Szalavitz expels this propaganda piece extolling the virtues of Big Pharma and the role it can play in concert with the Vatican of twelve-step quackery, Hazelden.
Hazelden continues it's balls-deep love affair with AARC. Ken Winters, Hazelden shit-peddler-par-excellence was back in Calgary this week.
The fact that Szalavitz is continuing to work with Bruce Perry has certainly altered my perception of her role in the Grand Scheme of Things (TM).
"Dr. Perry is an internationally renown for his Neurosequential Model (NMT), a developmentally sensitive, neurobiologically informed approach to trauma. He is an educator and practitioner on issues of child trauma and a founding member of the Premier's Council of Alberta's Promise. Dr. Perry is the co-author with Maia Szalavitz of two definitive books: "The Boy Who was Raised by a Dog" and "Born for Love: Why Empathy is Essential and Endangered."",com_jcalpro/Itemid,149/extid,217/extmode,view/The Alberta Government is in the Vanguard of a massive propaganda program to indoctrinate the Alberta citizenry with the notion that everyone using drugs to cope with the absurdity of modern life has a brain disease. They also back AARC to the hilt.
Oh well, exposing the truth must get boring eventually, and then it's time to pay the bills.