18. The same goes if they want to go into a club.

On the campuses of our high schools they have friday bars to reduce the amount of students who choose to drop out.

I think that our presents laws are acceptable despite the fact that I really want past times where there were no agelimits because I believe that it is the parent's jobs to secure a productive life for your child.


--- Quote ---Oscar wrote;
On the campuses of our high schools they have Friday bars to reduce the amount of students who choose to drop out.
--- End quote ---

Beer in school? Maybe it could keep kids in school longer. I don't see it making them smarter. Besides, if they can by beer legally at 16, why stay in school.


--- Quote from: "none-ya" ---in school? Maybe it could keep kids in school longer. I don't see it making them smarter. Besides, if they can by beer legally at 16, why stay in school.
--- End quote ---

The goal is to make them socializing - not drunk. And it works. Bullying is down because it is study to bully those who you drink with. Nerds become accepted because once people start to talk they learn what they can get of information from the nerds to improve their grades.

Last but not least. Security. We cannot hide behind visa-rules because we don't have a natural border like an ocean between us and terrorists.There is no report worldwide of an alcohol consumping suicide bomber. Since 1970 there have been 3 cases where people have planted bombs in Denmark. One was a Dane. He was injured when his bomb went off before time. In fact it has happened in the two other cases also where the villians were foreigners. Something seem to have been wrong with their timers.

So every student know that alcohol drinkers are safe and those who don't drink needs to be reported to the authorities. Every single firm in Denmark got a letter last year warning us to look after co-workers who act "undanish". I guess the schools have received such a letter also.

I found this piece in a blog belonging to another member of this board written years ago Why I declined to be a valedictorian (bebo blog)

It shows that we Danes believe that we are born to serve in a certain position in our society and nothing more.


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