Author Topic: To anyone  (Read 9407 times)

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Offline none-ya

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To anyone
« on: January 09, 2013, 02:06:24 PM »
To anyone who has ever met Wayne Kernochan in person. Where have you been? Anyone? Anywhere? I don't care if it was in the men's room at the port authority bus depot,or the waffle house in Poughkeepsie. Nobody can physically place him in Elan, OR ANYWHERE ELSE!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2013, 03:17:36 PM »
You are just getting that  ?
Smarter than the Marky and Sharons of Elan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Aletta Ocean's Anal

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2013, 10:02:59 AM »
none-ya maybe your jealous because Wayne Kernochan has accomplished more than you in life.  You are still on food stamps, smoking pot, dwelling on the past, trying to stir the pot on fornits and I could go on.  It is time to grow up!  He has written books etc. etc.  What other answer do you expect from someone like  liarsexposed ( Art Warshawsky / former staffer at ELAN  )  who refused to report child abuse to local, state and/or federal authorities when he worked at ELAN?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio.

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 01:31:21 PM »
The answer to your question Nunez, is Who cares?

Two points though. 1. Your comment about the port authority bathroom is sexually aggressive, like Danny and Art’s comments about sucking dick in bathrooms. I’ve been on fornits under one name or another for six years and program survivors don’t go into vulgar attacking sexual language unprovoked.

I don’t know if you’re Danny, but you’re no survivor. You’re staff.

2. Program survivors hate us and run away from us on social networks, yet you came here and nestled right into this pit of vipers, AND, even when Elan survivors left, you stayed.
You’re ex Elan staff. I’m convinced
Your posts are pretty generic in the Seed forums, but they’re far better grammar than Danny is capable of. Marc? Marty? Jeff?
Whoever you are, the answer to your question is, “Who cares?”
I’ll tell you this, whoever wrote that book was there and he nailed Danny perfectly. I don’t know Wayne and never spoke to him on the phone, but if he wrote the book, then he was in Elan. Simple
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2013, 03:42:02 PM »
WRONG ANSWER!!! If Wayne was there with Danny, then why don't all these other folks that know Danny(from Elan),never heard of Wayne?  And survivors DO WHAT?? Please! Wayne has insulted me, accused me,and threatened me. Not only here, but on the radio too. And not only me. And as far as "sexual aggression" is concerned,Wayne took every opportunity to exploit his own "pan sexuality"(I swear to god I never heard that term before he used it!). Have you read any of his other stuff? Everybody that meets him rapes him. Gay for the mob?? Gimmie a break. Again I'm not saying those things didn't go on at Elan.In fact the amount of corroboration from the "Elan gang" here spilled over into every thread and topic. And all those stories from Felice and Mark and Matt and.............and everybody already hated Danny Bennison.  Those stories preceded Wayne's book by about a year. And it's  almost word for word taken from here. Hell,I would have believed it Felice said she wrote it. If you were here back then,you know what I'm saying  is true.
Who cares? I guess at least one of us.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya.

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2013, 04:54:51 PM »
Elan is closed. Why do you care Nunez?

Yes, it's been confirmed that Danny was at Elan. It's also been confirmed that he raped a 15 year old girl when he was staff. Same with Art, he raped Sharon when she was a teenager.

Yet, you're friends with those two sexual predators.

I think your Elan staff too. No one else would support those two
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
This username is a para...pare....fake profile created strictly for the purpose of whimsey and yuk yuks

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2013, 05:42:51 PM »
The only time I've seen Wayne's sexuality mentioned is by you and Danny

BTW, talking about your sexuality is not sexually aggressive language Nunez. Attacking people with sexual language is, and that's you, Danny and Art. The fact you don't know the difference says a lot about you

So, do you have any new child rape jokes for us? That "IS" why Wayne threatened you, right?

You're a punk trying to stir shit. You don't belong here Nunez, go away. No one likes you here and we don't like punks. You're not welcome here. You're an outsider

Unless this shit is true and you're Danny or Marc Rosenfaggot, or Marty Krueldick, or Jeff Gottcock

Then you're welcome to kill yourself. Please don't get any blood on the rug, the service crew has to clean it up
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline Terry Kato

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2013, 05:51:15 PM »
"Then you're welcome to kill yourself. Please don't get any blood on the rug, the service crew has to clean it up"

I forgot about that. Elan used to encourage us to commit suicide, but told us not to get any blood on the rug  or the service crew would get stuck cleaning it up

What a bunch of depraved assholes. The people who still yap about how great Elan was and how it saved their lives are depraved assholes to this day

By the way Nunez, care to introduce yourself to the group? I have proof Wayne was in Elan and it's all yours for your name. You're the one nobody knows. Many of us know and like Wayne. Half the people here think you're an Elan troll

Not one person has been harmed for using their real name here. The only reason you would withhold your name is if it's true. Marc Rosenberg would be my guess. That junkie pedophile loves to stir shit. Marty isn't smart enough and Jeff  has one foot in the grave, so I'm going to assume you're Marc the heroin addict who molested young girls while staff at Elan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2013, 11:00:06 PM »
Same ole sock puppets, saying the same ole unsubstantiated bullshit.
Two facts, Matt Hoffman stabbed Robert A repeatedly and Wayne Kernochan molested a young boy in his backyard. Those are facts that no one can dispute. Both of these sick bastards were emotionally and mentally disturbed before they supposedly got to Élan, after they supposedly left Élan they went on to continue there violent nature. Wayne burned his parents house down and was sent to prison. Matt is an angry abusive soul just read his posts.
Wayne was never in Élan but continues to say he was.
What is so sad is they both are quick to point out others faults and most of the time lie about the person they want to hurt.
Wayne loves to talk about rape and molestation and yet he is the only one here that was sent away for this very act on a young boy and later in his life he abused and stole from older men while they slept after he had sex with them. Matt loves to scream about abuse and violent tendencies and yet he is the only one who stabbed another resident while at Élan, he came to Élan with a violent tendency and went on to lead a life with much anger.
These two and the various others who spout off here are classic examples of people who are living very unfulfilled lives. They have no one to blame but themselves.
Keep beating on Danny maybe one day the peace you are chasing may come.....NOT!!
None ya trying to relate with these demented fools is worthless. They don't care about what is true or false, what they want is for some one to play with them. They are lonely starving attention seekers, (sociopaths). They need our attention to validate their existence, we are subsidizing their membership here.
Let me clear up what Wayne Kernochan, Felice Eliscue, Mark Babbitz, Matt Hoffman, Sharon McCarthy and their accomplices have put on the search engine Google. Everyone here is not fooled by your suggestions to go and google Danny and you will find out about Danny. Most if not all the information within the search is immature rants by very sick people, hell bent on trying to blackball Danny by whatever means necessary.
Trust me all of you are well documented. We have criminal records, mental health visits, arrests and what your peers think of you within your communities. All of this has even gathered surrounding the years after you left Élan. Most of you have records as recent as within the last year. Wayne spent time at Vitam as a child for molesting a young boy. Doubt what I am saying, ask his family.
So please keep promoting the Google search for Danny, it actually helps him.
Good night.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 05:47:29 PM by Horatio »

Offline Ruaraidh.

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2013, 12:22:43 AM »
Danny Bennison was in Elan for sexually abusing his sister. That is why I believe he raped residents. Art admitted he raped Sharon. He thinks because she's an adult now, that it was fine. It's rape

Danny's mother was the one who abused him, not his father

I hear she ran around on his father  (real whore) and he beat her, so she beat Danny. He blamed his father (Donald the Dentist) for his mother's loose morals

Art was dumped in Elan by his mother who was accused of sexually abusing three him

Horatio is Danny BTW. Art is Liarexposed (A fitting name)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 12:48:24 AM by Ruaraidh. »

Offline Danny Bennison STFU

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2013, 12:32:21 AM »
Danny Bennison wrote socked as Horatio wrote :
> Same ole sock puppets, saying the same ole unsubstantiated bullshit.
> Two facts, Matt Hoffman stabbed Robert A repeatedly and Wayne Kernochan
> molested a young boy in his backyard. Those are facts that no one can
> dispute. Both of these sick bastards were emotionally and mentally
> disturbed before they got to Élan, after they left Élan they went on to
> continue there violent nature. Wayne burned his parents house down and was
> sent to prison. Matt is an angry abusive soul just read his posts.
> What is so sad is they both are quick to point out others faults and most
> of the time lie about the person they want to hurt.
> Wayne loves to talk about rape and molestation and yet he is the only one
> here that was sent away for this very act on a young boy and later in his
> life he abused and stole from older men while they slept after he had sex
> with them. Matt loves to scream about abuse and violent tendencies and yet
> he is the only one who stabbed another resident while at Élan, he came to
> Élan with a violent tendency and went on to lead a life with much anger.
> These two and the various others who spout off here are classic examples of
> people who are living very unfulfilled lives. They have no one to blame but
> themselves.
> Keep beating on Danny maybe one day the peace you are chasing may
> come.....NOT!!
> None ya trying to relate with these demented fools is worthless. They don't
> care about what is true or false, what they want is for some one to play
> with them. They are lonely starving attention seekers, (sociopaths). They
> need are attention to validate their existence, we are subsidizing their
> membership here.
> Good night.

hahahahaha the fornit idiot Danny Bennison strikes again. It is our attention , not are attention  , so their , hahahahaha the fornit idiot dumb as Danny Bennison can be. SOOOOOOO danny you our now saying that Wayne was in Elan.WOW  None- Ya I guess what Wayne has  alledged is true. He does have a shorty  ,  and looky None -Ya it is none other than Danny Bennison sayin that Wayne was in Elan.  Case closed!!!!!!

case fucking closed !!!!!!!!!!   thank god for that . Case fucking closed !!!!!!!!!   AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ah but it is good Danny Bennison stayin to your script of always talkin about all things related to the  homosexuality. Yeah it does seem that by your post Danny Bennison you most certainly are very angry with clear overtones of violence, could it be because you are a homophobic repressed latent homosexual  . Look Danny there is nothing wrong with being a homo,lol, as a fifty year old man it is obvious that your self imposed homophobic closeted prison has got your panties  all bunched up tight against the creases of your empty nutsac, and you have been angry and abusive for ever and ever .

go talk to a shrink Danny Bennison

in the mean time Danny Bennison STFU
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2013, 01:18:14 PM »
Danny edits his post...."SUPPOSEDLY"  LOL
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2013, 01:20:14 AM »
My book introduced nothing new, huh? Danny himself admitted the whole debacle with Wayne Weaver. He also admitted to his rape of Yvette Portella. But most importantly, his opening line when he posted about the book the first time. “There are names I haven’t heard in thirty years”

I have two pictures of myself and my father in front of Elan Seven and one of Joe Peterson and me in front of Elan Three.
There’s a difference between not believing something and refusing to believe it Noneya. As Matt stated, you’re a shit stirring punk. I don’t know if you’re one of Danny’s sock puppets or not, but you sound like Elan staff to me.

No one supports Danny Bennison, not one of the many people who knew him at Elan has come forward to deny what I said about him. Not one has come forward to vouch for him or say he wasn’t like that.

Noneya, I think you’re a scumbag and yes, I would do you great physical harm if our paths ever crossed, but I wouldn’t take Danny’s side against you. That also tells me you’re a troll and Elan stalker.

Another thing: I never, not once, ever posted anything about my sexuality here. Never. Only you and Danny have. And, both of you made jokes about Danny raping me when I was 15 years old. So you’re either him, or you’re Marc Marty or Jeff, or you’re just a piece of shit who deserves great physical harm done to him.

Either way, you’re a nothing, nobody, rat, punk sack of garbage who enjoys abusing program survivors. It’s evident that you weren’t in the Seed. That experience would have prevented you from being as sick and depraved as you are towards us.
I’ve read your posts in the Seed forum too and they are generic crap like “Fuck the Seed” and “We have to expose these motherfuckers” All crap. You never once talked of your experiences there, and no one remembers you from there and if you were there, why haven’t you ever run across anyone you were there with? Simple. You weren’t there. You were in Elan

So, give Danny a call and get on the same page so you can figure out what your next post will be. Then both of you get your rocks off thinking all these sock puppets are me. They’re not. I don’t care enough to create and maintain all this crap for a lost cause like getting people to give a shit, because they don’t, they never did, and they never will

And Danny Ruaraidh, you really sound like an idiot when you claim to have anything on me. Besides not having a juvie record, you really want people to believe the state of Connecticut gave you people’s mental health and juvenile records. Hhahahahahahaha you really are the fornit idiot. What do you think you’re tlking to a bunch of morons? These are program people. They know even law enforcement officials can’t get juvie records
A note to anyone with a brain who may be reading this thread (though I doubt t) I was in Elan Seven 35 years ago. Most of the people who were there with me are probably dead or in prison. The fact that Noneya asked the ten people who frequent this site if they were there with me and got no answer is hardly an indictment against me

Oh wait, Ken Russell confirmed that Jeff Gottlieb remembers me. And, there is the matter of these two progress reports with Danny’s (feminine) signature on them. Plus, there’s the fact that I have Danny’s thesaurus.

I  would send them to you Noneya, but if I had your address I would be tempted to come to your house and kick your sorry ass and you’re not worth it. If I go to prison, it will be for killing Danny Bennison. Though I think I have a good shot at an affirmative defense, I stay away from Oklahoma for the same reason, he ai't worth it. None of you are.

Thanks for reading if you did :shamrock:
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 12:57:54 PM by Anonymous »

Offline .T-Rex

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2013, 02:01:31 AM »
Horatio wrote :
> Same ole sock puppets, saying the same ole unsubstantiated bullshit.

Funny, where have I heard that opening line before?

Perhaps it was posted by one of your other sock puppets LOLOL


Re: A few thoughts about Elan by Paul Morantz
by Ruaraidh » Yesterday, 20:05

Same ole sock puppets, saying the same ole unsubstantiated bullshit.


FYI, it's ol' not ole. Ole is a  spanish term and no two individuals would make the same Fornits Idiot mistake

Fuck off Danny

P.S. Wayne has a good point. How exactly did you get your hands on records that cops and prosecutors aren't allowed to look at?

I won't hold my breath waiting for a "sane" answer
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BBW getting fuck 2

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Re: To anyone
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2013, 10:25:36 AM »
I sense a flame war about to take place between two of fornits biggest homosexuals, Wayne Kernochan and none-ya.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Last edited by Horatio on 11 Jan 2013, 23:47, edited 2 times in total.

Last edited by Ruaraidh. on 11 Jan 2013, 06:48, edited 1 time in total.