Author Topic: Vicky on RFR- Vicky on Orange  (Read 10725 times)

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Offline AACameToBe

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Vicky on RFR- Vicky on Orange
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:53:18 PM »
This chick is batshit crazy. Still lives a double life.

Vicky on RecoveringFromRecovery ... f=19&t=428

Saying hello,

Postby Vicky345uk » Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:10 am
Hi there I'm Vicky I'm an alcoholic :( :o oooooppppssss sorry years of brainwashing does that to you!!!!! Lol

I listened to safe recovery the other day for the first time and heard about this website. Rally looking forward to getting to know people and learning.


Re: Saying hello,

Postby Vicky345uk » Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:55 am
Hi there, there's quite a hard core step nazi group there, I met some of them when I went to Denmark to listen to chris raymer. How are you doing???

Re: Saying hello,

Postby Vicky345uk » Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:25 pm
Hi everyone,

I walked into my 1 st AA meeting in 1996. I was homeless living in a night hostel and was drinking all day. I drank with other drunks. Someone mentioned at the hostel about going to an AA meeting. I went to the first meeting I was 20 years old. At the time I was shown a lot of love and affection from people and for the 1 st time in my life I felt wanted, thinking about it it was mostly from the old guys. I married a guy within 6months from AA who was 10 years sober. He said he would love me forever and take care of me. I had a daughter with him and the marriage was a disaster. He was very controlling of me and at times would hit me. I would tell people about how I was being abused at home by him and all I got was " we ain't marriage councellors" what utter wankers. The people in AA saw I was depressed and withdrawn yet they did not offer there hand of help to me. They thought my ex husband was wonderful and he could do no frigging wrong.

I remember vividly my ex husband shouting at me because I wouldn't keep my daughter quiet while he was sleeping. I punched and kicked me into a corner, my daughter screaming for him to leave me alone. Bless her she was only 2 at the time. That night we went to a meeting and he shared about compassion tolerance and love ( I fucking kid you not) I did have a friend who I got to know and she did not like my ex husband 1 little bit, she told me " get the fuck out of there" I finally found the courage to leave. The day I moved out he Said would amount to nothing. When I went to AA people shunned me and they blamed me for my marriage ending. That I needed to do the steps again and get on my kness. O fuck just writing this makes me boil. not once did the steps ever help me. I did get a sponsor who told me come of medication and get on the programme. I told her " go fuck yourself you sick bitch" in 2006 I made the decision to take control of my life and leave AA and find the right help that I needed. I was told in AA never trust your instincts, we are worthless, egotistical.
What makes me fucking laugh is when I was homeless and looked a mess people in meetings would say about my ego had to be smashed. Guys I was smelly, dirty, sad, depressed , lost, lonely. How did I have an ego?????

I went to see a cognative behavairal therapist and o boy that changed my life ten fold. I was the total opposite of what AA was telling me. I was told I have empowerment already and that I neede to tap into it, also that I could achieve anything I ever wanted and more. Go out and grab life and enjoy. I am crying now because feeling the emotion of freedom was and is over whelming. That cult nearly ruined me. I tried to kill myself 3 times while in AA and not drinking.

A note on ex husband who said I would amount to nothing. He is drinking, got liver damage and looks a mess. He is on his 4 divorce, even my daughter wants nothing to do with him. The people who thought he was great in AA funnily enough are nowhere to be seen. I on the other hand have a great daughter, I am now married to a wonderful man who's I adore and love immensely. I got myself an education and have a lovely home and great set of 'NORMAL ' friends.

I have to say I am not great at writing at all but just wanted to give you a bit of back ground about me...

I thank the person from the bottom of my heart whoever set this website up xxxx

Vicky on Orange Papers Forum


Sun, 08/05/2012 - 13:20

Nope don't answer

The question. Clara why???? I am in no way starting an argument at all but people very much dislike you on here. By coming on here how can that be good for your " recovery" and how is it feeding your soul????


Sun, 08/05/2012 - 14:54

Clara your so dense, light

Clara your so dense, light must bend around you.... Stop sucking on the devils dick and gooooooo


Sun, 08/05/2012 - 14:36

It is an anti AA website Hun,

It is an anti AA website Hun, your sucking on the devils dick......smooch


Tue, 08/07/2012 - 16:05

Sick sad

Aa cult wankers. If these were face to face meetings they would run and never come back. Clara Danny bucket and all the other trolls are all key board warriors.....


Mon, 08/06/2012 - 08:38


Come on Alike come to us anti AA people, get the freedom. I will open my arms out to you and welcome you. You will not need to suck on the devils dick anymore.


Mon, 08/06/2012 - 08:38


Come on Alike come to us anti AA people, get the freedom. I will open my arms out to you and welcome you. You will not need to suck on the devils dick anymore.


Mon, 08/06/2012 - 08:38


Come on Alike come to us anti AA people, get the freedom. I will open my arms out to you and welcome you. You will not need to suck on the devils dick anymore.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 12:05:16 AM by AACameToBe »

Offline AACameToBe

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Re: Vicky on RFR- Vicky on Orange
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 10:11:17 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline AACameToBe

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Re: Vicky on RFR- Vicky on Orange
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2012, 08:08:20 PM »
She said this on RFR.....Vicky you are serious...others are barking mad. You need to really look in the mirror. I am so sorry you wasted 11 years of your life....I thought you were in charge?

Eyes wide open

Postby Vicky345uk » Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:57 pm
I cannot believe I fell for all the bullshit that AA dished out. It been a long time since i went to a meeting but just this last couple of days I have come across steppers and they are barking mad. That used to be me, anyone who tried to put AA down I would rip their heads off. I had not a clue about the history of AA until I started to research about what was wrong with the cult. 11 years of my life wasted that I will never get back. :(
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »