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New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about Elan

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Matt C. Hoffman:
An aside -

and I write -  I hope people are really reading and comprehending what is written  - maybe Oscar will cut and paste this "current news" story where ever he goes like he does here  , do it Oscar because you also want to see justice for Philip Williams  - he died after a "hot Box" session in Elan on 12-27-82.

There is no statute of limits on murder in the U.S. - sure it was the Elan Corporation and its practices that killed him , maybe that adds a quirk to the story though then again murder is murder -Corporation or not .

carry on


Matt C. Hoffman:
This is a big Deal - Michael Skakel has had his conviction overturned by the Connecticut Supreme court - It is unclear , at this point if prosecutors are going to file for another trial.

I hope the Department of Justice looks into the deal - Connecticut CPS/CJJS had with Joe Ricci and the amount of money that state paid Joe for participating in his well protected by Maine folks -elected officials - Joes continuing criminal enterprise known as the Elan School- It ran for forty years - Connecticut sent thousands of children to Elan. 


--- Quote from: Matt C. Hoffman on May 04, 2018, 06:52:51 PM ---This is a big Deal - Michael Skakel has had his conviction overturned by the Connecticut Supreme court - It is unclear , at this point if prosecutors are going to file for another trial.

I hope the Department of Justice looks into the deal - Connecticut CPS/CJJS had with Joe Ricci and the amount of money that state paid Joe for participating in his well protected by Maine folks -elected officials - Joes continuing criminal enterprise known as the Elan School- It ran for forty years - Connecticut sent thousands of children to Elan.

--- End quote ---

I just read this article in The New York Post where the Author referred to Elan as "a posh reform school in Maine" :o
It's in the opinion section.
Skakel’s tossed conviction just another example of Kennedy privilege

Matt C. Hoffman:
Ms Callahan treads a line of fiction that is libelous and slanderous - where in the world did she find that the perpetrator had placed their semen on the remains - Jesus for the last time , there was not one scintilla of direct evidence linking Mr. Skakel to the crime. Her whole premise is that people with money get treated differently , though in this case , one could argue because of money justice was not served - and my point is

Mrs. Maureen Callahan does not know about the sheet that was found  " loving placed over Martha Moxley's remains by - some one unknown after the fact , huh, and there was no biologics  of Mr. Skakels found on anything including the sheet, nor the body.  I am also surprised at how some one has apparently given up - that maybe the jig is up. Therefore why repeat something that is known to be false.

She has to boister the lie of this Camelot by stating that Elan was a posh ( hahahahahaha) place , which is funny considering how many thousands of Connecticut's, New York's , Massachusetts , state wards were processed thru this brutal ,broke down palace, of a well protected criminal enterprise, where attack therapy akin to torture was used by  the adults that ran that hell hole, as they criminally  warehoused children under the guise of  therapy. and for a hefty profit . Since these adult employees directed us, the residents, to abuse each other on a daily basis. Posh no it was eat or be eaten /or life during Wartime. Nothing therapeutic about Elan, imo it was the biggest criminal scam to have existed in the State of Maine for close to forty years.

Felice and then I inquired -you know inquiring minds want to know - The NY post is a rag that is a akin  to that of other super market tabloids - so why would there be any  imo fact in this prattle of this woman's obvious premise  to maintain the status Quo of the Kennedys, as untouchable which is not true -a man with money was still was railroaded into prison - while apparently the killer who imo also has money as  well, remains free. - A death  bed confession, at this point would not surprise me.

Matt C. Hoffman:
Per the United States  Supreme court. Michael Skakel is a free man .

Odd as a parent - I don't understand Mrs. Moxley's reaction. (It is false that Connecticut had an very very good  case at  against Mr. Skakel, which is obvious to anyone  paying attention cept Ms. Moxley.  money  had nothing to do with it -  truth and justice did and does .   Her reaction to me is odd ,unless  she knows who lovingly placed in a nurturing a fashion the bed sheet that covered her daughters body after the incident. Ya who was it, Danny Bennison said one time that stranger things have happened - in this case  I wouldn't be surprised . )

Good luck Mr. Skakel - hopefully you will not waste the rest of your life and will work with Elan survivors to expose the generational corruption  that allowed a criminal enterprise to exists in the State of Maine for close to forty years.

Now it is time to get justice for Phil Williams a ward of the State of Maine who died after complaining of headaches , and instead of seeing a nurse was put into the infamous ring ,and received a beat down session that truncated this 15 and half year old ward of the state of Maines life on December 27 ,1982. 

This case was never investigated properly, then nor 34 years later when the facts could not be denied anymore and an investigation was finally started in this young mans death on March 13 2016 - yet in my opinion the powers of generational corruption found no wrong doing after 10 months of a scam of an investigation that ended on Feb. of 2017,  concluding there is insufficient  evidence to proceed with indictments - yet there are 6 plus eyeball witnesses to this event.

Surreal .



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