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Dutch cure for homosexuality - cut the balls
« on: March 20, 2012, 03:43:46 PM »
We are about to create a record of the former boarding school Harreveld, which used to be managed by a former prime minister and the Catholic church based on the article below:

Dutch Roman Catholic Church 'castrated at least 10 boys'
The Telegraph, 20 March 2012

Dutch Roman Catholic Church 'castrated at least 10 boys'
At least 10 teenage boys or young men under the age of 21 were surgically castrated "to get rid of homosexuality" while in the care of the Dutch Roman Catholic Church in the 1950s.

Evidence of the castrations has emerged amid controversy that it was not included in the findings of an official investigation into sexual abuse within the church last year.
The NRC Handelsblad newspaper identified Henk Heithuis who was castrated in 1956, while a minor, after reporting priests to the police for abusing him in a Catholic boarding home.

Joep Dohmen, the investigative journalist who uncovered the Heithuis case, also found evidence of at least nine other castrations. "These cases are anonymous and can no longer be traced," he said. "There will be many more. But the question is whether those boys, now old men, will want to tell their story."

Mr Heithuis died in a car crash in 1958, two years after being castrated at the age of 20, while under the age of majority, which was then 21.

Two clergymen were convicted of abuse but Mr Heithuis, a victim, was nonetheless transferred by police to a Catholic psychiatric hospital before being admitted to the St.

Joseph Hospital in Veghel later that year.There, court papers confirm, he was castrated "at his own request", despite no submission of his written consent. Sources told Mr Dohmen that the surgical removal of testicles was regarded as a treatment for homosexuality and also as a punishment for those who accused clergy of sexual abuse.

Cornelius Rogge, 79, a well-known Dutch sculptor whose family knew Mr Heithuis in the 1950s, reported the castration to an official inquiry into abuse within the Catholic Church. But his evidence was ignored.

"We once asked Henk to drop his pants when the women were gone. He did that. He was maimed totally. It was a huge shock," he said.

Last December, an official investigation by Wim Deetman, a former Dutch minister, received 1,800 reports of sexual abuse by clergy or volunteers within Dutch Catholic dioceses in the period since 1945.

The Deetman inquiry received a report of the Heithuis case from Mr Rogge but it was not followed up because "there were few leads for further research".

Evidence emerged on Monday that government inspectors were aware that minors were being castrated while in Catholic-run psychiatric institutions.

Minutes of meetings held in the 1950s show that inspectors were present when castrations were discussed. The documents also reveal that the Catholic staff did not think parents needed to be involved.

There are also allegations that Vic Marijnen, a former Dutch Prime Minister, who died in 1975, was linked to the case.

In 1956, Mr Marijnen was the chairman of the Gelderland children's home where Mr Heithuis and other children were abused. He intervened to have prison sentences dropped against several priests convicted of abusing children.

Dutch MPs will today call for a parliamentary investigation into the allegations.

"I am shocked that boys were being castrated in the 1950s," said Khadija Arib, a Labour MP. "I want an independent investigation. We must find out how many cases there were, who knew about it and why the government did not act."

In 1956 he had accused Catholic clergy of sexually abusing him in his Church run care home.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Dutch cure for homosexuality - cut the balls
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 03:12:21 AM »
I work in he Chemical Engineering Construction
Company.(Construction Department, Inspection Section).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Reddit TroubledTeens

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Re: Dutch cure for homosexuality - cut the balls
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2012, 02:48:08 PM » ... 0_prie.php

Commission identifies 800 priests, monks who abused children

Friday 16 December 2011

At least 800 Roman Catholic priests and monks were involved in abusing children in their care between 1945 and 1985, according to a comprehensive report into the church sexual abuse scandal published on Friday.

In addition, church officials, bishops and lay people were aware of what was going on but failed to take action to protect children, the commission, lead by former Christian Democratic party chairman Wim Deetman, said.

The commission was set up by the Catholic church in March 2010 after the sexual abuse scandal broke in the Netherlands and hundreds of victims came forward. Over 2,000 people have now registered their abuse with the authorities and a number of cases will be taken to court.

The 1,100-page report aims to establish the size of the scandal, the consequences of the church's silence and make recommendations for dealing with abuse in the past and in the future.


In its report, the commission says it has identified at least 800 priests, monks and other members of religious orders who were involved in abuse, of whom 105 are still alive. The commission did not say how many of them are still working for the church.

'To prevent scandals, nothing was done: [the abuse was] not acknowledged, there was no help, compensation or aftercare for the victims,' the report says. There was a policy of 'not hanging out the dirty washing,' Deetman told a news conference on Friday morning.

There is a 'cultural silence', Deetman said. There were rules for dealing with abuse and in some places they were enacted. The claim that church officials did not know what was going on does not hold water, Deetman said.


In total, several tens of thousands of children were faced with unwanted sexual contact from church officials between 1945 and 1985, Deetman said.

A survey by the commission shows that one in 10 people who were children during that period had to deal with abuse or potential abuse, but within church institutions the figure was one in five, the report said.

However, there is no difference between abuse within church and other institutions, the report shows.

Another commission, lead by senior justice ministry official Rieke Samson-Geerlings, is looking into the role of social services in placing children in institutions and foster homes where they were open to abuse.


While there is no scientific proof of a link between Catholic church celibacy rules and the sexual abuse of children, according to church records, some of the instances of abuse could be described as 'out of sexual need', Deetman said.

'We do not consider it impossible that a number of cases would not have happened if celibacy was voluntary,' he told the news conference.

In November, bishops and church officials voted in favour of giving compensation to hundreds of victims of sexual abuse. The total bill for the church could be as high as €5m.

In a statement later on Friday, Catholic bishops said they were shocked and shamed by the report.

Photo: Novum/Bart Maat

Earlier stories
Catholic church knew of the abuse for decades
Church agrees to compensation sexual abuse victims
Catholic church admits abuse, prepares compensation
Dutch Salesian church sacked for paedophilia comments
Bishop says sexual abuse was not an issue until 1990s
Church abuse: commission calls for better registration
Catholic priest was member of paedophile promotion group
Church abuse: 'Wir haben es nicht gewusst'
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Reddit TroubledTeens

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Re: Dutch cure for homosexuality - cut the balls
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2012, 02:52:47 PM »
Comments for above article:

"While there is no scientific proof of a link between Catholic church celibacy rules and the sexual abuse of children"

However, is there any statistical proof that sexual deviants are drawn to the church? Is there a higher fraction of deviants within the church than within society at large?

It's a shame that these criminals won't face prosecution, like they should. I have no faith in afterlife karmal retribution.


"as high as €5m"? Are you kidding me?! Been to the Vatican lately? It should be as high as €5bn.


The sad part is that these abuses by priest and monks still continue behind closed doors. To prevent scandals and public scrutiny still 'Nothing is done by not hanging out the dirty washing.' Compensation doesn't always fix the years of psychological and physical abuse done to these young children. Hard to believe any Catholic bishops, priests, or monks being shocked by news of the sexual abuse they were aware of and hiding for decades. Ashamed - they well should be -hiding such child abuse in the house (church) of God. Nothing will change until they correct the mistakes they’ve consciously ignored for years.


Shame-yes, They should be ashamed. Sorrow? Sorrow for knowing the truth for years and hoping it will somehow magically disappear or regretting that the truth behind hundreds of sexual abuses were made public causing a church scandal that they've hidden so well for so long. I'd think it was the latter.


Now that they have identified 800 priests and monks, when are they going to be arrested as they should be?


Face facts: the church has been protected by the government for years. As soon as this scandal has died down, more palms will be crossed with silver again, and the disgusting underage sex will continue until the next scandal occurs in the media!! right?


Catholics don't worship and follow God, which is too difficult. They worship bishops, who lead them by committing the most cowardly, deviant, reprehensible crime. Catholics then compare themselves to these "false idols" and think, "I'm not as bad as these bishops, so I must be going to heaven if they are".

God wants you to follow God and throw these false idols out of the church.


Justice won't be done until they receive the penalty they deserve for their crimes. Otherwise, its just news that will soon be forgotten except for the victims who suffered the abuse for years in silence. Serve justice for the victims and not let these 800 priests, monks go free without any penalty for raping innocent children in their care.


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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Reddit TroubledTeens

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Re: Dutch cure for homosexuality - cut the balls
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2012, 03:01:01 PM »
This is a really great, inspirational story on how one man brought the Dutch castration story to the world. The headline credits the journalists, who were wonderful to recognize it and pick it up, but really it was the dedication of one man, Cornelius Rogge, who worked for 50 years to get the world to pay attention. Now it is international news, all of his efforts have finally come to fruition. ... story.html

Dutch Castration Scandal: How Journalists Broke the Story

Mar 22, 2012 8:32 AM EDT
Robert Chesal on how Joep Dohmen uncovered the Dutch castration scandal.

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For fifty years, Cornelius Rogge tried to tell the world this story. “People thought I was crazy,” he says. It was a story about a man he once knew who had been sexually abused by a Roman Catholic brother—and who was then castrated, when he dared to report the crime.

Rogge tried to tell journalists about it, but no one would listen. In 2010, he wrote his story in a letter to Wim Deetman, chairman of the commission that investigated sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic church in the Netherlands. Still no action.

Then he contacted Joep Dohmen, a journalist from the Rotterdam-based newspaper NRC Handelsblad, the colleague who I worked with to break the story of Dutch church sex abuse back in 2010. Dohmen and I, working for our respective media but sharing information, uncovered a series of scandals in boarding schools and parishes that led hundreds of abuse victims to step forward and tell their story. Our work led the Dutch bishops to install a commission of inquiry that completed its work last December. When Rogge called Dohmen, that’s when things finally started to move.

Over the phone, Rogge told Dohmen how he had met Henk Heithuis when the young man arrived, extremely ill, at his mother Thea’s home in Amsterdam in 1957. He’d never forgotten the stories Henk told of sexual abuse he suffered in the care facilities where he grew up. Especially the story about abuse by a monk named Gregorius, the brother superior at Harreveld, the Roman Catholic boarding school where Henk lived from 1950 to 1953.

Henk said the monks there preyed on the boys,” Rogge told Dohmen. “When he was seventeen he became the brother superior’s plaything. Henk compared the place to a bordello. We could hardly believe our ears.”

[caption] Cardinal Sean Brady (L) holds a candle as he takes part at the Mass for the “Penitential Vigil” in the St. Ignatius Church during “Towards Healing and Renewal”, symposium for Catholic bishops on February 7, 2012., Andreas Solaro / Getty Images

Rogge, a 79-year-old sculptor living in a converted farmhouse near the Dutch city of Zutphen, showed me a stack of letters from the 1950s. Some were in his own hand; others were from his brother, their deceased mother, and their friend, Henk Heithuis. Rogge and his older brother Ysbrand had kept the letters because the story they documented was so astounding. And sitting at Rogge’s dining room table, the sheer madness of this story began to sink in. “If this is true,” I thought, “then the world is crazier than I imagined.”

In 1956, Henk, then 20-years-old and legally a minor, reported the clerical abuse to the police. Hearing about the abuse, the police treated him as if he were insane, bringing him to a Roman Catholic psychiatric hospital where he was involuntarily committed. People there told detectives Henk was “a homosexual, untrustworthy, a liar and mentally disturbed.”

One month later, at St. Josephs hospital in the southern Dutch town of Veghel, Henk was surgically castrated or “eugenized,” as the hospital records put it, using a term previously attributed to the Nazi program of systematically sterilizing the mentally and physically handicapped.

In one of his letters, Henk wrote about how he was “maimed.” The surgeon, he told Rogge, played records to calm the other boys who were in the hallway, waiting to undergo the same procedure.

“I didn’t believe him,” Rogge said. But when Henk took off his pants to show him, he was shocked to see the truth. “When he undressed I saw that, indeed, there was nothing left there where his testicles used be. It blew us away to see that this was not a joke. He was mutilated.”

    “Henk said the monks there preyed on the boys,” Rogge told Dohmen. “When he was seventeen he became the brother superior’s plaything.”

In a series of articles for his paper, Dohmen reconstructed how Henk tried to get his life back on track after his discharge from St. Josephs. In April 1957, with nowhere to live, Henk joined the crew of a Dutch cargo ship headed for Indonesia. But on board, his body swelled up grotesquely and he had wild mood swings caused by the hormonal imbalance following his castration. When the ship docked in Kobe, Japan, Henk went ashore and sought help.

With the help of the Dutch consul there, he found Ysbrand Rogge, Cornelius’s brother. Ysbrand, a merchant banker in Kobe, arranged for Henk to fly home to Amsterdam by KLM jet, and he ensured that his mother Thea would be waiting for Henk when he got there. Thea took him in and got him medical help.

Thea Rogge wrote in one of the letters her son kept that the lawyers and doctor who’d helped Henk had found nine more cases—another nine boys who’d been castrated in similar circumstances. Dohmen found documents that show that there were more castrations, and he knows the identity of at least one more person, but suspects there could be many more.

Using Thea Rogge’s letters, Dohmen traced the rest of Henk’s story. He discovered that Henk, once nursed back to health, had moved out of her house and found a place of his own.

Lawyers acting for Henk had filed suit against the psychiatric institution and the child welfare board that approved the minor’s involuntary commitment and castration, demanding 150,000 guilders or about $100,000, at the time, in damages.

A few weeks after Henk reported brother superior Gregorius to the police, Gregorius was spirited out of Harreveld boarding school. Records in the Dutch state attorney’s office reveal that he was never prosecuted, for “lack of evidence.” His congregation quickly moved him to New Glasgow, in Nova Scotia, where he helped set up a home for the mentally handicapped and worked for many years, according to a Dutch newspaper.

Gregorious, whose given name was Gregory van Buuren, died in 1993 of natural causes, at the retirement home of his congregation in the Netherlands.

In a letter dating from 1957, Henk wrote that it was his duty “to convince those who decide on the law that this was a crime which can in no way be compensated, but for which society will have to take full responsibility.”

But Henk would never get to see justice done. He died in a car accident on October 25, 1958. The following day, when Cornelius Rogge went to Henk’s flat to pick up his clothing, he was told a policeman had already been there. Henk’s personal documents, including those about the castration lawsuit, were gone.

In his research, Dohmen found evidence of extensive sexual abuse at Harreveld boarding school, and several monks were later convicted. He also found that Vic Marijnen, the chairman of the board at Harreveld boarding school, who later served as Dutch prime minister, had written a letter to the Dutch queen, requesting a pardon for those convicted of abuse at his school.

Both this, and the information about castrations, was known to the Deetman Commission that investigated church sex abuse in the Netherlands. But neither matter was mentioned in the lengthy Deetman report published in December.

Although his story has now finally come to light, Henk is still awaiting justice.

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Robert Chesal is an American journalist who works for Radio Netherlands Worldwide. In 2010, he and Joep Dohmen were awarded three prizes for their joint investigative reporting, including the distinction Journalists of the Year. Dohmen also wrote Vrome Zondaars (Pious Sinners), based on years of research into sexual abuse in the Dutch Roman Catholic church.

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »