Well, good morning all, but especially to the folks posting in the nice little thread we got here.
Matt, you are not stepping on my posts at all. And I hope you don't perceive me to be stepping on yours, either :) I have much interest in this evolution at Elan (evil-loution? Lol)
We "spun" folks as well, especially in the high-stress expeditor branch of the dichotomy. I don't recall "P.O." per se, but it sounds similar to what I would call "S.P." or "support person" in my time. Essentially, you were assigned to watch another detainee, who was usually in the corner (and thus also "shot down") for some real or imagined offense, and make sure they didn't try to hurt themselves or anyone else. You were also encouraged, as an S.P. to try to talk to the person you were watching and try to get them to calm down/capitulate.
The dichotomy I posted, as I mentioned, was from memory, and I think the corrections you have made would apply to my time as well.
Re-entry, by the time I was there, was less a "staff" position than it was a position where you had more freedom to re-adjust to the outside world. One thing, however, was still the same, they were continuing to groom "staff" from the re-entry ranks. That is why I chose to work in the kitchen, heh. One of my peers from Elan 5 (I was in 8), actually got to do re-entry at home (in the mid-atlantic). Haha. She never came back for her "graduation."
We still haven't touched on parent groups and a host of other stuff we probably need to get to, and last night I was trying to go over the daily and weekly schedules in my head, they were pretty much the same as you have described earlier, but there are still a few missing blocks of time in my mind.
We also should talk about the house departments and their roles in the system, briefly, Cleaning Crew, Kitchen Crew, Broadcasting/Communications, and the Business Office. These departments existed in each individual house. Each department also had a ranking, akin to the ranking of suits in a deck of cards.
Che, I will offer some insight and speculation on why things began to change at Elan, as soon as I have a bit more time this weekend.
I also realize I have been answering but not asking a whole lot here. But I do have questions. Many, in fact, and I will get to some of those as we go, but for now, let me just toss one out there...
For you guys who went through the propheets in CEDU, or other programs, I'd like you to help me flesh out the "dreams" propheet. I have read the wiki on it and I see it kind of drops off there. I remember the can, the Jaws music, the guided imagery, and, very vaguely recall the slip of paper in the can. It seems to me the "Dreams" propheet was an exercise in guided imagery, followed by a "suggestion" which was represented by the piece of paper in the can. Does that ring true for you guys?