Author Topic: To anyone  (Read 9410 times)

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Offline Ruaraidh.

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2013, 01:01:45 PM »
It wouldn't be an Elan thread without the discussion turning to faggots LOLOLOL
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2013, 06:59:51 PM »
Wayne wrote:
My book introduced nothing new, huh? Danny himself admitted the whole debacle with Wayne Weaver. He also admitted to his rape of Yvette Portella. But most importantly, his opening line when he posted about the book the first time. “There are names I haven’t heard in thirty years”

Horatio wrote:
Danny never admitted to the whole debacle with Wayne Weaver. All he said was he knew who Wayne Weaver was. Danny also admitted to knowing Yvette Portella and having a thing with her. Wayne Kernochan you were the one who turned what Danny said into a sick twisted sexual incident. As a matter of fact Wayne, you are the only one who has brought up all these sick perverted incidents and not one person has backed you up. Gosh Wayne, you remember when you said you were going to bring forward 5 witness to substantiate what you claimed in your book. I heard 3 of the people told you to go fuck yourself because you were a fraud.
But of course you have deleted that statement.

Wayne Wrote:
I have two pictures of myself and my father in front of Elan Seven and one of Joe Peterson and me in front of Elan Three.
There’s a difference between not believing something and refusing to believe it Noneya. As Matt stated, you’re a shit stirring punk. I don’t know if you’re one of Danny’s sock puppets or not, but you sound like Elan staff to me.

Horatio wrote:
Wayne your father can not stand the site of you and you him. Which is why you never mention him in the book, it is your mother you write about. Plus you tried to kill your father and brother by setting your fathers house on fire while he was sleeping. These were your words you wrote and deleted. You also said you went on to prison.
If you have pictures from back while you were in Élan, post them. Stop saying they are on your Facebook site. Plus there was no Joe Peterson that ever worked at Élan, that is a fact. Now since you enjoy lying so much and fabricating stories why don't you tell us who gave you these pictures and who are the people in these pictures. Plus it is extremely easy to recreate a progress report. Wayne read this and really use your intelligence to understand the relevance of what I am saying. There is no way Élan was going to let a 18-19 year old uneducated young man write and sign a progress report. You are so stupid to even pretend this happened.

Wayne wrote:
No one supports Danny Bennison, not one of the many people who knew him at Elan has come forward to deny what I said about him. Not one has come forward to vouch for him or say he wasn’t like that.

Horatio wrote:
Yes, Danny has had many people come forward and support him here. I am here right now supporting him. I believe at least 12 people have come forward to support Danny. Check your friend list Wayne from Élan, not many want anything to do with you. Many more are working with him behind the scenes to make sure pieces of shit like you Wayne never have a chance to slime there way into another cause like this again.

Wayne wrote:
Noneya, I think you’re a scumbag and yes, I would do you great physical harm if our paths ever crossed, but I wouldn’t take Danny’s side against you. That also tells me you’re a troll and Elan stalker.

Horatio wrote:
STFU about NoneYa. You don't like it that someone else is calling you out for the sick perverted ass you are. You are a fraud.

Wayne wrote:
Another thing: I never, not once, ever posted anything about my sexuality here. Never. Only you and Danny have. And, both of you made jokes about Danny raping me when I was 15 years old. So you’re either him, or you’re Marc Marty or Jeff, or you’re just a piece of shit who deserves great physical harm done to him.

Horatio wrote:
You are a damn liar as usual. Everything you posted about your sexuality has been deleted by you. All one has to do is see all your deletions. You outed yourself as being a Pan Sexual, you also went on about being bi-sexual at one point. You have called people faggots, homosexuals, cock suckers and so on.
Wayne people are making jokes about your stupid immature accusation about Danny screwing you because we all know you are a liar. You wish Danny had felt that way about you but sorry dude Danny only goes one way.
Wayne maybe somewhere in your thick skull you can get this, nobody from Élan knows you or cares about you at all.

Wayne wrote:
Either way, you’re a nothing, nobody, rat, punk sack of garbage who enjoys abusing program survivors. It’s evident that you weren’t in the Seed. That experience would have prevented you from being as sick and depraved as you are towards us.
I’ve read your posts in the Seed forum too and they are generic crap like “Fuck the Seed” and “We have to expose these motherfuckers” All crap. You never once talked of your experiences there, and no one remembers you from there and if you were there, why haven’t you ever run across anyone you were there with? Simple. You weren’t there. You were in Elan

Horatio wrote:
Wayne STFU...

Wayne wrote:
So, give Danny a call and get on the same page so you can figure out what your next post will be. Then both of you get your rocks off thinking all these sock puppets are me. They’re not. I don’t care enough to create and maintain all this crap for a lost cause like getting people to give a shit, because they don’t, they never did, and they never will

Horatio wrote:
Wayne we know for a fact that these sock puppets are you and Matt. We are not arguing this point anymore. I am just allowing for all the readers to know this also. You are a fraud we know it.

Wayne wrote:
And Danny Ruaraidh, you really sound like an idiot when you claim to have anything on me. Besides not having a juvie record, you really want people to believe the state of Connecticut gave you people’s mental health and juvenile records. Hhahahahahahaha you really are the fornit idiot. What do you think you’re tlking to a bunch of morons? These are program people. They know even law enforcement officials can’t get juvie records
A note to anyone with a brain who may be reading this thread (though I doubt t) I was in Elan Seven 35 years ago. Most of the people who were there with me are probably dead or in prison. The fact that Noneya asked the ten people who frequent this site if they were there with me and got no answer is hardly an indictment against me

Horatio wrote:
Wayne, your family (you know which two we are writing about here) have helped us immensely. There was background information we didn't have and two of your family members filled in the blanks. This is how we know. We told you a while back that the investigation of you will go on until we are satisfied we have everything we need.
You were not in Élan 35 years ago and most of the people who were in Élan 7 (26 residents) most are alive and doing well.
You were the only one I know who has said he went to prison for arson and attempted murder.
Yes it is an indictment against when None ya can ask a dozen people who went to Élan and no one knows you including Albert Beauchane who was there while you say you were. Wayne you have been on this site for what, 3 years, no one knows you asshole.
Oh, Wayne, we found friends of yours who grew up with you and asked them about you. Thanks to the help of your family. Liz's family in Torrington helped a bit also. We will not leave any stone unturned.

Wayne wrote:
Oh wait, Ken Russell confirmed that Jeff Gottlieb remembers me. And, there is the matter of these two progress reports with Danny’s (feminine) signature on them. Plus, there’s the fact that I have Danny’s thesaurus.

Horatio wrote:
Ken Russell confirmed nothing. You had a chance to visit with Jeff in July not far from Torrington. But you decided to run away to the Midwest and harass and abuse another Élan member. Jeff Gottlieb has no idea who you are. Not that it matters what he thinks.

Wayne wrote:
I would send them to you Noneya, but if I had your address I would be tempted to come to your house and kick your sorry ass and you’re not worth it. If I go to prison, it will be for killing Danny Bennison. Though I think I have a good shot at an affirmative defense, I stay away from Oklahoma for the same reason, he ai't worth it. None of you are.

Horatio wrote:
Lmao....little boys talk like this Wayne.

Thanks for reading if you did :shamrock:
Last edited by Wayne Kernochan on January 13th, 2013, 12:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Wayne Kernochan

Horatio wrote recap:
Wayne is the only person on this site that we know who was sent to Vitam for molesting a young boy in his backyard. Wayne went to prison for burning down his fathers house. These are facts that can be authenticated by his family.
Wayne is the only person here to humiliate other survivors by saying they were raped and sodomized without even getting there confirmation or permission. None of the people he has mentioned have come forward to qualify his accusations. NONE! Mary Jones has been thoroughly abused by Wayne all for the purpose of embarrassing Danny.
Wayne Kernochan has done more damage to Élan survivors than any other person I know. What is truly funking sad is Matt Hoffman knowingly and willingly supports this behavior all because he is mad that Danny outed him for the sick fuck that he is.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 03:36:17 PM by Horatio »

Offline Terry Kato

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2013, 09:50:16 PM »
Horatio/Danny. You really are the Fornits idiot Hahahahahahahahahaha
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2013, 09:56:16 PM »
Horatio is Mike Oneill, the one who was busted with Danny shoving his finger up Mike Kellog's ass by Marty. They got a GM together and Mike Was Nestle and Danny was Hershey. They were dresed like two giant candybars

Mike has spent his life in and out of jail and mental institutions and was in Elan for sick sexual shit. I remember him when he was reentry staff, He always smelled like sweat. Real pig
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline Horatio.

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2013, 10:03:37 AM »
We were checking him for contraband. Danny was the one who did all that

Marty shot me down because I was present when it happened
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya.

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2013, 10:16:13 AM »
All you Elan people are sick faggots

Kill yourselfs
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
This username is a para...pare....fake profile created strictly for the purpose of whimsey and yuk yuks

Offline .T-Rex

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2013, 12:22:08 PM »
I was at that GM and Mike is a liar. Him AND Danny were sticking their fingers up Michael K's ass

Marty was especially sleazy in that GM, which is pretty bad
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2013, 02:50:06 PM »
Every Elan discussion turns to vulgar sexual language because Elan's most vulgar assholes are here posting

Danny Bennison, Art Warshawsky and None-Ya (Marc Rosenberg)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2013, 06:02:54 PM »
Horatio wrote :
> Wayne wrote:
> My book introduced nothing new, huh? Danny himself admitted the whole
> debacle with Wayne Weaver. He also admitted to his rape of Yvette Portella.
> But most importantly, his opening line when he posted about the book the
> first time. “There are names I haven’t heard in thirty years”
> Horatio wrote:
> Danny never admitted to the whole debacle with Wayne Weaver. All he said
> was he knew who Wayne Weaver was. Danny also admitted to knowing Yvette
> Portella and having a thing with her. Wayne Kernochan you were the one who
> turned what Danny said into a sick twisted sexual incident. As a matter of
> fact Wayne, you are the only one who has brought up all these sick
> perverted incidents and not one person has backed you up. Gosh Wayne, you
> remember when you said you were going to bring forward 5 witness to
> substantiate what you claimed in your book. I heard 3 of the people told
> you to go fuck yourself because you were a fraud.
> But of course you have deleted that statement.
> Wayne Wrote:
> I have two pictures of myself and my father in front of Elan Seven and one
> of Joe Peterson and me in front of Elan Three.
> There’s a difference between not believing something and refusing to
> believe it Noneya. As Matt stated, you’re a shit stirring punk. I don’t
> know if you’re one of Danny’s sock puppets or not, but you sound like Elan
> staff to me.
> Horatio wrote:
> Wayne your father can not stand the site of you and you him. Which is why
> you never mention him in the book, it is your mother you write about. Plus
> you tried to kill your father and brother by setting your fathers house on
> fire while he was sleeping. These were your words you wrote and deleted.
> You also said you went on to prison.
> If you have pictures from back while you were in Élan, post them. Stop
> saying they are on your Facebook site. Plus there was no Joe Peterson that
> ever worked at Élan, that is a fact. Now since you enjoy lying so much and
> fabricating stories why don't you tell us who gave you these pictures and
> who are the people in these pictures. Plus it is extremely easy to recreate
> a progress report. Wayne read this and really use your intelligence to
> understand the relevance of what I am saying. There is no way Élan was
> going to let a 18-19 year old uneducated young man write and sign a
> progress report. You are so stupid to even pretend this happened.
> Wayne wrote:
> No one supports Danny Bennison, not one of the many people who knew him at
> Elan has come forward to deny what I said about him. Not one has come
> forward to vouch for him or say he wasn’t like that.
> Horatio wrote:
> Yes, Danny has had many people come forward and support him here. I am here
> right now supporting him. I believe at least 12 people have come forward to
> support Danny. Check your friend list Wayne from Élan, not many want
> anything to do with you. Many more are working with him behind the scenes
> to make sure pieces of shit like you Wayne never have a chance to slime
> there way into another cause like this again.
> Wayne wrote:
> Noneya, I think you’re a scumbag and yes, I would do you great physical
> harm if our paths ever crossed, but I wouldn’t take Danny’s side against
> you. That also tells me you’re a troll and Elan stalker.
> Horatio wrote:
> STFU about NoneYa. You don't like it that someone else is calling you out
> for the sick perverted ass you are. You are a fraud.
> Wayne wrote:
> Another thing: I never, not once, ever posted anything about my sexuality
> here. Never. Only you and Danny have. And, both of you made jokes about
> Danny raping me when I was 15 years old. So you’re either him, or you’re
> Marc Marty or Jeff, or you’re just a piece of shit who deserves great
> physical harm done to him.
> Horatio wrote:
> You are a damn liar as usual. Everything you posted about your sexuality
> has been deleted by you. All one has to do is see all your deletions. You
> outed yourself as being a Pan Sexual, you also went on about being
> bi-sexual at one point. You have called people faggots, homosexuals, cock
> suckers and so on.
> Wayne people are making jokes about your stupid immature accusation about
> Danny screwing you because we all know you are a liar. You wish Danny had
> felt that way about you but sorry dude Danny only goes one way.
> Wayne maybe somewhere in your thick skull you can get this, nobody from
> Élan knows you or cares about you at all.
> Wayne wrote:
> Either way, you’re a nothing, nobody, rat, punk sack of garbage who enjoys
> abusing program survivors. It’s evident that you weren’t in the Seed. That
> experience would have prevented you from being as sick and depraved as you
> are towards us.
> I’ve read your posts in the Seed forum too and they are generic crap like
> “Fuck the Seed” and “We have to expose these motherfuckers” All crap. You
> never once talked of your experiences there, and no one remembers you from
> there and if you were there, why haven’t you ever run across anyone you
> were there with? Simple. You weren’t there. You were in Elan
> Horatio wrote:
> Wayne STFU...
> Wayne wrote:
> So, give Danny a call and get on the same page so you can figure out what
> your next post will be. Then both of you get your rocks off thinking all
> these sock puppets are me. They’re not. I don’t care enough to create and
> maintain all this crap for a lost cause like getting people to give a shit,
> because they don’t, they never did, and they never will
> Horatio wrote:
> Wayne we know for a fact that these sock puppets are you and Matt. We are
> not arguing this point anymore. I am just allowing for all the readers to
> know this also. You are a fraud we know it.
> Wayne wrote:
> And Danny Ruaraidh, you really sound like an idiot when you claim to have
> anything on me. Besides not having a juvie record, you really want people
> to believe the state of Connecticut gave you people’s mental health and
> juvenile records. Hhahahahahahaha you really are the fornit idiot. What do
> you think you’re tlking to a bunch of morons? These are program people.
> They know even law enforcement officials can’t get juvie records
> A note to anyone with a brain who may be reading this thread (though I
> doubt t) I was in Elan Seven 35 years ago. Most of the people who were
> there with me are probably dead or in prison. The fact that Noneya asked
> the ten people who frequent this site if they were there with me and got no
> answer is hardly an indictment against me
> Horatio wrote:
> Wayne, your family (you know which two we are writing about here) have
> helped us immensely. There was background information we didn't have and
> two of your family members filled in the blanks. This is how we know. We
> told you a while back that the investigation of you will go on until we are
> satisfied we have everything we need.
> You were not in Élan 35 years ago and most of the people who were in Élan 7
> (26 residents) most are alive and doing well.
> You were the only one I know who has said he went to prison for arson and
> attempted murder.
> Yes it is an indictment against when None ya can ask a dozen people who
> went to Élan and no one knows you including Albert Beauchane who was there
> while you say you were. Wayne you have been on this site for what, 3 years,
> no one knows you asshole.
> Oh, Wayne, we found friends of yours who grew up with you and asked them
> about you. Thanks to the help of your family. Liz's family in Torrington
> helped a bit also. We will not leave any stone unturned.
> Wayne wrote:
> Oh wait, Ken Russell confirmed that Jeff Gottlieb remembers me. And, there
> is the matter of these two progress reports with Danny’s (feminine)
> signature on them. Plus, there’s the fact that I have Danny’s thesaurus.
> Horatio wrote:
> Ken Russell confirmed nothing. You had a chance to visit with Jeff in July
> not far from Torrington. But you decided to run away to the Midwest and
> harass and abuse another Élan member. Jeff Gottlieb has no idea who you
> are. Not that it matters what he thinks.
> Wayne wrote:
> I would send them to you Noneya, but if I had your address I would be
> tempted to come to your house and kick your sorry ass and you’re not worth
> it. If I go to prison, it will be for killing Danny Bennison. Though I
> think I have a good shot at an affirmative defense, I stay away from
> Oklahoma for the same reason, he ai't worth it. None of you are.
> Horatio wrote:
> Lmao....little boys talk like this Wayne.
> Thanks for reading if you did :shamrock:
> Last edited by Wayne Kernochan on January 13th, 2013, 12:57 pm, edited 2
> times in total.
> Wayne Kernochan
> Horatio wrote recap:
> Wayne is the only person on this site that we know who was sent to Vitam
> for molesting a young boy in his backyard. Wayne went to prison for burning
> down his fathers house. These are facts that can be authenticated by his
> family.
> Wayne is the only person here to humiliate other survivors by saying they
> were raped and sodomized without even getting there confirmation or
> permission. None of the people he has mentioned have come forward to
> qualify his accusations. NONE! Mary Jones has been thoroughly abused by
> Wayne all for the purpose of embarrassing Danny.
> Wayne Kernochan has done more damage to Élan survivors than any other
> person I know. What is truly funking sad is Matt Hoffman knowingly and
> willingly supports this behavior all because he is mad that Danny outed him
> for the sick fuck that he is.

What did that take you, 2 or 3 hours to write?

And no one read it because they know you're Danny and the truth gives you a headache

Why don't you go abuse and stalk people on Orange Papers Dan? At least people are reading that site
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2013, 06:03:03 PM »
Mike Oneill is the one Danny threatened to send to my house.

Survivors confirm he was a sick sadistic abuser. If he's friends with Danny, I don't doubt it
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 09:25:00 PM by Anonymous »

Offline Margaret Devlin

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2013, 06:54:07 PM »
Here is another friend of Danny's and Al Beauchane. Please ask Al Beauchane if you doubt what I am saying.
Wayne we thoroughly vetted the people we got our information from for authenticity. Everyone was spot on with their story of Wayne Kernochan. We even talked with one person in Torrington Ct. who knows Liz.
Wayne you are an open book now and everyone knows just how much of a liar you are. We can see you are meeting new people everyday, Paul Morantz was a big catch but in time he will see through your deceit and fabrications and than he too will run away from you. One thing most of us have realized about you, you can not carry on an in depth conversation about Élan verbally. You struggle mightily and avoid the conversation at all costs. I know this because of conversations i had with several people who have talked with you either in person or on the phone. Danny also told me that when he talked with you on the phone you never spoke of Élan and your supposed experiences.
Wayne you have been outed for the fraud you are so please stop your bullshit.

Wayne Kernochan wrote as the sock puppet TroubleMaker: (BELOW)

"by Troublemaker » Today, 03:10

Margaret died three years ago from ovarian cancer Danny, you asshole

And, AGAIN, DANNY BENNISON, it's "our' not "are' you repetitive fornits dimwit ( since you can't afford even a laptop I don't expect you to understand apple products, "are and our" will continue to be inserted at random, I will not aways check. So if you don't like it, don't read our post.)

Danny the dullard strikes again"

Margaret wrote:
Nice try Wayne Kernochan. Please would you show us all my obituary of 3 years ago. I live in Rhode Island so it shouldn't be hard to find. If you know I died than you should have the town my death was reported in....lmao!
You really are a tortured and pathetic soul aren't you.
No....Wayne I am very much alive. You crack me up. I died of ovarian cancer. I have to say, you are creative and will go to any means to discredit the evidence piling up against you.
I have been friends with Danny for almost 40 years now. We have always stayed in touch with one another. Wayne these are the bonds that "REAL SURVIVORS" make under duress as young children. We first met at 13 years old in an institution in Cranston R.I. Albert Beauchane was there also along with Bobby Jones. Wayne ask Kerry Lynn she will know where this place is, it is called the Diagnostic Center.
So please stop with all your fighting. Danny has friends who went through Élan when he did and we are willing to defend him as a resident and survivor whether you can accept this fact or not. The issue isn't whether he was staff or not as I can see it because he left at 19 years old. Danny was well liked when he left except by the the very people who stayed on as employees.
Wayne you were never there, I would know because I stayed in touch with several people that were in Élan 7 for several years after leaving. We have identified and contacted 2 people who were in Élan 7 when you say you were. They don't know you. Élan 7 never had more than 26 residents at one time, so it wasn't hard to remember. The building you say you were in was a old cottage that was used as a bunk house for the males of Élan 3. It was maybe 800 sqft.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 01:47:42 AM by Margaret Devlin »

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2013, 09:10:00 PM »
Margaret died three years ago from ovarian cancer Danny, you asshole

And, AGAIN, DANNY BENNISON, it's "our' not "are' you repetitive fornits dimwit

Danny the dullard strikes again
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline Terry Kato

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2013, 09:47:21 AM »
Danny is impersonating a dead woman now. What a fucking sleazebucket you are Bennison

The sad thing is no one is shocked or surprised. Your a sick, sick man
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »