Don't blame the kids. I've been teaching for 58 years, and like the Hitler Youth Corps, if you brain wash them long enough that achievement and ego satisfaction is what's life is all about, not deeper things like self-discovery and a life of purpose, then this is what you get.
An expert opinion
Joe confuses what goes on in discovery groups with "self-discovery," and a Hyde-ified life as being equivalent to "a life of purpose."
Like the Hitler Youth Corps, if you brainwash the kids long enough, not to mention their parents, they won't know the difference either.
This is something that Hyde School knows all too well, having diligently practiced it for well over four decades. Here's a recent
post to that effect, from another thread on fornits:
Hyde Graduate. Mr.Mcrann (former Headmaster) Bath Campus spoke at a my first summer challenge general meeting he stated " WE ARE GOING TO BRAINWASH YOU!"