Author Topic: RFR-Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?  (Read 7570 times)

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RFR-Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:28:43 PM »
Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?
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Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby DeConstructor » Wed Jun 13, 2012 5:55 am
It might be fun if we could get a trusted roster of our people who might be interested in attending online recovery meetings and forums together. Perhaps even call in radio shows.

We could shake things up a little. I think we would need a master list of our people, safe from trolls or code words so the surprise factor would remain.

Could be some fun, and could change how a lot of people view the AA faith and recovery industry.

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Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby btnben » Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:01 pm
Hi DeCon

One word of warning :D Just over a year ago it was reported in the OPF that a troll had become a moderator on the LifeRing site and was creating havoc. A few op us on the OPF decided that we were going to have a bit of fun on a pro-AA forum and did so on the e-AA site. We all got banned for life within a day :evil:

The problem was that one of the members of the e-AA site was a certain Marietta Davis, who followed us over to the OPF. Despite eventually being banned, we're all sure she has since returned in the guise of becket. Although troll tactics will not be tolerated on this forum, it is worth remembering that dealing with the trolls is a time overhead for the moderators and the site owner. Just a thought.

Remember Newton's third law of motion :D

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Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby DeConstructor » Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:38 pm
Of course we would be banned shortly from an online forum. Although that could be easily handled by going to the forum through a proxy or TOR network.

Maybe call in radio shows? Pro AA shows on blogtalkradio? I would think it would be important that this forum, OPF etc never be mentioned so we do not have the marietta situation occur again.

We had a situation like that a couple of years ago with a call in show in florida regarding AA/NA and the use of a city park and issues with garbage, parking, assholes etc. A few of us called in and I think the host was a bit shocked.

I continue to do this because I keep thinking about when I was going through my problems if ONE person would have stated anything negative about the AA faith or the recovery industry, things would have been quite different.

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Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby btnben » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:13 pm

    DeConstructor wrote:Of course we would be banned shortly from an online forum. Although that could be easily handled by going to the forum through a proxy or TOR network.

    Maybe call in radio shows? Pro AA shows on blogtalkradio? I would think it would be important that this forum, OPF etc never be mentioned so we do not have the marietta situation occur again.

    We had a situation like that a couple of years ago with a call in show in florida regarding AA/NA and the use of a city park and issues with garbage, parking, assholes etc. A few of us called in and I think the host was a bit shocked.

    I continue to do this because I keep thinking about when I was going through my problems if ONE person would have stated anything negative about the AA faith or the recovery industry, things would have been quite different.

Then I agree with you DeCon - I'm always up for putting a few noses out of joint. I must admit though, in all honesty , that our foray into e-AA was just to create mischief... :evil:

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Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby DeConstructor » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:20 pm
mischief is not necessarily bad.

If looking at it from the standpoint that the AA organization operates in a 'recruit mode' actively discourages membership from reading critical information of the organization, claims NO responsibility for the complications caused by the misinformation they promote, and on and on and on.

They deserve some criticism. They should apologize and humbly ask for contrition for the bad things they have caused-such as the recovery industry.

I would not call it 'mischief' I would call it 'accountability'

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Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby btnben » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:27 pm

    DeConstructor wrote:mischief is not necessarily bad.

    If looking at it from the standpoint that the AA organization operates in a 'recruit mode' actively discourages membership from reading critical information of the organization, claims NO responsibility for the complications caused by the misinformation they promote, and on and on and on.

    They deserve some criticism. They should apologize and humbly ask for contrition for the bad things they have caused-such as the recovery industry.

    I would not call it 'mischief' I would call it 'accountability'

You've convinced me :D

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Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby massive » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:09 am
Decon I wish someone from here lived near me ...I want to do this is a live ftf meeting in west hollywood.

I went into "In The Rooms" OMG they were so EVIL!! they started posting about me my real name about my husband my kids.

I would call into a radio show and maybe I would join you
let me know if you do it.

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Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby kehsciences » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:20 am

    DeConstructor wrote:Could be some fun, and could change how a lot of people view the AA faith and recovery industry.

So could releasing a live tiger into a meeting. There's plenty of skepticism in the rooms and, really, trying to shake things up is another way of staying in AA. I go through spurts when I feel the same way before I realize I'm thinking about AA almost as much as people who are actually in the program. Which is weird.

This isn't to say that I don't understand the urge. I do. But this isn't Fight Club and there might be more to an alternative to approach to recovery than spending time trying to introduce critical thinking modes into the AA paradigm. It's not as if those guys are building an army. They're building a bunch of city-states of people who know how to brew big pots of coffee whilst spouting a hastily rewritten version of the Ten Commandments.

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Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby Dare031 » Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:35 am
No thanks, I'll pass on this invite. I applaud you for thinking about doing something like this, and I say fill your boots. Dissension is a powerful tool. I myself have no desire to do so. The thought of going to any 12 step meeting makes my skin crawl. I will come here and post my thoughts for any who care to read them. I honestly do not have the time, nor ambition to deal with serenity hornets. It is only the truly converted who stay, and they can keep their death cult. I will not devote my valuable time to wrestling AA wannabes and gurus. The internet is quickly becoming an encyclopedia for any who have a computer and reading ability. People can make up their own minds, and most do. Our Western society is rapidly discovering the true nature of wilsonism and its cronies. This is definitely due in part, to the efforts of those who are speaking in the public arena. I applaud their efforts. We all have a part to play if we so choose. Speaking on this website is my contribution to the cause.

The age of magical thinking is finally dying. Most civilized people have determined that their lives should be based on science, law, and medicine. Along with its death will go most of the religious cults of the world. It is only a matter of time and education. Secular societies are growing within every country. Some fast, others slowly. I could provide articles and papers regarding these facts, but this is not a university lecture or paper. It is just my opinion based on personal experience and topical research on my part. Feel free to Google the topic on your own.

Now that I am free, I have no time for AA and it's stinking dogma.
Blind respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. - Dr. Albert Einstein

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Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby rainbow » Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:51 am

    This isn't to say that I don't understand the urge. I do. But this isn't Fight Club ....

I hope this isn't what y'all call derailing. I have a question. Is Fight Club worth watching? I keep seeing folks referencing it. I haven't seen it yet, mainly because violence or scary movies give me nightmares. I still get creeped out when I think of Silence of the Lambs & Helter Skelter. :o

    mischief is not necessarily bad.

I agree. Mischief is fun sometimes. 8-) :twisted:

Re: Anyone up for visiting an online recovery forum?

Postby BB Kate » Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:10 am
releasing a live tiger into an AA meeting.... hmmmmm....
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