Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > CAN ~ Collective Action Network

Call for Survivor Reports


Hi everyone. I'm putting out a call for survivor reports. Currently the Ontario government is financing several programs in the U.S. I'll be writing on them asking them to stop this funding. I'd really like to be able to send some survivor reports with it, I think it will make a greater impact. I'd appreciate being able to use names, though at your request I will keep them anonymous. You can email them to If you have attended any of the following programs I would love to hear from you

-Avalon Hills

-River Oaks Hospital

- Rogers Memorial Hospital

-Caron Foundation

-Second Nature Wilderness Program

-Discovery Ranch

-Foundations: La Paloma Treatment Center

-Foundations: Michael's House

-The Renfrew Center

-Foundations: The Canyon at Peace Park

-Gateway Academy

- Vista Adolescent Treatment Center

-McLean Hospital

-New Haven Residential Treatment Center

-Wellness Resource Center
Thank you to anyone able to help


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