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Wayne Kernochan enjoys saying Danny raped children because?

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DannyB II:
Wayne Kernochan is the only member here who has actually molested another child. He discussed the incident in the sequel Return to Elan the Game. He blamed it on his brother. Funny thing Wayne got sent to Vitam because of it not his brother. His jealousy of his brother is evident in his memoir.
Without getting all into your warped twisted sexual world, which I was dragged into. I would like it if you could see to it to let me back out. Just let me go Wayne. It is easy instead of saying my name use your own name, it is appropriate. This is your universe not mine.


--- Quote ---Danny the Child Molester wrote:
 I would like it if you could see to it to let me back out. Just let me go Wayne
--- End quote ---
Fuck you.

I mostly enjoy telling your niece about it because she believes me Dan. She hates your guts, as does most of your family, and is sick of your online bullshit and the attention you bring to her family

And bevore you start that "You'd be in real trouble" shit, she's an adult and can be friends with anyone she wants. The funny thing is she was angry at first because I've been copying and pasting your posts and randomly sending them to your family members. You seem proud of the things you're posting, so why not let them share the joy?

Anyway, she started the private message "Neither I nor most of our family even talk to him...."

She doesn't want her name mentioned because she's afraid of you.


DannyB II:
Lmao......How much longer are we going to have to read about how you are conversing with my family. You have gone down through my entire family and if contacted all would call the police and lodge a complaint. You are doing this all because your brother contacted me, then introduced me to your sister. Wayne I didn't initiate the contact, but I definetly found the conversations I had with them interesting.  
Now you dodged a legal bullet one time before where you came very close to being arrested. I promise you push your luck again and what Art's lawyer did to you will be a walk in the park compared to what will happen.
Just so everyone knows Wayne harassed and stalked a number of my neices online. I will not mention there names if course but every legal procedure is in place in case he acts again. Wayne will not be let off easily this time.
 The only person Wayne Kernochan and Albert Beauchane (they are both the same person) are talking to is my brother's ex-wife out in CA.
Last but not least...Wayne is the author of the Bennison Bitches thread (we all understand that Mark Babbitz helped him) in this thread Wayne post pic's of my neices and nephews in pornographic scenes. He has been extremely disgusting when posting comments about my family. Now in his delusional mind he wants us to believe he is conversing with one of them. Wayne you are a sociopath and you need help.
Please get it and soon.

DannyB II:
Wayne loves the power he feels when he can call me a rapist. You should have heard him on the radio show, Susan Schofield...he put on an academy award display in drama. He even threw in the choked up voice must of had a bag of cocks handy for that demonstration.
Wayne, please do tell??



--- Quote from: "Wetbrain" ---Lmao......How much longer are we going to have to read about how you are conversing with my family. You have gone down through my entire family and if contacted all would call the police and lodge a complaint. You are doing this all because your brother contacted me, then introduced me to your sister. Wayne I didn't initiate the contact, but I definetly found the conversations I had with them interesting.  
Now you dodged a legal bullet one time before where you came very close to being arrested. I promise you push your luck again and what Art's lawyer did to you will be a walk in the park compared to what will happen.
Just so everyone knows Wayne harassed and stalked a number of my neices online. I will not mention there names if course but every legal procedure is in place in case he acts again. Wayne will not be let off easily this time.
 The only person Wayne Kernochan and Albert Beauchane (they are both the same person) are talking to is my brother's ex-wife out in CA.
Last but not least...Wayne is the author of the Bennison Bitches thread (we all understand that Mark Babbitz helped him) in this thread Wayne post pic's of my neices and nephews in pornographic scenes. He has been extremely disgusting when posting comments about my family. Now in his delusional mind he wants us to believe he is conversing with one of them. Wayne you are a sociopath and you need help.
Please get it and soon.
--- End quote ---
Art's lawyer didn't do shit to me. Art called the police, not his lawyer, the officer said so, and he laughed when he found out who and what Art is.

Now, as far as your niece, she's a very nice person, I've never spoken to a sister-in-law. Was she the one who went into a domestic violence shelter and disappeared from the family for a while? I'll ask

You are the author of that disgusting thread and that was the one I wrote to your niece about. Which was right before you were busted calling one of your niece's kids a "Half nigger waterhead" (Your words) You can try to deny it, but your e-mail address was on the bottom of one of the pictures (Which has since been deleted)

As far as Al is concerned, this is the fifth person you've accused me of being. It gets boring listening to your lies  :timeout:


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