Horatio. wrote :
> "Danny Benniosn January 21, 2013 at 12:27 AM
> WHAT A BUNCH OF BLOWN OUT OF PROPORTATION CRAP!!!!!!! lol i went there from
> 1975 too 1978. GRADUATED THE PROGRAM...It was easy and it was tough...what
> the hell do you think you went there in the first place for? Cookies and
> rainbows? Kids don't just get sent there for no reason....EVERYONE HAD
> SEVERE PROBLEMS.. We are were troubled kids...90 percent of this
> students....that want to go all " elan is abusive crap" didn't
> graduate were idiots and refused to grow... change there ways...try to make
> an effort...yes school was expensive....YOUR POINT! Point i see is...if
> they pay all this money...(your parents)... There not going to have you sit
> around and act like its summer camp...NO ITS A THERAPUTIC BOARDING
> SCHOOL!!!!! There job is to rape you of your image...break you down...to
> get to the beginning of everything...admit to your guilt...because until
> you recognize why you are such a MENACE TO SOCIETY me inclded...I was one
> of thoese kids...so then you can figure out how and why you acted the way
> you did...where thoese feelings came from...This page is like a cult...elan
> wasn't...This is pathetic!!!!! "<
So what you're saying is that you were all a bunch of ne'er do well,malcontented, misfits to start with? Elan didn't change you at all? Garbage in-garbage out. Makes sense now!