Author Topic: Eagle Quest of Nevada - living in unhealthy conditions  (Read 2306 times)

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Offline Oscar

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Eagle Quest of Nevada - living in unhealthy conditions
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:21:29 AM »
Found this on the Reform Talk blog: How Could You? Hall of Shame-Eagle Quest. This Eagle Quest operation has nothing to do with the Utah Eagle Quest operation which is on Fornits wiki.

State inspectors find foster children living in unhealthy conditions
By Cy Ryan, Las Vegas Sun, Oct. 17, 2011

A foster care home in Clark County, under the supervision of the non-profit Eagle Quest of Nevada, failed to meet the minimum safety and health standards for the six children living in the home, according to a legislative review.

The unannounced visit in March found unsecured flammable liquid, sharp knives, a dirty kitchen, overflowing garbage cans, filthy bathroom sinks with standing dirty water used by the foster children, non-nutritious foods and neither of the foster parents at home.

The children were removed almost immediately to another home.

This was the most serious condition found in surprise inspections by the legislative auditors of six governmental and private facilities for children. The report was presented to the Legislative Audit Subcommittee today.

Auditor Sandra McGuirk said Clark County was immediately notified of the conditions. Clark County officials said they immediately suspended their license.

Dave Doyle, director of operations for Eagle Quest, said he transferred the children to other homes and the nonprofit agency shut down the home. Eagle Quest recruits foster parents and has an average of 38 homes in which it places children.

The review said Eagle Quest "has not established a process to monitor foster parents to help ensure safe living conditions for youth."

Doyle said Eagle Quest was unaware of the unsanitary conditions and has since made changes. He said the mother, who was "the rock of the home‰"had been transferred to a hospital emergency room before the inspection.

Doyle also said significant changes have been made by Eagle Quest since the legislative review.

The report said Eagle Quest had a policy requiring periodic visits to examine the homes, but this home had not been inspected for six months. And it said the agency staff, when making these visits, "do not always enter or observe areas of the home other than an assigned meeting area."

In the six homes that were inspected statewide, the review said there was a lack of control over the medications to be administered to the youth. There was poor documentation and the children did not receive medications timely at three of the six facilities.

The review said there was missing evidence of physicians‚ orders at four of six facilities and missing medication administration records at four of six facilities.

Required background checks were not made at some of the facilities before hiring employee. In one case an employee continued working for two years after documents were received by the facility that the individual had a conviction for possession and trafficking of drugs.

The legislative report said it recommended in December 2010 that the facilities train workers in medication management. But by seven months later only 26 percent of the employees had received this training.

Sen. Sheila Leslie, D-Reno, and chairwoman of the audit subcommittee, said a bill was introduced in the 2011 Legislature to require this training. But she said it was watered down because of complaints by the operators that it was too expensive.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oscar

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Re: Eagle Quest of Nevada - living in unhealthy conditions
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2012, 05:30:28 AM »
We also found this pentision on

Eagle Quest of Nevada, Inc Las Vegas.: STOP Concealing Child Abuse

About this pentition

Eagle Quest of Nevada, Inc., failed to protect the medical  wellbeing of three female juveniles on a six week wilderness experience called the Hero's Journey, that cost taxpayers, $670 a day in Medicaid. The girls passed out from heat stroke and dehydration and EQ ordered staff to not treat the victims and covered it up, after abandoning the neglected youth in the desert for a day and a night with no provisons. water, cloths, medical care.

A mandatory reporter  immediately reported to Eagle Quest, but he was quickly fired.

In the past two weeks (Jan 30-Feb 16)  Eagle Quest, has maintained  that the medical abuse and abandonment of the girls never took place; EQ told the Nevada State Police. Nye County Sheriff's Dept and Las Vegas Metro Police, that the abuse never took place after Eagle Quest concealed the reporter'S  3-page incident report filed in the field.

Eagle Quest, is operating group homes and is recruiting foster parents while at the same time their concealing severe abuse issues.

Tell Eagle Quest, the Sheriff's and State Police, that protecting  foster youth through  mandatory reporters is state/federal law and that law enforcement must investigate.

Pentition letter:

Tell Nye Co Sheriff's & Las Vegas Metro Police: Child Abuse Bureau


I just signed the following petition addressed to: Eagle Quest of Nevada, Inc.: STOP Concealing Child Abuses.

Tell Nye Co Sheriff's & Las Vegas Metro Police: Child Abuse Bureau:Investigate
Eagle Quest of Nevada, Inc., failed to protect the medical wellbeing of three female juveniles on a six week wilderness experience called the Hero's Journey, that cost taxpayers, $670 a day in Medicaid. The girls passed out from heat stroke and dehydration and EQ ordered staff to not treat the victims and covered it up, after abandoning the neglected youth in the desert for a day and a night with no provisons. water, cloths, medical care.

A mandatory reported immediately reported to Eagle Quest, but he was quickly fired.

In the past two weeks (Jan 30-Feb 16) Eagle Quest, has maintained that the medical abuse and abandonment of the girls never took place; EQ told the Nevada State Police. Nye County Sheriff's Dept and Las Vegas Metro Police, that the abuse never took place after Eagle Quest concealed the staff 3-page incident report.

Eagle Quest, is operating group homes and is recruiting foster parents while at the same time their concealing severe abuse issues.

Tell Eagle Quest, the Sheriff's and State Police, that protecting foster youth through mandatory reporters is state/federal law and that law enforcement must investigate.



[Your name]

California Protective Parents Association
Cover ups and concealing abuse for the sake of preserving one's reputation at the expense of children is a travesty of justice and must not be tolerated!
Please sign this petition.

Jody B.
My son was in the hardy home in pahrump. The house was run by two gay men who had drinking, boyfriends staying the night, gay porn on tv, they un enrolled my 15 yr old from school where he sat at their house while the other kids went to school. My son is what you would call a guy guy and they would harrass him all day trying to get him to go off. And unfortunately our attorney believes there might be a even bigger problem that jacob hardy the supervisor of the hardy house caused and one day he will be brought to justice and have to face what he did. We reported it and they took it out on my son. Google "why was the eagle quest home in pahrump nv closed" scroll until you see 2011 legislative report-carson city auditor. Its 89 pages and worth reading. Maybe if theres enough of us saying stop eagle quest will go away they ruined my sons life. They took his youth away. What does a 15 yr old do without and education? So ya every body read the report. Lets stop this now and not let what happened to our kids happen to NOT ONE MORE KID EVER EVER AGAIN! JB

SleepingBear Bigrow
This is so wrong on every level.... Think of it this way, picture a child, helpless, lying on the floor bloody and beaten crying out, begging for the abuse to stop, but it does not because people like those mentioned in this petition cover it up, now picture that same child alone, cold, with no place to turn, no place to run, no one to protect them because the people in their lives that are supposed to protect them are the ones abusing that very child. Do you feel rage, anger, you imagine that child is yours.

Legislative Audit: LA12-08
This Oct. 2011, state audit showed a consistent lack of care, supervision and regulatory compliance. Why is Eagle Quest of Nevada, Inc., still operating? How much public funds would they have to defraud the state of Nevada from?

Nye County Concerned Parents
Don't drink the Eagle Quest Kool Aide; the entire operation is an elaborate financial scam to exploit youth and hire "white trash" foster parents that are expoitable.
Read Nevada Legislative Audit: LA12-08
Unfingerprintred drug trafficing convicted foster parents, syringes on the floor, garbage and cloths strewn through the houses, poor quality food, can't monitor goes on and on..unlicensed outdoor program.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »